euphoria edition
old thread:
euphoria edition
old thread:
I wouldn't pull out 2bh.
xth for my wife Syndra
Best guy!
Santa Draven!
I want a nigga to fuck my wife Ahri!
To the guy from the last thread talking about Vi. Here are my runes. I was debating Sorcery second tree for Ult hat and the River MS boost rune
>tfw no qt petite gf
How did things go so right?
When's the porn?
>no Chroma's for Carbon Black or Futuristic White
>stuck with shitty purple
>still no swarm champ
Santa isnt real
Neither is Draven
how long before Predator gets outted for being OP and gets nerfed
Oh really? do you wait for hours so that she can effectively finding a hiding space and then lay eggs, so that you can go over and dust them with your seed in the most unsexy way possible
Can I get a quick rundown of all the changes in the last 6 months?
Why is the Project Vayne skin worth more RP than the Vi or Jhin ones?
I'm in love with Sona.
I love her confidence, and her puns, and her elegance, and her beauty. I love her music and her fashion. I love everything about her. I want to make her happy and help her fulfill her dreams in life.
Who do you love user? Why do you love them?
I love my boyfriend because he is cute and loves me too
How is this league related
it has a new voiceover, new animations for taunt/joke/laugh etc and more special effects compared to others
>get back to leagues after a month and a half break
>autofilled jungle decide to play Jarvan IV
>go tanky bruiser build
>still delete people with my full combos
Why is everyone doing so much damage right now.
>Predator Hecarim Es and Ghosts at me
>literally one shots me
the new system removed armor runes
The one that I love is in love with Sona too, user. She even goes to her home for some "bonding" time almost everyday. You're okay with that, right?
I'm on a 10 game losing streak. Going to go to bed and come back tomorrow night. Who should my slump-buster champ be?
No one has armor or MR from runes anymore so now squishies are extra squishy and people with high base damage or early game Armor pen or Mpen are really good
Wait until a blue Kayn fists you
Leave Zoe to me
I don't understand, I haven't played since spring and don't understand any of the items or rune changes
no armor or mr runes mean squishies are really squishy. also the damage keystones are overpowered. electrocute does way more damage than thunderlords and press the attack is op
>Jinx letting you pull out
>enemy jungler with Kleptomancy
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
play support miss fortune
Well all adcs and melees got their armor upped by 8-9 which was pretty much the standard from runes.
what do you think she would do if you tried to pull out? those skinny little legs aren't going to be able to leglock anyone. Would she put a gun to your head and force you to cum inside?
>Implying those little stick legs could hold me in
Lucky for her I have no intention of cumming anything less than balls-deep.
>Jinx not being surprisingly strong for her size and able to leglock you anyway
I am so damm fucking sick of ranged tops, I am sick of press the attack and losing a third of my health for daring to try to last hit one minion.
From now on I'm never fucking taking grasp, starting doran's shield and stacking rejuv beads early.
>support MF still gets played more than half as much as ADC MF even though there's a 15% WR difference
are people this retarded?
>want to buy a champion
>don't have enough BE
>luckily, get the champion shard I want
>still don't have enough BE since I'm saving the shard from this level for the champion
>have to level up again to MAYBE get enough BE the next level to buy it
This system is actually retarded and whoever thought it up should be castrated.
>get into champ select norms because I have a throbbing headache and don't want to take that shit into ranked
>someone dodges
>get first pick top
>Oh fuck what do I play
>lock in illaoi having not played her before
>enemy top laner picks malphite
>proceed to shit on him
>get an S-
>the chest was a shitty nocturne champ shard
Kelptomancy is also silly. I had so much gold I had no idea what to do with.
Would you do her ass after you cum balls-deep into her womb?
>skinny but scrappy
don't expect hitting to work either
its honestly kind of bizzare it sees play at all. it only ever saw play as a very specific counterpick to a very specific champion in a very specific meta and it had to be paired with ashe or varus.
ERP and RP should be bannable.
Essence on level up isn't random, each level gives everyone the same amount, the random part is which champ.
exactly, if you're not facing zyra/malz then it's pretty much a troll pick like any other ADC played in "support"
xth for Tyler proving that Riots LCS is pure shit
>no one wants to watch a 3-game series that has single digit kills in all 3 games combined
who'd have thought
Not going to lie if LCS was like the 1-21 game all the time I would watch it shit was hype
>clownfiestas are more entertaining to watch than organized teams playing
Wow, such a discovery.
That's no excuse. Dota has organized teams playing in their version of worlds and the games have significantly more action. LoL just gives people way too many opportunity to play safe and take no risks
I thought twitch works with riot to keep permabanned people off? Or was that just XJ9?
Speaking of why the fuck did anybody side with XJ9?
>some levels I get 810
>other levels get 1260
>thinking anything you typed is in any way related to what I originally mentioned
The fuck?
Well its a good thing all assassins all got an improved TL and bonus MP/ArmP when they dash to counter balance that :)
Each level has a predetermined essence value.
tfw I've never got an S rating yet
I fucking suck bros
In game, sure
maybe but I like the idea of her at first struggling with all her might with her cute little legs to lock you down only to fail and then pull out a gun and tell you to cum inside her or else
if you cs in a completely retarded way and ignore teamfights and objectives you will get an s.
because LoL offers counterplay to basically everything in-game as long as you're even/ahead
make of this what you will
nigga she has like 6 lines and is basic af in general wtf
What if she uses her pussy muscles to stop you from pulling out when her legs don't work?
>no pentakills in my first 2 years of playing (besides a meme ARURF one)
>get 2 ranked pentakills in the last 2 weeks
so this is the power of preseason
who's canonically bigger?
>do the first mission in one of the 3 things
>play our new meme mode and kill 5 things
>do it, don't really like the mode and never want to play it again
>progress the mission
>"play our mode again, and this time you might not only need one game to complete this!"
now that's pretty hot. imagine she relaxes her legs and you try to pull out but then she flashes that crazy smile and you suddenly realize you can't get your dick out of her
Imagine the crazy evil look on her face as you try to move inside her and can't budge an inch
and then she whispers in your ear "you're mine forever"
>tfw dusting off my Team Liquid jersey
Her favorite part would be that you can't pull out, but you can't move to make yourself cum faster. You're completely at her mercy
>Vayne in every game now
Please make it stop
Kleptomancy is also a lategame rune .
the the way it works is the drops adapt depending on game time so later game you get useful shit like adaptive pots/Elixers
people look at Klepto in the early game gold genration vaccum and completely forget it actually has lategame relevance with the ability to randomly grant people random buffs over the course of a fight
so is eve really that garbage now?
no, she's kind of just a shit AP version of Kha
when I say shit I mean really shit, but she has an aoe execute so whatever
I concur
ban her?
>don't play blind pick
>ban her
what's the problem?
Problem with Eve is that a lot of people playing her fucking suck, like instant popping her charm, ulting in the wrong directions and not contemplating it as an escape or gap closer ever.
Vi and Jinx would have been better if Vi was the one with the flat chest and Jinx was busty
making more money streaming the initial rounds of TCS than anybody in that tournament will make in their entire life
the secret? ward more
instant popping her W is the correct play
I am talking about entertainment his one man show between the games was, with memes and shit.
Riot can't ever do something like that as it would be forced and awkward as fuck but the whole professionalism, uptight suits shit that Phreak is forcing is tiring and boring.
One manlet streamer has more charisma than all of Riot casters combined.
>mfw I got S playing Fiddlesticks for the first time
I don't know even know why it was S, my CS was shit and I didn't even buy wards
So not ever proccing the charm then.
I've had eves that had a CC score under 10 in the stats.
Why is Tristana the only yordle girl that doesn't wear shoes when she's handling fire and explosives constantly?
When did they add emotes to the hextech boxes... I finally got enough key frags for a key and I get just a shitty emote and nothing else. Couldn't even disenchant it
old Eve kit was so braindead and auto pilot while requiring no thought. It was as easy as popping outta stealth, smashing W for a free highlander then using E to do a gorillion damage and then running away.
nuEve has an actual playstyle and requires patience along with a bit of actual finesse to pull off which people are'nt used to so instead they bitch about MUH GAPCLOSER!! (even though a perma stealthed character shouldnt really need one) or MUH CHARM COOK TIME ( even though by the time they get the warning arrow pointing to your direction it should already be too late AND the ability also fuctions as a 60% slow in a pinch)
new Eve is VERY good if not downright broken sometimes (Her scaling is actually disgusting). the reward for learning to play her is that you get a Tank-killing AP assassin who perma pressures the map making split pushing next to impossible
what's the default key for a "There's enemy vision here" ping? i've never done it before
there isn't one you have to set it.
the charm is noob trap
doesn't last nearly long enough for the trouble to get it off
a slow if good enough to kill
are you on na??
Will we ever see a full band skin set for Amumu's emo band?