Give us some juicy information on the Anglo-Saxons Veeky Forums.
Give us some juicy information on the Anglo-Saxons Veeky Forums
Got repeatedly wrecked by the Vikings lmao
>inb4 Catholic mooks come out of the woodwork to deflect embarrassment because they don't like talking about the 400 year period where their ancestors were getting their asses kicked by a bunch of pagans that practiced personal hygiene and founded colonies in North America
>vikings deflect the fact they got btfo by natives
Happy leiferkison day hinga dinga dargan
>It seemed even the smallest provocation could touch off a battle. According to Viking accounts, one native raid was precipitated when a bull escaped from captivity in the Norse camp. Native warriors were terrified by the animal, the likes of which they had never seen, and attacked the settlement.
A rational response. Don't attack the bull, attack the foreigners it came from.
>Vikings/Pagans are so retarded the only thing they are capable of doing is fighting.
>bringing a possibly demonic beast and god knows what else into a foreign land and not expecting the natives to get hostile when it escapes
>ywn sacrifice your captured and slain enemies to wood elves
>all these buttblasted anglos
If that were true then why is Scandinavia irrelevant today?
Also, why isn't england daneland?
Arguably the most advanced Germanic people whose only rival in terms of development were the Carolingian Franks. The Anglo monastic system produced some of the greatest manuscripts of the medieval period (hat-tip to the Irish for teaching them) and Anglo-Saxon missionaries were responsible for converting many of the other Germanic peoples especially in Frisia. Anglo-Saxon tutors were also in high demand throughout Europe and even the Scandinavian nobility would send their sons to learn from the English monks.
Although the Vikings did wreck havoc in England, this was primarily to do with their ability to exploit the Humber river's tributaries to sail into the mainland and strike quickly before the Anglos could mobilize. In pitched battles the Anglos handled themselves respectably with highlights including Alfred's defeat of Guthrum's "great heathen army" and Harold Godwinson defeating Harold Hardrada at Stamford bridge.
All in all a very fascinating people whose culture was a fusion between Germanic and Celtic influences.
Why do they all look so inbred with massive ears? It honestly looks like so many have, at current time, a lot of deformities. Is it because of being inbred, poor hygiene, environmental issues, all of the above? How did Saxon blood affect the gene pool?
i'm a pretty nationalist brit but jesus my fellow countrymen are cringey as fuck
everything about that image makes me feel embarrassed for the guy that made it
t. Russell Brand
That's your only response?
Stop with the 'LE EPIC GENTLEMEN LE DRINK TEA' autism
it's reddit
t. Reddit pro
>If that were true then why is Scandinavia irrelevant today?
Well Denmark became irrelevant in 1679, with the Treaty of Lund. Sweden cucked us. Guess Sweden got cucked later on
Norway was always the ultra cucks though.
>why is Scandinavia irrelevant today?
It's not
>oh I'm not really in the business of defending statements, I'm just more so in the business of making grand accusations
Hey John, I really liked 'The Fault in Our Stars', how would I an englishmen obtain a signed copy
What the fuck are you even getting at?
Invaded England with the Danes, then fucked the Danes, then said Fuck you to the Danes, then were ruled by Danes, then ruled Danes, then killed a Danish usurper. Then died to Norman Masterrace.
King wasn't that far removed from the high nobles.
Had one of the most stable economies for the time, and low tax compared to everywhere else. Wrote some booky origin stories. Their first Catholic King did converted to get Roman books and formations, also to secure marriage with ruling Franks
You said no without giving any reasoning, for that I rebuke you