Is Eastern Catholicism is best of both worlds?
All the tradition of Eastern Christianity with all the legitimacy of Catholicism?
Is Eastern Catholicism is best of both worlds?
>anything good
>from the East
Everything is east of something user
Not Valinor.
High West is a pretty defined thing. Anything else is a legit hell
>High West
>High West is a pretty defined thing.
No it isn't. The area you marked is no cultural or political or racial continuum separated from the neighbours. You just picked the modern economic heartland of Europe.
>opportunistic heresy based on a forged document
Good try, race eradicator. It does. Med nations have no racial or historical continuum with the Western Civilisation for the last thousand years
Given that the current pope is a commie looking to destroy Christendom I would say Orthodoxy is superior.
>Med nations
Nigger you included one med nation and an area containing half the population of the med nation par excellence in your "high west" area. How delusional can you be?
>Northern Italy
Time to build that wall.
assumptions is that areas are cleansed. Sweden is all good and Western otherwise
less enriched that England and France too
>on the Mediterranean
>not med
What's that? a rapefugee target map or something?
they are bullshit political constructs that both the CC and the OC agreed shouldn't exist.
Except the Melkites. Those guys are utterly based, and their entire existence is filled with giving the middle finger to both Vatican and Constantinopolian self-importance.
>what is racial anthropology
It's surely not, because it's Italians, Spanish, Portuguese and Greeks who fish them out them. How can a rapefugee camp be complete without those, surely European genetically, people?
Organised religion is balls to the wall retarded.
It's unorganized religion that is balls to the wall retarded. You believe stupid shit without a purpose.
this and this
>You believe stupid shit without a purpose.
What a load of dosh.
Just because a guy in a fancy hat says some dumb shit doesn't make catholicism more legitimate
A dead meme.
Modern biology doesn't acknowledge the nordic/alpine/mediterranean division. And even if it did, your borders are still wrong.
>unbroken line of leaders ordained since the time of Christ
Prote-cucks are too much sometimes senpai
(((modern biology)))
>founding beliefs on unreason
Someone actually believes this. Science is great as long as it's delivering me computers and satellites. But not when it's challenging my /pol/ assumptions about muh master race.
do you deny existence of distinctive Germanic or Slavic ethnic groups? science my ass
There's no historical proof of that.
Also the Catholic church represents a considerable break from the earlier Judaic Christians.
>the Council of Florence
>the Orthodox Bishops reunite with Rome
>years later
>they break off again because they lost a city
How is this not schismatic, Orthoshills?
>inb4 they where under duress
>not acknowledging the apostles and martyrs kept their faith under duress
Almost makes you think that the councils were political in nature rather than infallible councils of saints.
Not the north pole, motherfucker.
Sure, but latinization plagues them and some like the Maronite church lose many members to the Roman church simply due to the overwhelming presence of the Roman church.
race denialists are shunned even by die hard liberalists like Dawkins
Which was the valid papacy, Avignon, or Rome
Paul VI should have allowed vernacular in the mass and kept everything else the same
Novus Ordo is pretty close to TLM if you don't take advantage of all the loopholes they didn't patch
That resolved itself in history, why ask the question now?
>arbitrary borders drawn up in the past 50 years
"Europe" is a meme
Only for mutilated Germany. Not much changed.
>Europe is a meme
That shaped the world. Get over it, Hwan
t. transgender african-chinese Bernie supporting student
Orthodox also have Apostolic Succession according to the Roman Catholic Church.
Did it?
t. rapefugee
Earth and the north pole are sometimes east of the sun.
Technically even Anglicans and Lutherans can claim this you know.
A priest can't take advantage of the loopholes if he's under a liberal bishop, because the bishop won't allow it. But a liberal bishop has no right to stop a priest from saying the TLM because of Summorum Pontificum. So a middle-ground conservative Novus Ordo isn't possible in many areas, its TLM or liberal Novus Ordo. Weird situation
Can Catholicism become a religion for European people only once again?
and it sucks
We need to close the loopholes
Top kek
Phillip baptizes an Ethiopian eunuch in the book of Acts.
underrated post
You can bet that the people who push the Hajnal line meme are either Jews or autistic virgin aspies who listen to Burzum and post all day on neoreaction blogs.
reminder that if you cannot trace 100% of your ancestors from here you are trash
sheer ignorance of European history drew this map. Dunderhead.