League of Legends General - /lolg/

lol Tavern edition
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I'm going to try klepto mundo assuming I don't end up vs a ranged champ

xth for my wife Syndra

>try Kindred free week few days ago
>thinking she looks pretty strong with the rune changes
>check this guy

So she is back in the game?

>fanart of your main looking attractive is bad
>fanart of female champs is bad, which is half what they make


well, he says "deliciously vayne" and everyone can hear it, who are we to judge.
If Riot had a problem they would remove it.

Jokes and taunts are meta and not always canon.

>hit lv40
>open glorious champion capsule
I guess I'm playing Zoe now. How many more days until her price drops to 6300?

>>>>preseason ranked

Kled is the love of my life! I love him!

I wish preseason wasn't so shit, I have no motivation to play this game anymore.

>noxus is marching onto Piltover
>zoe reveals a world rune is nearby and that someone might find it
>galios lore mentioning he wants to one day find a magic that can permanently sustain him
>talks about a huge runeterra happening is being rumored
Another Rune War soon?

>abusing lulu before she sleeps
best feel

Is my boy Zac good in this patch?

even compared to the average waifufag you are still massively autistic and that's saying something
thanks for the Kaynposting though

gays are still forbidden from playing him

>replying to waifufags


I am a (You) addict.

Please give me (You)s. Don't hold out on me anons.

The spotlight is on you, you're on your comfort champ and against all odds you start to get the pentakill

/lolg/, what champ is it, and what song is playing?

Oh well.


>well, he says "deliciously vayne" and everyone can hear it, who are we to judge.
>If Riot had a problem they would remove it.

>Jokes and taunts are meta and not always canon.

I refuse to believe you're not doing this on purpose. You can't possibly be so fucking deaf to your own words when they aren't convenient to your argument.

Don't you mean cuddling?

cloaca or vagonia?

Is this some custom map?

Upgrading from a capsule is much cheaper

If you get any good champions you don't have it's worth keeping them

It's neither a joke nor a taunt.

Jokes and taunts express a character's attitudes towards stuff but not necessarily the current state of things.

At least that's what I gather.

Who's a better first pick for top? Shen or Pantheon?

I'm in love with Sona.

I love her confidence, and her puns, and her elegance, and her beauty. I love her music and her fashion. I love everything about her. I want to make her happy and help her fulfill her dreams in life.

Who do you love user? Why do you love them?

according to old lore they have have met countless times already, new lore (for garen) is supposed to happen way before Lux's lore so we don't know what the fuck is going on

Riot's lore team hasn't updated half the champions and half of those that they updated are old enough that they reference shit that is not actually in the lore anymore so it's impossible to know if that's still lore or not

what did he mean by this

It's like you don't even know what words are

the streamer squad did not win TCS

hell yeah i actually wanted qtpie to lose

>this bitch is still shitposting in this general
get a fucking name, cunt

>cyber pop zoe

>vladfag wn sit on your face

Yes now consider how all of vanilla vlad's lines are multiple meaning puns, including a period joke.

Is morgana good?


If you're bored take press the attack and try out this build.
After what I built Lich Bane -> Death Cap -> mejais/zhonyas/whatever

I like playing Kindred as well and think she’s pretty flexible as a champion but her passive minigame shit is super obnoxious and without stacks she’s useless. Her entire gameplan is centered less about being good at the champion but hoping that the enemy fucks up enough to let you become relevant. If their jungler is at least somewhat competent you’re never gonna get a stack without fighting for it, and if the laners aren’t oblivious they won’t be super pushed so they can get marked for free.

Take away the gimmicky impracticality of her passive and rework or change that or simply make it so marks aren’t able to be seen by enemies would make things much easier for her to be useful.

Does the man of many arts and the number 4 still work mid? If so any rune/build reccomendations?

Cassiopeia is very fun.

>Want to queue jungle main / support secondary for ranked
>Afraid that I'll get put in as support more often than I'll play jungle

What do?

Imagine being so caught up in your own self that you believe Riot made your OTP real based on one line with the word Vain. Hell, speaking on "multiple meaning" puns, you could argue he was saying VEIN, as in blood veins. Vladfag is absolute peak autism.

>still work mid?
never did work in the 1st place

Who should I play mid then that's not hard to get the hang of like Kat or Zed?

Based Zoeposter

>against all odds


I'm aware. But her discount is currently 4.6k when it would be 3.7k at normal 6300 price, which is why I'm wondering.

don't bother
she's retarded

If you think those two are hard, you'll probably have problems with all other assassins too

no cuddling is gay
good ol' fashioned lewd bullying

Not only does she refuse to get a name or a trip, she even changes her filenames so you can't even filter her pics and try to ignore her with that. It's a fucking wonder she hasn't been permabanned already.

>get tilt once
how in the fucking world do people tilt all day every day?

Why does /lolg/ hate certainlyT?

Where did I say it was canon wtf.

tfw antiadblock on lolalytics

How viable is on-hit Lulu top right now?
Got to gold 2 playing solely Teemo and Kennen but those two get boring after a while.
On-hit Lulu sounds like it could play very similar to on-hit teemo in functionality. Also bonus points for being an off-meta lane

Other midlane melees, preferrably assassins.

He did a few months ago.

Annie, Twisted fate, Diana, Syndra, Malzahar, Viktor, Veigar those are on the top of my head.

For making dogshit champions
why else?

i think she is currently better
at least better than onhit kennen
the main issue compared to teemo is, teemo has shrooms for gank safety and although lulu has polymorph and speed up, she cant use both at the same time. its still pretty good, she also has more range

>Mid declares Zoe
>Ban zoe because silver shits can't zoe.
>My mid instalocks master yi and puts on smite and ghost summoners.
>Can't play for 30minutes

Thanks rito.


>tfw no zac bf

Search and Destroy by The Stooges

Everything that he makes is bloated as fuck, usually overpowered as hell and always brings something new and retarded to the game.


>fag behavior
color me suprised


>un-upgraded sweeper in a 30+ minute game

Clean your desktop up, you slob

But how is she going to get a good night's sleep if you keep bullying her?
Don't you love Lulu?

Zac is kind of hot.

Oh no.

Nice, thanks for expanding my pool
And for the record I rarely play on-hit kennen, full ap kennen is the most useful kennen down on my elo where it's mostly team fights

The Sound of Sadness
I've never got a penta kill ; ;
but if I ever do I want Lux to be my first


>clear 14 wards mission is basically only possible on summoners rift, no bots since they don't use wards
>getting at max 2~3 wards per game because toplaner
this isn't a good mission


>as a team

>Desktop has a Desktop folder

Getting the PROJECT Shard but I have the feeling I will get Leona.

>take urf
>make it worse
>take urf
>make it worse than before
>take urf
>make it even more worse than before

why does riot hate URF so much?

ikr he is like a little baby

I already have Leona, Yasuo and Lucian
Worst case scenario i'll get Ekko.
Yi, Kat are not bad.
Fiora is ok, though her best skin is Pool Party.
Ashe and Zed are the good ones.
And since i've heard the new ones are out of the table, fuck it.
Obviously, if it gives me something I already own, the point is moot.

The lack of info about that shard triggers me.

As a team though. Too bad almost no one takes wards even if it's a control ward that's blatantly placed in front of them.

>tfw no qt breedable Janna cumdump gf

I am tired.

take it with a grain of salt, I rarely play top.
She is certainly better than last season though.

with the new essence / shard rates is it better to re roll the useless skins or do I keep dusting them? what do you guys do now? in a scenario where i had 0 orange essense I would need to dust 3 shards just to craft the Galio skin.

How can someone like the most boring personality in the game

>gas Yordlefuckers
what would this be comrade?

>soccer fan
>fireball image (overpriced meme drink)

get out my general reeee


Preseason sucks

Lads if I like Pokimane waht champ should I play?
Is it alright to like cute girl gamers?
Also how much dick has she taken. I get the feeling it's a lot.

I was once playing skarner and the enemy poppy ulted me while I ulted their ADC, took him to my team and he died

Lots of dicks, she's a back arc-er, which is pretty good.


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona,Janna



>Gamer girl that likes to throw out sexual innuendo that also looks good
A ton of dick
Metric ton.

Her orbiter level is Saturn, I had a lad a few games ago called "thicc pokimane".

Friendly reminder that Vladfag is worse than delusional waifufags and needs to be Gassed.

>tfw no adc gf

unnecessary additional buffs like "if you land a hook/bubble its cooldown is reduced"

Post 'em

Say something nice and something mean about the person who goes before you

>I managed to finally get to play with 500 games on literal worthless cuck supports and now I can rest and never play ranked again because I am a plat level player

Gas yourself