/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

One-shot edition edition

Has 50VIT but still gets one-shot >New players read this then unplug your modem and finish the story mode offline:

>/bbg/'s resources, builds & mechanics guide:

-Guide to unlock FRC chalices for spelunks & fight clubs: i.imgur.com/KgVUkyd.jpg
-Gem farming, lost/uncanny weapons, and runes spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syKnSKflHbFiGY4pXkfIeXoMa2Lp9X1aXyme2qaTen4
-2nd gem farming link: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9enxffA3dyKGu6IVg-P4IVgmKSUYSP9UOOiThHmPIU
-How to summon/invade in a chalice: pastebin.com/mjRU01XK
-SFRCs & FDs: i.imgur.com/VYCoLt1.png

>PVE & PVP - Spelunking/sinister chalices:
-Spelunks happen. Join em. Leave bell-ringing women alone for invaders.
-Sinister chalice race on Friday at 6pmET/11pmUTC (if enough show, spelunks otherwise)
-Race rules & signup: docs.google.com/document/d/1PIWNIOpp2j3Hc7XJBZu_1yEYKAEIXxHEXiY0--sykqw

>PVP - Fight club (Every Saturday 6pmET/11pmUTC plus impromptus whenever):
-Rules: i.imgur.com/Gdug4h6.png
-Pthumeru: n6rc9jh8
-Loran: jjpkdcgd
-Isz: 9v8qndas

>Build planner:

>AR calculations:

Other urls found in this thread:



So what's this talk about the end of spelunking?
What happened? Haven't been here in a month or so

From what I gathered, a new enemy was found? How is that in any way negative?

can you roll through frenzy damage??? was this patched?!


Chalices aren't random and bitches are overreacting.
Zullie found out that the seed of a dungeon and it's glyph are two different things, so when you make a glyph you're just pulling a pre made dungeon out. That's why some anons have seen very familiar layouts in different glyphs but that's not all, if Zullie is right, enemy placements, chests and it's possible loot are also pre estabilished. So that means that the 2200 combinations of layouts have already been explored by some random players and nothing new was found.
We are trying to organize the biggest spelunk of all time and catalog every single one of the 2200 dungeons to see if everything that needs to be found was seen.

That reminds me, didn't that Kazin guy said something similar around April this year? About dungeons not being random.

Purge this

>We are trying to organize the biggest spelunk of all time and catalog every single one of the 2200 dungeons to see if everything that needs to be found was seen.

Count me in if this happens between 24th dec and 7th jan

>tfw no gf with eyes on the inside

We are still at the drawning board figuring out how to do it, some people suggested asking help to the discord and reddit but we can barely make a simple sinister race happen so that's not conclusive. Either way, it would take months to properly write down the dungeon layouts.

Is this the end of bbg as we know it

why is yamamura white?

he's asian

>fighting ludwig
>mastered phase 1, know how to dodge attacks, get hits in/rally appropriately
>phase 2
>rolling rolling rolling like an idiot then hitting his butt
>win but unsatisfied

how do I win in a cinematic way against Ludwig phase 2?

We don't even have to write down layouts. We do need a bunch of people who have the save editor and are willing to systematically create chalices in order from 1a-100a and 1b-100b, then note anything noteworthy about the seed. We only need to do this for the depth 4s and 5s, so that cuts it down from 2200 to like 1000? not sure on how we even got the 2200 number 2bh.

his character model is white looking, and his va is british

>asking help to the discord and reddit
Dire times call for dire measures, I guess

He enters a visceral state at 5% hp, so its pretty certain to end in a cinematic way

Timeline of events

> save editor found to be able to somewhat manipulate Chalices (thanks Zullie)
> create some Sinister Foetid Rotted Cursed dungeons for fun
> fuck with entry requirements to allow Uncanny Burial Blade, Uncanny/Lost Wheel and Lost Chikage right after you get first Chalice
> SFRC dungeons spread to reddit via random invaders being summoned
> completly unrelated an enemy was found in a Depth 4 Root that hasn't been officially seen since a pre-release trailer
> Chalice enthusiasm reienasiance, people start sperlunking Depth 4's and Sinister glyphs trying to find stuff that won't appear in Depth 5 FRC's
> about a week of this
> then Zullie drops more knowledge: Chalices are way less random than we thought. Only 2200 variations total. There's 200 Isz, Lower Loran, Ihyll and Ailing Loran dungeons (as well as sinister versions of those). While every other Root Chalice has 100 outcomes.

Everyone gets depressed because if you've been playing for a while you've probably seen a double digits % of possible Isz, Loran and Ihyll dungeons. There is highly likely only one instance of "ultra rare" things like the Flaming Weapon Undead Giant. Entire sense of "this is rare" is now replaced with "this happens x number of times". It's also likely that there stuff that would theoretically be possible, but just doesn't occur. Abhorrant Beast was found in Sinister Ihyll. Once. Could maybe also appear in Isz, but there's only 400 chances.

So we collectively frenzied.

But now, we can document all those Chalices scientifically, if we want.

Anybody up to something? impromtu, spelunk, coop?

Something that I came across while going over all of this was the fact that (not 100% sure on this) every root chalice has a layer 4, but only rarely gives us access to it.

>if you've been playing for a while you've probably seen a double digits % of possible Isz, Loran and Ihyll dungeons

So while this is true, we may have an unexplored frontier of layer 4s that could have some extra kino shit in em

i'd go for a spelunk or some fights

People on Reddit want to document all the Chalices as well.

I say we give them Ihyll (or whatever) whilst we focus on Isz (or whatever). Generate a bunch at a time and have people clear them out and report.

In an ideal world we'd have saved videos of running through them. But that's probably way too complex to do as a community.

There are typos, there are misspellings and then there's this

Let's spar then. I'll met you in Loran.
Impromptu in Loran, ladies and gentlemen

I like this idea. But who will bring it up officially? An event as big as return to X?

i healed right after i bbulleted right? sorry

it's alright, happens

Meadows, is that you?

actually i did that agaisnt him heh

Jesus christ. Played a braindead pvp of ds3 for a few hours and cannot collect myself after. Shamefur dispray

>not sure on how we even got the 2200 number 2bh.
100 Pthumeru Root
100 Central Pthu Root
100 Lower Pthu Root
100 Sinister Lower Pthu Root
100 Cursed and Defiled Root
200 Pthu Ihyll Root
200 Sinister Pthu Ihyll Root
100 Hintertomb Root
100 Lower Hinter Root
100 Sinister Hinter Root
200 Ailing Loran Root
200 Lower Loran Root
200 Sinister Lower Loran Root
200 Isz Root
200 Sinister Isz Root

why are the dlc bosses so good? even the living failures arent bad

sometimes i still have ds2 flashbacks even though i mostly played only bloodborne and no other souls games for the past six months

>-2nd gem farming link
Thanks OP

I use backstep to get up like every time I get knocked down now, unless I have to dodge something. It's so much faster than rolling and it looks anime as fuck. Also you can do the specific backstep moves immediately after them (so basically you can go straight from being on the floor to doing a backstep move). There seem to be a couple different variations of it; sometimes you just sit up on your ass and quickly step backwards into the standing position

Name a better feeling than going to sleep after an intense spelunk race and waking up to learn that the wheelbros won again.

Pro-tip: thou cannot.

so if we narrowed our search to depth 4's & 5s

100 Cursed and Defiled Root
200 Pthu Ihyll Root
200 Sinister Pthu Ihyll Root
200 Ailing Loran Root
200 Lower Loran Root
200 Sinister Lower Loran Root
200 Isz Root
200 Sinister Isz Root
1500 total, 1100 of which we should be able to force open a layer 4 on. then 800 depth 1-3's.

things worth recording:
-boos room types, if there's a weird combo (reddit found one with ebrietas and a huge hole in the middle not too long ago)
-presence of wandering bosses
-presence of naturally spawning bell-ringing women
-noteworthy chalice layout


Also add strange enemies like moles, shadows and fly heads.

gotta go guys
ggs the both of you

The Living Failures are a really mediocre boss and not really DLC quality.

Are we only 3 people in Loran?

>egg was the leader of the wheelbros
>still won

Can the wheelbros be stopped?

ebby with the pit isn't exactly rare,i've seen it a few times before

gg, til next time

>Executioners can have a literal retard running the show and still win
Not sure if this says more about them or the other teams.

>1100 of which we should be able to force open a layer 4 on

Lower, even. Sinister Dungeons don't seem to be capable of having a 4th layer.

you're right it should be 900

This is just, biazzare.

Why? If they had to do Chalices this way, that makes the descision to have so many chalice types even dumber.

If there's 2200 dungeons, it would make sense to have 2200 (or as close as possible) be in the sub-type people actually want. Why are sinister dungeons seperate? If they used those 200 dungeons for regular Depth 5 roots and just allowed Sinister Rite on all dungeons, the effective variety would go up massively in the types of chalice people have a reason to do.

Why do Depth 1 Roots exist? That's 100 layouts no one will ever have fun exploring.


The chance of finding a once ever find in a chalice is higher than getting a decent Bloodtinge offshape.

I'm not even upset anymore. Just bewildered. This honestly seems like the least intelligent way of making randomly generated dungeons I've ever seen. Next time just give us the editing tool to make our own. Doom has Snapmap which includes scripting and lots of complex stuff. Chalices are just rooms that very simply bolt together and enemies placed around who have no cabaibilty for scripted actions or complex Ai. We'd have had numerically more dungeons and better designed ones to boot 500 Dudes on bridge, lmao

execunts literally got invaded twice for the entire chalice
also when lotte invaded the vilebloods for the second times he managed to keep them busy for at least 5 minutes, so the more you get invaded the more time you lose

>who have no cabaibilty for scripted actions

There's a tiny bit. Stuff like the firebomb throwers who don't throw bombs at you when the aggro, but instead aim at oil urns, or knife throwers who wait to throw their knives until you're dodging between swinging blades. Not very complex stuff at all, but they did try just a little.

Egg is cute and not dumb

Sinisters have their own layouts? So what's the point of SFRCs? Making Sinisters a little more difficult?

>Sinisters have their own layouts?
It's apparently necessary for the spawnpoints the Bell Maidens use. If you force a normal dungeon to have the Sinister rite, it still won't spawn Bell Maidens because the game doesn't know where to put them.

>Making Sinisters a little more difficult?

I had nothing better to do so I counted how many pellets the Blunderbuss shoots, about 35 pellets per shot.

Yes, the FR part don't even add new enemies, just adds red aura.

why is amygdala so hard? i killed her in one go first time

It's easy to win when you have JUSTICE on your side.


>yfw you realise that every single fuck you room you ever found in a dungeon was deliberately designed by a FROM employee during over-hours

Good fights Meadows. I think I'm done for now.

gg. thanks for coming

It's possible that they were generated during production and then the ones that were deemed "possible" to clear by testers were put into the actual game.

There aren't even that many rooms. Making a system to generate them would have been more effort than just making them by hand.

>someone took the effort to make 100 depth 1 chalices
>when we could have a single massive dungeon going under Yharnam, discovering an actual lore while going through bosses and insane hunters in order to reach and kill the Queen instead of reusing assets to fill layers and useless rooms
This makes me mad

>tfw in every bloodborne video people pronounce it lud-WIG
>even though it's pronounced properly in the game several times

I mean, isn't that how it's supposed to be pronounced?

I thought it was kind of pronounced like "Ludu-vig"

fuckign weeaboos i swear



Are there any other weapons I can use with 40/40 skilltinge?

reiter and bowblade
chikage maybe

Is the Reiter any good tho

the build itself is really good in pvp but pretty trash in pve, expecially as a cooperator when you can't reliably parry
in pvp the reiter is amazing

Hm. I guess I'll pass on that. I'm more focused on PvE.
But while on this topic, I wanna make a character with Arcane. What are good build for arcane shit. How is the Holy Moonlight sword. Or how about the Burial Blades even?

In a game all about offense, the reiterpallasch reigns as the one that rewards passive play the most. That first R1 is the bane of any who want to get in your face and it's generally good for baiting that response

i have 3 arcane builds
an arc build, a strarc build and a pure arc build
on my arc build i have 50 arc and the minimal requirements to be able to confert effectively every convertable weapons. On my str arc i have 38 str and 38 arc and i'm able to effectively use the tonitrus, the hlms, the wheel and the bhammer. And on my pure arc i have 70 arc and can use the starting weapons and the sspear. All of them are pretty solid

>tfw you beat Bloody Crow of Cainhurst without cheesing him

I thought there was a health absorb stat of some sort that you could get on blood gems?

Maybe I was dreaming

There actually is: it's called "HP gradually depletes".

I swear I've something like it being used on me in pvp, as in a guy shot me with his evelyn and a large chunk of his health got restored. He didn't use a bloodvial, nor land a visceral

probably got an upboat on a message

>approaching 1 million echoes per level up

People with max level chracters must literally be autistic

I for one welcome our new doll SFM porn overlord.

That must've been it then.
That shit confused the fuck out of me at the time.

I'm going through chalices right now, Lower Pthu. Is there a guide on how to get to the deepest chalices? I don't want to miss an item.


What weapon/firearm is the best for performing interrupts?


Thanks, you too.

It might just be my imagination but they feel a few frames slower than pistols

They are but you said interrupts, not to parry a enemy.

What is pic related?

>They are but you said interrupts, not to parry a enemy.
Yeah, because that's what "parries" are called in this game

Never heard anyone call them that, anyway yes pistols are the best at parrying enemies since they're the fastest.

Shotguns aren't slower, Ludwig's just have a slightly longer recovery and Blunder has less range. Both shotguns and pistols are pretty good at parrying, just depends if you favor spread over range and better recovery.

What are the bloody frogs weak to?

What's the PVP level? I've hit 80 and don't want to go higher.

80-120, 98-117 is common here

>anything above level 100 being acceptable
Please do not spread the cancer.