How did a bunch of camel enthusiast managed to stay irrelevant for millenia and then all of a sudden conquered north africa, middle east, iberian peninsula and the persian empire in less than a century aaand still managed to stay irrelevant again?
How did a bunch of camel enthusiast managed to stay irrelevant for millenia and then all of a sudden conquered north...
People were tired of the old Empires and their endless wars. Islam was a new fresh hip thing back then from the old corruption and priest castes.
>aaand still managed to stay irrelevant again
Blame the Abbasid cucks that would ally with filthy shia's and give persians the rights that the Umad's would never ever dream of.
Sure, it led to the Golden age but it also led to the splinter of everything Whalid and friends had fought for and almost the re-appearance of their shitty meme religion of Zoroastrianism and a new Persian empire under "muh unconquered" Dailamites.
That is, until we arrived and set everyone straight.
They were lucky the plague wiped out much resistance prior to their expansion and unlucky that the Mongols came in to rush B(agdad)
With the power of Allah
Great timing.
The two empires surrounding them were on the decline and many people didn't like them, that combined with a unifying factor (Islam) for huge amounts of tribesmen meant that they could conquer huge regions.
>a shitty meme religion
>relevant in the slightest after the Islamic conquests
The kingdom of Egypt was long gone.
Romans had destroyed Carthage centuries ago.
Rome itself had split into two weaker halves.
The Sassanid Empire had just gone through a civil war.
Is it implausible that a motivated military force could exploit the circumstances?
There were actually millions of them left until the noble Turkic Safavids put an end to most of them.
Sure, the muslims tried beat the pagan out of them by treating them like dogs but they would linger and rally under the different dynasties of Gilanites/Daylamites that ruled as Zoroastrians in a region the Mongols didn't even manage to conquer let alone the muslims.
During Abbasid rule they even managed to expand their empire and reconquer most of Western Iran to try rebuild a Zoroastrian sucessor state to the Sassanids until luckily a noble Turk assassinated the leader so the entire thing got absorbed by the muslim Buyids and later the noble Seljuk Turks.
Imagine, if not for us Turks then Iran might have been a primitive fire-oggling Zoroastrian shithole instead of a great prosperous and modernized Muslim nation as of today.
Too bad they are shia, though.
At least they ain't salafi.
>defending modern iran
I'm just saying that what the perscucks have today was better than the alternative.
>There is one God, Muhammad is his prophet, and you must submit entirely to God's will.
Simple&powerful message, easy to stir up sand tribes to fight for you, and easy to impose submission. "B-but religion of peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaas", whatever, all religions have some peaceful aspect but human nature is violent and fixed.
ah yes fun meme fruendo
>Islam..scraps of what's left of Abrahamic religions
>Zoroastrianism.. The one true religion where the jews got their idea for God
I can't wait until you Anatolian Inbred Arabs get genocided by the Inbred Zaza
Iran will be split between the balochs, arabs, k*rds, whats left of the persians and our homies in Azerbaijan reuniting with the South, all courtesy of America, us, Israel and the Saudis before that happens, friend.
Which will finally kill this "persian" and "zoroastrian" meme once and for all so whenever anyone thinks about the Middle east and its history they will think about Arab science and the great Turkic warriors.
>Sultan Jizztrumpet bin Al-Shitstain
Better than the one I came up with yesterday:
>Vagina Moomoo X Pokemon bin Blabbemouth
post dna results
They were as harshly effected by the plague as their neighbors though?
They were there at the good time and at the good place