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Veeky Forums humour
3202757200312th battle of the Isonzo river
it hurts to look at
trianon proves that there’s justice in this world
whoever hates it is an underage faggot
>be romania
>have german king
>sing deals with germany
>war happens
>decide to break deals and blood ties and join on the enemy side
>lose within months because your army sucks
>your state can't even provide socks and shoes for all soldiers
>some fire muskets at the enemy to defend passes
>get occupied and don't amount to anything in that war ever again
>DOUBLE your territory and population when the peace is signed simply for being an unsuccessful backstabber
>be hungary
>opress minorities
>want to get rid of minorties
>"hungarians are the masters here"
>ww1 starts
>areas with minorities that you opressed and wanted to genocide join another state
funny thing is that even stephen I. was against ebin hungarian nation state
>be president
>want land from shore to shore because make america great
>buy louisana, the entire middle of USA
>buy california, New Mexico, etc. from mexico
>wait they don't want to sell
>they think they still own Texas
>make america great up to mexico city
>no one will sign surrender papers; no government at all
>year later gold is found in california
This can be used for every country
>Be autist
>Spout memes are rewrite history
>Some Pole was so butthurt by the original that he had to make an edit of it
There are literally hundreds of edits of this pic, why does this one trigger you?
>literally hundreds of edits of this pic
Prove it, dirty Polack.
why so asshurt?
Yeah I thought so.
This is your history Wachowski, stop pretending otherwise.
are you denying that pooland kicked the shit out of Bolshevik Russia?
This one makes me kek every time
Someone post the image where Mr Byzantine is at a computer, replying angrily to people like the Holy Roman Empire and Venice until it gets to the Turks and he smashes the computer
I don't get it
make it happen
Luigi "xXxZ3rgPr0xXx" Cadorna
I made a template of this earlier today.
rule 34 when?
that's what the roads maintenence advisor in Sim City 2000 would say.
I'm guessing this refers to refusing to pay danegeld?
Versteht doch keiner, Brudi
Sleep tight iron chancellor
Make Denmark Great Again
Philip was superior to Alexander tbqh.
Literally made a meme kingdom on the edge of civilisation into a top power in two decades.
>Supports Black Lives Matter
>Basically supports abortion
A catholic, soviet, AND islam apologist. So this is why The Vatican is cucked by Francis
Lol no self respecting historian takes those claims seriously
Sleep tight Iron Chancellor
>one glorious country dissolving into 5 shitty ones
Sleep tight iron chancellor
>the Swedes became cucks because their balls were cut off
pottery in motion
Sleep tight iron chancellor
What happened on Sunday?
Invasion of USSR
It is joke
Ahhh read it wrong
it is ok
>tfw I deleted my deus vult picture ;_;
>Habsburg Austria-Hungary
It is the single worst empire in human history.
>Read Plato
Fuck off, statist scum
>James I and VI
James II and VII.
Pretty obvious desu
The only countries in the New World to get BTFO and lose huge amounts of clay after a war have been Mexico and Paraguay desu.
>Britain still exists
Sleep tight iron chancellor
>be Moldova & Wallachia
>stick it to the t*rks
>elect liberal prince in both states
>we Romania now
>reform shit and make the establishment angry
>establishment fucks the good guy on the pretext he's a dictator
>bring german fag
>go back to the old order and face revolts against the german fag and the jews
>decide to use canons on revolting peasants because we eternal kraut
>oscillate between francophiles and germnophiles
>have to decide between going for the half of Moldova annexed by Russia a century earlier or for Transylvania
>oh blimey, look at the time, it's francophile time, let's join the entente for Transylvania
>the krauts decide to focus everything on taking Romania out of the war as fast as possible
>the state can't even provide socks and shoes for all soldiers because the oh so great german """"""""bloodties"""""""" put a stop to reforms half a century earlier
>of course they fucking wreck the Romanians
>war ends
>Transylvania is given independence
>Transylvanians decide to join Romania
>everyone but Istvan is happy
>blood ties with germany
fuck off Istvan
At least we helped the war effort by sending a couple trains filled with tonnes of gold for safekeeping to Russia they haven't returned to this day. :^)
>be shitty irrelevant backwater countries
>think that anyone gives a shit about your bickering
I'm Polish and I'm.surprised by the number of pics about Poland and Polish history. I thought that apart from 1939 almost no one knew shit about it.
What's the original of this?
As an American what is D.A.K.?
Also explain every slide past the refugees welcome one I'm not sure I understand?