In this thread we post our favorite Presidents and then everyone else talks shit about them
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melodramatic cuck
>the light has gone out of my life
what a gay diary entry
I quite liked Jackson. Why do you think he's a faggot?
>Mexicans already refusing to illegally immigrate because he's the President
>Liberals leaving the country in droves
>California looking to secede so we don't have to deal with them again
The Charge in San Juan Hill was a fucking disaster. Teddy's Rough Rider memesters charge was fucking halted, necessitating a group of negro soldiers with gatling guns to save his fucking ass.
And then there was the assorted stupid shit prior the battle like the ordering a big red balloon to spot for the US army...in the middle of the Jungle. When Spanish soldiers saw the balloon rise up from the jungle they raked its launch area with artillery.
Failed imperialist, tried to get the USA into South America and Asia, and fucked up both times.
Fucked up his party by splitting it apart.
Fucked up his political career by going to the jungle to get sick like a moron.
Geographers worldwide hate him for splitting the Americas with a canal, so that now the argument of weather it is one or two continents is still going.
Who the fuck is that guy?
He led the country through no wars.
No foreign policy milestones like Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase or the “Doctrines” of James Monroe or Harry Truman highlighted Jackson’s presidency.
He crafted no path-breaking legislative program like Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal or Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.
Indeed Jackson’s sole major legislative victory in eight years was an 1830 law to “remove” the eastern Indian tribes beyond the Mississippi, something more often seen today as travesty rather than triumph.
That measure aside, the salient features of Jackson’s relations with Congress were his famous vetoes, killing a string of road and canal subsidies and the Bank of the United States, and Jackson’s official censure by the United States Senate in 1834, the only time that has yet happened.
What a tremendous failure of a meme president. Also was an alcoholic.
Europe pretty much giving up on diplomacy with the USA.
Riots and unrest around the country.
His economic plans require more spending than before, and the foreign debt will rise during his rule if he does even half of what he promised (which isn't sure he will).
And he isn't even in office yet.
>Europe pretty much giving up on diplomacy with the USA.
And there was much rejoicing!
Fuck the EU and fuck Merkel. Can't wait for Frexit.
Jackson is the most relatable president.
>never accomplish the heights of your predecessors nor the people following you
>Also he was an alcoholic
Increased foreign debt and racial tension.
Furthered the myths of systematic racism and sexism against the facts of the opposite.
Increased tension with Russia while ignoring the Chinese problem.
Openly interfered in other sovereign state's internal politics by commenting on Brexit and the refugee crisis.
Drew that line in the sand in the Middle East that everyone ignored, and he did nothing when it was crossed, making him appear weak.
Commissioned more super expensive fighters, bombers and aircraft carriers that are an outdated way to conduct war.
Increased social programs, making it easier and more comfortable to live as an unemployed leech, which surprisingly to nobody increased the number of unemployed leeches.
>thanks to him we are allowed to claim clay from Syria while the k*rds can fuck off to their made-up-state in Northern Iraq
I can't wait for the war with Iran so our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters can reuinte taking back rightful Turkic clay in Northern Iran and build the pipeline from Baku to us.
All while making the average IQ of Iran drop from 85 to 70.
Jackson was a transformational president. One of the most important and consequential in our history.
He was the first populist president; all the presidents before him had come from a select group of political insiders, competing only with each other, and no president had been elected purely on the strength of their popular support. In doing so he paved the foundations for literally every presidential campaign since then. His famous veto killing the Bank (made in the face of considerable pressure against him) was one of the most important vetoes in the country's history, settling an issue that under a different president could easily have gone the other way. He led the nation through the Nullification Crisis, the first real challenge to the federal gov't on the part of the states; he prevented a secession, set the precedent that secession would not be tolerated (I wonder if that ever became relevant later?) and strengthened the executive branch, the ramifications of which are still being felt.
I'm not going to defend the Indian Removal Act according to the standards of OUR time, but it's one of the most poorly-understood acts in our history. It was opposed by two camps, those who felt it was an inhumane act of treachery, and those who felt it didn't go far enough. There were voices calling for outright extermination, and if the Indian tribes hadn't been forcibly removed, they might have prevailed. It was still an atrocity, but context really matters.
His legacy is mixed and complex but you're ridiculously shortchanging him.
Well the OP does say "In this thread we post our favorite Presidents and then everyone else talks shit about them. ".
>be american
>get shot
couldn't duck
You know what? You're right, it does say that. My bad.
Ignore all this shit. None of it's true anyway. Jackson was a literal cuckold and he never accomplished a damn thing in his life.
LBJ had a big dick and great name
he was ugly tho
Also appointed a climate denier to the EPA
he's made it quite clear that we're about to sit through Dubya 2.0
Should not have run against Taft, he knew interest groups would never let him win after his anti trust legislation. Had he not acted retarded Taft the yes sayer would have won and america's international involvment wouldn't have happened to become the way it is right now. That means no Israel no terrorism
>tl;dr Teddy = Isis
idle what he did but he's ugly
>Europe pretty much giving up on diplomacy with the USA.
nigger what the fuck are you talking about, the EU tried to have an emergency meeting on Trump and half the countries involved declined to attend because of how stupid and pathetic it was. Duterte and Putin are ready to mend ties with the US. Mexico and Canada are ready to renegotiate NAFTA. Everybody is ready to work with Trump, cry some more you pathetic liar.
>he's made it quite clear that we're about to sit through Dubya 2.0
>ready to renegotiate NAFTA.
t. trump
He is not even in office yet. We will whine about his mistakes 4 years later
>he's made it quite clear that we're about to sit through Dubya 2.0
Not surprised but source?
>Having any sort of leverage
Did you just ask for a source on a prediction?
Posting a Prime Minister instead :^ )
He was a fat cunt.
>Europe calls an emergency meeting because Trump was elected
>this isn't evidence that Trump is starting out with shitty relations with Europe
The anouncements of leaders that they will work with Trump are only being made because of how shitty they think Trump is. Any other person and that would be a given.
>cry more pathetic liar
Trumpfags are triggered 24/7. Say one thing negative about their god-king and this is the result. They have single handedly ruined /pol/.
Primodana born with a silver spoon but was a complete poser, trying to convince everyone he was a frontiersman. In order to further his political career he forced himself into a officer position during the Spanish-American War and his foolhardy tactics got a lot of American boys killed needlessly.
Top notch president though. He cracked down on the fat cats of the gilded age and preserved our nation's beautiful wilderness.
Would apparently get oral sex in the pool, because he thought the water made it feel better.
Young Hickory >>>>>>> Old Hickory
Polk or Taylor?
all he did was kill some spics
>not one of our largest trade partners
You're a cuck. Andrew "Fuck Banks,Fuck Indians too" Jackson didn't create any Bullshit socialist garbage, or make any entangling alliances, he removed the Indians from the southern heartland and destroyed the debt-worshipping bank.
Didn't wear a hat during his inauguration and died like a fool.
>Fucking big-dicked bully that got shit done by intimidating people and towering over them.
>Spoke frankly and bluntly without giving a fuck what people thought.
>Only remembered for escalating the Vietnam War, in which he didn't really have a choice but to do so.
>Laid the ground work for NASA, civil rights, voting rights, the Great Society program, highway system.
> Laid the groundwork for most of Nixon's accomplishments, of which LBJ gets no credit for.
>Texan who grew up in poverty and became one of the most effective presidents in US history.
>Sacrificed his career to pass the civil rights act because he genuinely believed in it.
He should be remembered as one of the greatest presidents of all time, but instead people hated him then and still do now.
Pseudointellectual college dropout libtards call him a warmonger, and uneducated inbred hillbilly redtards call him a niggerlover.
>destroyed the black family unit
>created welfare state
>we'll have the niggers voting democrat for 200 years
>probably responsible for JFKs Assasination
its funny how people say he was good for the shitskins
plus voting rights isnt actually a thing user, its just some dumb bullshit to get the illegals to vote
Complete Jackass
>did nothing wrong
>was "our guy"
Nixon is the best president we had since Teddy.
explain user
>Not surprised but source?
He just appointed a climate change denier to the EPA. I don't know how anyone can defend this. There's good reason to believe the clathrate gun has already gone off. Things aren't looking too good for the home team boys.
most of these points sum up to
>he made people feel bad
desu he is proof cynicism will always ruin politics
>I don't know how anyone can defend this.
Just tell /pol/ and you are in for a wild ride
Legs aren't ok
Wore pink dresses as a child
Americans had more to fear than fear itself
Died instead of seeing the end of world War 2
God thought he served enough terms
Only got elected because he was handsome, not because he was actually competent. See: Bay of Pigs
Was the only US president known to have sworn oaths on the Quran (He was a Shriner).
>interfered in other states internal politics by commenting on them
What the fuck am I reading?
>Fucked up his political career by going to the jungle to get sick like a moron.
well technically his political career was already failed before he went into the jungle like a moron. the supposed reason he went there in the first place is because he failed his campaign for a 3rd term
personally id say his political career was already over, if not doomed
he basically ruled a non-state
>charge of 24th and 25th colored infantry
I think it went pretty well...
Still was elected as President though.
>I really don't want to be president of the Confederacy
>B-but we elected you
>ok fine whatever
and then later he tried to sneak away in a dress and was shamefully caught by Union soldiers
I wouldn't want to be a president of a fucking meme government either
>be the head of a central government
>in a system designed to make the central government meaningless
If you think aircraft and carriers are outdated means of war, you may actually be suffering from some sort of mental illness. Aircraft are the most efficient means of warfare at the moment and a CSG can project more force then anything else in the world.
>so what do I do?
>nothing at all?
Now the banks cocksmack him across the face by plastering his mug on the very thing he tried to stop.
Operation Ajax
He's hardly the best but William Henry Harrison will always be one of my favorites.
I unironically love LBJ. If I ever became president, by some miracle, he's the one I'd look to as a role model.
didn't he rig the election in texas?
>win popular vote by larger margins than Kennedy and Nixon
>still lose
He got utterly fucked by the CIA there, tho, as most of the time.
I don't think he was the most competent president ever in pragmatic terms (in fact, there's a good case for LBJ being a better politician), but JFK's character, principles and cojones were truly something else.
Yes and no. There is considerable evidence of voter fraud in Texas during the 1960 election. Not enough to tip the state in favor of Nixon without it, though. Illinois, on the other hand, was tipped in Kennedy's favor by voter fraud. Wouldn't have won Nixon the election though.
Hamilton's sock puppet. Railed against political parties while being the literal puppet of a political party. Nearly broke the US into civil war before it was even a decade old.
[ominous silence]
Calvin "2 cool 4 school" Coolidge
Handsome lad.
Juan Prim
-One of the last heroes in Spanish Empire.
>Hated for trying to bring peace with Cube and EEUU
-He brought social and liberal reforms to Spain
>Hated by cuckservatives
>Hated by the republican and leftist.
-Catalan but a truly a Spanish Nationalist
>Hated by every historian who is not Castillian.
>Also hated by every Spanish Nationalist
-Killed by masons.
He was our fucking hero. You were the MAN.