Impartially, and setting aside political affiliation, or stance on the subject,
how true is that Veeky Forums?
Impartially, and setting aside political affiliation, or stance on the subject,
how true is that Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>We are not gonna discuss the historical info presented in the video because muh secret club normies get out
>it's only dangerous if you're under 25 guise
>shows audience of twenty year olds cheering
>video is marketed towards tween youtubers
Well the whole of US and Europe is slowly moving towards decriminalization and eventually legalization of marijuana, so I suppose most young people at least agree that it's not supposed to be illegal
It's fairly accurate despite being from a shitty meme site, although it left out the fact that some people who are predisposed to mental illness such as schizophrenia (i.e. it runs in your family) should not touch weed, even after the age of 25. It's only a small portion of the population but it has serious consequences for those people who might develop serious mental illness triggered by smoking marijuana.
It's also objectively shit for your lungs, inhaling smoke is never "safe".
You cannot make an argument against marijuana prohibition that cannot be countered with a better argument against alcohol prohibition. Fucking try me.
*I got my for/against mixed up, pardon me.
it worse than a cigarette considering weed is "fatter" than tobacco but vaporized it's not dangerous for the lung at least less than a cigarette
Actually, the jury is still out on that; when cannabis smoke is inhaled, the hot smoke is generally held in the lungs much longer than cigarette smoke.
Basically true, yeah. Weed was originally outlawed to vilify Mexicans and to save Anslinger's career (the DEA was being formed and his agency was becoming obsolete). Some theories also claim that lobbyists from the timber industry played a hand. I've been smoking for years, so let's consider me a human guinea pig. My lungs are a bit fucked, but they're as fucked from years of weed as they were from a few months of cigarettes. Also, I've gone through times where I didn't smoke and my lungs cleared after a week or two. Another bad side effect is that my short term memory is not what it used to be, though it was never great. For the third disadvantage, refer to , who referred to the possible worsening of mental illnesses.
Weed also has good effects, though. I've always been overly stressed and weed reduces that immensely, making my life relatively functional. It also slows the growth of cancer. It doesn't kill cancer like some amazing miracle drug, as so many stoners will insist, but it slows the growth. It also helps with pain, meaning medical marijuana would hurt the opiate industry; that's why big pharma lobbyists are so against it. Then there's the infamous "munchies." Cancer patients, for instance, who are unable to eat due to their treatments are able to eat again. I actually saw an example of this in real life. My uncle had cancer, so my dad made him weed chocolates. He felt so much better that he was able to get up, eat, be happy, and even walk his dogs for the first time in months.
>inb4 stoner
(same guy) I won't claim that weed is amazing and has no bad effects, but it should be legal. Compared to other things that are legal, it really ain't that bad.
>weed chocolates
how is that possible?
You want to provide some sources that aren't and Cracked?
Yeah. First it's reduced to cannabis oil, then it's added to something. This is commonly done with brownies but cannabis oil can be incorporated into many more things.
Good idea.
So the anxiety relief doesn't work for everyone, but that's because peoples' minds react differently to all drugs.
This article covers the painkilling/cancer fighting properties. I'm sorry to have left out that it only affects certain types of cancer.
My apologies for not initially including sources. If you need more or have any questions, don't hesitate to bring it up with me again.
I agree. even if we are going to have it be illegal for the general public to consume we shouldn't have it restricted as class 1 on the same level as narcotics. this has greatly limited our knowledge of the long term effects of weed and though we have an idea from recent studies they aren't near enough for us to have a high degree of certainty
I'm talking about for the Veeky Forumstorical part, not the Veeky Forumsentific part.
Can you add cannabis oil to anything like savory foods?
I wish it was at least available medically, because I've seen so many people screw their lives up getting addicted to opiates. Hopefully, with medical marijuana, the amount of opiate addicts would decrease. Of course opiates would still be required for certain high levels of pain, but supplementing that with marijuana can make it so opiates do less of the heavy lifting. Speaking of addiction, weed can possibly help with that. The following article highlights this.
I was wrong; it wasn't only used to vilify Mexicans, but various other minority groups.
As for the timber industry thing, it's mainly speculation.
I'm pretty sure it can be added to anything. However, it tastes terrible. Some people don't mind, but I can't stand it.
(same guy) I need to go run some errands, but I'll get back to this thread if it's still up when I'm back.
There's some fucking beaner stinking up my whole apartment complex with it and if it continues I'm just gonna call the cops. Glad it didn't get legalized here, fuck weed.
t. Arizona
I don't see your point.
This is actually a good point. At least I can't smell alcoholics.
Alcohol does the same thing.
>At least I can't smell alcoholics.
That's because your sense of smell has disappeared, you can smell an alcoholic a mile away.
Anything that uses oil or fat like butter, can be used.
Just eating it raw will do nothing for you. You need the fat/oil if its to be ingested.
Its also a more powerful and longer lasting when ingested.
All psychoactive substances that causes positive effects like reducing anxiety or causing pleasure tend to cause addiction - it includes cofeine also, just look at people who cant live without strong coffee in the morning.
U normally function with emotions which cause u to act - good work cause a pleasure, being better than other peoples make u feel good. With increasing dependancies on psychoactive substance u tend to spend more and more time feeling happy without doing anything or you are spending time to get substance u are addicted to.
It all cause:
social harmness - u got problems with motivation on things that are productive,
emotional harmness - u tend to have superficial contacts with people - u are less motivated to do it.
Psychoactive substances tend to cause u health problem once u are using them frequently - it all depends which substance are u using - for example amfetamine tend to cause u cardiovascular problems (not only) because one of its mechanisms causes to increase ur blood pressure.
From what I read and understand If you are using marijuana as a kid/teen/young because u are changing intellectually productive habits to chilling.
In rare cases such as PTSD, very high stress, recovering from side effects of chemotheraphy (nausea, lack of apetite, anxiety caused by having a cancer) good effects outweigh side effects but for most cases thats not the point.
Delegalizing drugs is a philosophy - its believing that people are too stupid and cant decide rationally about themselves, when their easy happines caused by drugs is involved - if u legalise marijuana than point is why not legalise other drugs ?
Sry for my english, just trying to help
>if u legalise marijuana than point is why not legalise other drugs ?
>if u legalise tobacco than point is why not legalise other drugs ?
>if u legalise alcohol than point is why not legalise other drugs ?
From what I read and understand If you are using marijuana as a kid/teen/young u are not reaching your intellectual potential, because u are changing intellectually produ
ctive habits to chilling.
Chemical addictions are all different for all chemicals. Alcohol and benzo withdrawal can kill you. Marijuana and caffeine addiction may cause irritability and/or restlessness, but it's not the same as a heroine addict shitting himself in cold sweats at night. You're comparing apples and oranges friend. Marijuana may be harmful in some cases, but it's pretty fucking minimal compared to other drugs.
No you can't. Whereas when a single person lights a blunt the entire block can smell it. It's like smoking but worse.
I think all psychoactive substances should be legal or illegal because there is very fluid border between smthing little toxic / moderate toxic/ very toxic and artificially making a law is illogical.
I prefer all legal, darwinism at its best, but its not very popular idea.
I'd rather smell a blunt than beer breath, vomit and regret.
Cannabis is a plant of renown.
It was used as currency in the 13 colonies. Prohibition of cannabis is a monetarist plot to keep the wage cucks in debt slavery.
T. Known Boss
>I prefer all legal
Have you ever known somebody addicted to heroin or meth?
Im addicted to opioids - I believe withdrawal is not a problem. Its fucked up motivation system after frequent use, u got problems with stress caused by problems caused by drugs (which u can name - fucked up neurotransmitter system in limbic region) and got tendencies to depression (which i admit can be purely but not only chemical malfunction.
My point is - fucking up ur motivation system is common case for all addiction, we are simpleminded and stupid for most of the time, doing things with simple, taught behaviour. If u fuck up ur motivation u learn bad habits and act apropiate.
Im addicted to presribed opioids...