ETH slowly rising again

Should I sell to make a $2 profit or hold, is ETH really a meme? I need words of wisdom here guys

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Ethereum is actually incredible stable for a crypto, considering it's next to useless atm

Im glad i listened to the shills back in feburary

Keep your eth user

Its a good crypto

don't risk it on the 23rd of April or tonight at 10pm.pst it will soar

I'm going to be pissed if I start reading shit about 10pm all day now. Don't you know anything said on biz becomes the greatest rumor ever told..

Hold it atleast until the "big" announcement.

When is this "big" announcement?

t. shill redditter

should I buy some of this crypto? What will happen on the 23rd?

EEA announcements on the 24th and 26th

look up raiden, metropolis, and casper and ask yourself that question again. the rocket isn't even on the launch pad yet.

>tfw you may actually be ahead of the game on massive money all thanks to autistic kids on Veeky Forums

I'll never make fun of autism again.

there was really no sure fire winners since ETH came around. I've been here since the beginning of the first big alt coin boom. people have always shilled here, some coins harder than others, but you would have lost more than you'd have gained if you listened to everything Veeky Forums said. we are in a unique time my friend. the 2nd wave of alt coins with ETH leading the pack. and if bitcoin doesn't fork, they will become the alt coin. you'll want to be holding ETH when that happens.

Always bet on the autist

Bill Gates was a massive beta loser, and he's now the richest man in the world

Autists changes the world, normiefags just tries to take credit for it, like steve jobs

Lol you may have that the other way around, friendo. xerox had it, marketing execs didn't see the potential. jobs brought his team into xerox based on their poor decision, and made a similar software. then gates made a similar software to apple. apple is still shit tho.

hold you dumb cunt. 2$ profit? wtf is wrong with you?

so hold it til the 23rd?

Nothing is happening on the 23rd. These shills cause shit to pump, dump, and then whales clamp down and lock it up for weeks. You fucks will never let this ship take off naturally when you do this.

Shhhhhhhh we have a nice, healthy influx of newfags today and I want their money. stfu

24th and 26th are the next EEA announcements
All joining ethereum.


nothing is concrete, but signs are pointing to the big players coming in. Others are:


Is this the best crypto? How mich of it you people hold?

I have 30. Would certainly have more if I could afford it.

I'm an original investor. I don't like to talk about how much I have. I have turned some of my friends into almost millionaires. If you understood everything you would be buying now.

Household names. What signs have you seen?

Easily, I hold about 100 eth, but it's steady and reliable growth. It's not a pump and dump scheme like the rest of the coins on this board.

Also worth checking out Golem GNT. It's up 20% since yesterday and is INCREDIBLY undervalued. I hold about 6000 of those.

I'm also a big holder of Golem. It's our AI play in the space. This could be huge.

One of the developers said the next announcement of companies joing the Ethereum Alliance contained the 'who's who' of the world. As if Microsoft, JP Morgan, Intel were all small time fish.

Also a redditor discovered strings containing those company names in a few smart contracts on the ethereum network, leading to those companies being rumored to join. It also included a couple other big companies.

search /r/ethtrader and you can find it.

at 47:00 the eea slide comes up, calls it the tip of the iceberg and 250 more have joined

at 55:45 the whos who of planet earth are joining

I would note the guy works for consensys, which are an ethereum consultant group that owns a lot of ethereum

I did a great job here,

how do you know about the date this will be announced?

would it be logical to try to sell ETH when it fluctuates? i've noticed that it fluctuates between ~$3. so for example right around where it is now is where it usually peaks before it goes back down to ~$47. if i sell all of my ETH at this price and then buy back in when it fluctuates back down, i would gain more ETH.

any flaws with this system? i plan on staying with ETH for the very long term so i would like to aquire more, but i think this may be too greedy of me

I wouldn't risk it desu. A lot of big boys are looking at Ethereum right now. It could moon literally anyday and we're also getting closer to the may announcement.

too greedy, don't fuck with it and end up like these day trader memes blowing their investments up before they really even get going

I've doubled my ETH doing this on the big pumps.I bough 350 sub $14 and now have 703.67519. I have not invested a single additional dollar out of pocket since getting in 3 months ago.

Granted most of this came when ETH peaked around $57 on GDAX and ducked back down to $33 - sold and bought at the right times on total luck/gut feel. Few other times when it's gone low $50s and dumped into the mid $40s.

I've taken 20-30 ETH losses in doing this quite a few times because I panicked thinking I was missing the moon mission.

Do at your own risk, but if you develop a quick finger you could short your stash in the end.

>made 1000%+ gains on my savings just because I saw some dude talking about ethereum on /g/ over a year ago

thanks for your advice. i will not fuck around with it and ill just play it safe and be happy with what i have. thank you

>tfw have to provide all my personal info to Kr*ken to buy ETH

so you just got very lucky then? what made you realize that it was a good idea to sell at $57? what made you think it wouldnt go higher?

I was watching that too and it just shot straight up, was tempting but I didn't make any trades, still easy enough to lose out on those pumps

>unironically selling your soul for internet fairy dust
>yfw your info goes straight to the Rothchilds
Enjoy burning in hell you damn satanic child molesting baby killer.

Yeah I've got a little on, the concept is quite striking, I struggle to reason moving more over from the broader ETH though

fugg should I pour 250 euro into this to buy 5 meme coins? It's about 1/45th of my total savings

Posw my nigga

Better roi

sounds sensible

If you wanna get buttfucked by satan and his minions on a daily basis in hell for eternity, sure go ahead.

what percent of your saving do you have in eth?

and how have you come to this conclusion?

Strictly speaking none, but single digit % of the business is in crypto and about 1/3 of that on ETH, I see it as ultra high risk but too much upside not to have a bit of a go

Ethereum is being controlled by the globalists.

see pic
Do you think the average joe shitcoin can shill itself in tv-shows like Ethereum is doing?
It's pretty obvious that the elite is pushing for this. I don't know what their goal is, but since their favorite activities revolves around raping and killing newborn babies and performing satanic sacrificial blood rituals it's safe to say that Ethereum = demon shit that will destroy humanity as we know it.

that vitalik guy literally looks like a random russian from a Muhrosransk in Siberia

>inb4 russian jew

>Ethereum is being controlled by the globalists.

does that mean that if i use USD i will also be going to hell?

sometime in Q2 2017. Probably May.

Not really mate. He was an angry but super motivated nerd, kind of like the one of the main characters from The Big Short whose brother suicided. If you watch his reaaaally old interviews and read about him doing shit like speeding in his Ferrari you'll know what I mean


I have $3k in eth, and another ~$1500 in etheroll tokens.

My total liquid net worth is around $165k. Total liquid + nonliquid is north of $220k.

So I have about 1.5% of my total net worth in eth or eth derivatives.

Correction: 1.5% of my liquid net worth in eth, another 1% in eth derivatives.

how old are you?

reee that's a lot
pls gib some monis
t. Eastern Europe

you should put more. I've made more on ethereum then your entire assets x3...hell I did that last year

Why did you sell if you expect ETH to continue performing?