Archer edition
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OK /wfg/
i got an idea for DE and how we can unfuck Ashs bladestorm so we dont have to sit through the animation.
>ash marks enemies and he has multiple clones converge on his victims location(s)
>it can do a number of things(only one of these)
>the mark can have it so him and or his allies deal a percentage of (true??) damage instead of dishing it out all at once
>ash can mark enemies and have smoke clones deal the damage for him
(if you play league and know who zed is, it looks like that)
>ashs blade storm could be so he jumps into the air and throws out shuriken/kunai out in a radius equal to power strength and range (these will target enemies and deal slash procs if its not a kill)
>ash slams into the ground and the floor shoot spikes/shuriken/kunai up in a radius (think nezha/rhino 4 but different)
if you have any ideas please let me know.
first for nezha
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you scrolled past the op to ask this question
What about Ash can do Bladestorm through walls?
Like your first idea. Really drives home the whole 'edgy ninja fag' shtick Ash's got going
How about Bladestorm being exalted kunai that mark enemies for shadow clone removal ::^)
>Ash does a clone jutsu
I'm down for that. He's already a ninja, might as well give him clones.
ash is fine. ash is viable. fuck off
If they made current 4 mark through walls and have a more generous mark radius, then he wouldn't be as bad.
Ash disappears in smoke and marks enemies in an area dealing a small slash proc.
Ash reappears from the smoke and marked enemies take an additional 5-10 slash procs that scale off melee mods.
being a vehicle for CL is not viable
>tfw want to buy spira prime blades
>for whatever reason they're still 60-80p each and they're not even vaulted yet
I saw an idea on the forums that was basically 'Ash 4 augments other abilities'.
On its own it doesn't do anything.
When active, shurikens target every enemy in vision. Invis leaves a smoke cloud that keeps enemies inside staggerlocked/radius becomes way larger. Teleport is now free-aim and, if used with Fatal Teleport, every enemy in X radius gets stabbed by a shadow clone while you're free to keep moving.
There's also the idea of just making his 4 spawn clones that use your abilities + Augments.
Bladestorm in itself is something that needs to be scrapped, because Fatal Teleport will pretty much always be better so long as there isn't a complete rework.
ash is fine. ash is viable. please shut the fuck up already. just because you're a stupid brainlet doesn't mean he's shit. i've noticed most of the warframe community is actually terrible at this game and there's loads of busted shit that no one knows about because they are all stupid goyim who can't think for themselves
Honestly the way it was before is fine, idk why DE changed it. There's so many frames in this game that press 4 and kill the whole map, why can't Ash do the same
you're far too late user. Everyone already knows and is panicking. Even the Saryn Prime Set is ebbing up towards 100 plat ATM, so if you want/need anything, best get to farming now.
Male frames are not allowed nukes
Ash is garbage and you can go fuck yourself
even if they weren't getting vaulted soon, spira parts are all rares except the BP, and at least anecdotally are a huge pain in the ass to get, and not really worth it, so I doubt a lot of people really farmed them or radianted them unless it was recently for the plat.
post fashion setup
you're garbage and just proving to me that you're a brainlet
>wahhh they nerfed my ash so i can't be a stupid fucking monkey anymore
i guaran fucking tee you have no idea how to play ash post nerf
Why the fuck did DE give Frost of all frames away? Awful. Anyways, did sortie 3 with a Frost but he was rocking Ice Wave Impedance so he was cool.
>how to play ash post nerf
>press 4
>hover over enemies
>press 4
wow that must that a lot of brainpower really
>post nerf
I started playing three years ago before Bladestorm was even used as a clusterfuck aoe kill machine and came back after it was nerfed. I literally never noticed the nerf. I literally play the garbage Drifting Blade Ash for the fun of it, because of the synergy with kubrows. Back when you had to choose what abilities you took into missions.
The issue with Ash is powercreep of other frames, not that the bladestorm nerf was an issue in itself. I can play fine without Bladestorm, but the fact is the Bladestorm is literally just a worse version of Fatal Teleport right now.
is volt prime vaulted?
And that's fucking why Ash revisit thread has most replies in feedback section
>>How to play ash post nerf
>Equip FT
>If you're retard without good melee use dagger with CL
>Do the same thing but slower and pray that you won't die at the end of finisher animation
You should go back to your ember, retard
>plays Assfaggots
>likes Ash
Like pottery
What color is best for dragon dick energy?
Has anyone ever thought of bringing Limbo to fuck with low rank Frostfags?
Literally everyone and their mother told DE to make Ash's clones do all the work for his 4, but DE was like "nope" with absolutely no reason besides "I like my rework better".
You can't fight cancer with cancer.
t. low rank Frost Prime
>beat harrow quest when it came out
How is nezha not a girl.
>play loki
>drone escort
>teammates doing shit
>swap drone away from objective
>enjoy salt
The thing is there's no real good way to mess with Frost since bubbles permeate all realities. You can banish them to make them a bit confused, but you can't fuck with them all that bad. You can even end Cataclysm Limbo with something like a Kohm, but Frost can't be touched which makes him so awful.
>And that's fucking why Ash revisit thread has most replies in feedback section
so what? warframe players are garbage
Which tileset has the worst Interception missions and why is it Grineer Forest?
Nice chest.
Biggest bulge
Ash's damage is ass. Ash's augments are ass.
His only redeeming quality is that you can use daggers with him.
If equipping a weapon onto a frame makes it viable, then there arent frames that arent viable.
If you say as is viable, you say that all frames are viable
Holy god, Frost feels so fucking good with Natural Talent. Why didn't I ever try this before?
He always felt awkward for reasons I couldn't quite pin down, but this was it all along - fucking animation times.
It lets you actively and reactively use his 2 and 4 without dying against level 80-100 enemies. Makes all the difference.
You have to drop Ice Wave Impedance, but it doesn't even matter because the cast is so spammable.
New favorite fucking frame.
This is my life now.
Uranus caves.
I want to dig into my operator like a fucking snack and worship her feet after I'm done filling her stomach with cum
Frog booty.
>female operator
But he can go invis for 20s, and one shot enemies, and strip armor
Recently made a helminth charger i like the looks of. Pretty decent to bring along PoE missions.
What are your favorite companions + why?
Smeetas are of course great for void trace farming.
>It lets you actively and reactively use his
we all know all you use is his bubble..
>using anything other than carrier
I brought a Smeeta so I can get 4 fish for catching one
>neo fissure defense
>someone uses neo n1 relics
>without refining them at all
>faggots mad they can't be as cute as female operators
LMAO I'd like to see your hetero-hate once more :^)
I never run out of ammo.
Aside from that i prefer prisma shade and djinn as far as sentinels go. Or taxon.
20 seconds is ass, and requires an entire build
one shotting enemies would only make him viable if he was the one doing the oneshotting
seeking shrunken is shit, its single target
how do I make my potato sit like this?
Your potato never sits like that
Do Chains of Harrow already, fucktard
Do the Harrow quest, newfag
tfw cuter than my potato
>implying anyone uses carrier for the ammo and not for the vacuum
it happens after you beat the Harrow Quest but for some reason she's doing it again. Prob a glitch but god i wanna sniff her
I don't know who I hate more, Pub Frosts or Pub Limbos.
>not keeping your tater as you got them in The Second Dream
>post your fashion setup
>ash is fine
>a retard deflecting on X frame because they cant run the mission solo or take the time to go into recruitment like
here lets just fill out what the rest of the thread is going to be
>20 - 35 posts/pictures from reddit
>1/10 of the thread will have redditspaccing
>i hate limbo players
>uni vac re re
>false flagging the discord
>anime faggot spam
>eceleb shilling
>buys tennogen and primeaccess
>mesa shitters projecting
>running out of ammo in normal missions
not even a shell of its former self because atleast the shell would have a hint of what wfg used to be. now its formite and reddit
dat cunny.
this isn't 2008 ,user
Veeky Forums is basically nsfw reddit by now
Fap to her.
post saryn fashion
I have done all quests and never seen this
You talk a lot about reddit and you seem to know how it's like in there, I wonder if you visit it often?
>talks about Reddit
>posts Owlturd
Thats the same mesa colors I use as well.
>posting bike cuck unironically
>calls other people reddit
tfw Tyl Regor is the most interesting Grineer boss
>what is Vay Hek
he's a girl(male)
Vay Hek only has his personality.
Tyl has his personality and his fight.
Therefore Regor is the most interesting Grineer in the Origin System
I'm very excited now.
vay hek is a cripple
>oxium alert
hell ye-
my nigga. those little ass flashes while playing keep me going.
Atleast it ain't archwing.
crying about tubemen isn't interesting.
Post your asholes.
The anticipation, oooooh.
I always learn SO much, from a live dissection.
Let my gavel ring justice off your thin tin skull.
>tfw no cf (Clem Friend)
Why are there so many impressive characters in Grineer, while only a few in Corpus?
Yes yes, impressive... Good goy
Why is this game so fucking boring after like a week.
>New armor on Prime variant
Damn, looks great