>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>tfw feeling the sting of a -ATK or -SPD shitter
>IVs don't matter they say
She even has ATK+3 on her.
Reminder that if you're having trouble against merged BLyns in Arena, good ol' Gordin is here to help
Roll for me
>stay away from /feg/
>come back and you guys actually do on time threads
Damn Camus is thicc enough to beat Julia??
We need to go deeper
He must be perfected
fuck off jannu
I want to make a branded with Lethe
>about to be cucked by his dad in two (2) days
enjoy it while you can
Sonya's sisters are my former wives!
I need a blue so I'm waiting for you to come to me for free, Fjorm
when is the update?
Drink the milk
Post your hopes and nightmares for the Herofest Banner 3
>still no porn of her
Legitimately surprised
Saving for this. I don't want anything on the 8%. If we're lucky Innes will be on the banner as well.
I already have a +4 +spd -res one
She's literally garbage
>Using QP with a 5 cooldown special with Blazing Durandal
Brainlets I swear.
>settling for neutral
I see, you don't love me then
You're willing to have exactly what everyone else has
>31 spd
GHB when
Who are in the holy trinity of shitty Fates waifu?
And the other games besides Tellius?
I already have a Cordelia I only use for Galeforce memes. I don't need another shit flier.
We’ve established that Verdane is the India of Jugdral. Now what is the Australia of Jugdral?
What’s the America?
Sorry Fjorm I'm going to keep holding on to these 600 orbs
That way he gets Galeforce when attacking mages and archers, dummy
>Double GHB that gives us Blue and Red Sonyas
That would be sick.
We have a shitty six for Fates
>he doesn't use QP to get a free cooldown per map in tempest
You're the brainlet, brainlet.
When you post feet
Celica, Delthea, and Sonya
There's literally nothing wrong with this.
>no cowmilla
Better make it 7 for Fates
Nobody wants your shitty tranny sisters
Shit, think I should hold my orbs and try for a better Innes? Mine's +Res/-Spd, which isn't bad at all but gimps his offensive potential
Fuck off already, Drill
We know nothing about her personality user. Until the game says she is a pure girl we wont have those cute faceless man's doujins.
On the other if she is a slut, well no doujins meh
>people here will spend orbs for Fjorm
Why would anyone want shit unkts?
can somebody explain why people ship stuff that is literally not possible in game, I really don't get it. or doing that same for any media, for that matter. and not just ship I guess, cause if people want to have headcanons that are impossible that's their own fault, but people acting like things are fact despite the game itself disproving you? How do you delusion yourself to that point?
Good list.
ophelia, camilla, peri
cordelia, tharja, lucina
faye, genny, sonya
lyn, fiora, serra
cath, fir, sophia
marisa, tana, amelia
Nyna, Nyna, Nyna
t.: The guy who made holy_trinity_of_shitty_tellius_waifus.jpg
Rate my wife
nobody cares what you think, you're just a second-string waifu with a third-string prf and fourth-string stats
They're retarded, you're not getting a much better answer than that
Celica isn't shitty. Can an user tell me what this user is trying to say?
None of them, bar Peri and Nyna, even COMPARE with the shittiness of the Tellius trinity. Not even Cath.
>caring about OC's in a fan service game
>tfw 50 word essay due in a week
>50 word
>a week
How old are you? fucking five?
What about Jugdrall?
>people will roll for blues
Blues got the shaft on this banner
It should have been Reinhardt, Water and some other blue seasonal
>3 minute presentation due tomorrow
>can't stop playing Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo
What are you, new?
>Using (((((Iceberg)))))
So we all agree she's /ourgirl/, right?
Sonya, Marla and Hestia for Echoes
Stop posting my image
If I recall there should be banner overlap. So as long as you don't blow your load on the 8% banner then you should be fine. Worst case scenario, Innes isn't on it but you can still roll the 8% banner.
>He doesn't know how to make use of Obstruct and pass effectively
I'm surrounded by brainlets.
>Alphonse quests only give 2 orbs
>T W O
dead game lmao
She seems like a comfy girl to hang out with
How long have you been here? Fucking five days? You need to lurk more before posting, faggot.
>ignored Hero Fest 2 back then to roll on the TT banner, desperately trying to get a Celica but ended up having my high pity rate Grey'd
>spend a lot of orbs on the halloween banner but nothing to show other than a -atk kitty Cockura I got from a red-less pull
>trying to get Halloween Nowi so fucking hard for the whole month, pity rate builds up to a thick 5.75%
>finally finish grinding TT out and decide to spend my last five orbs on it
>one red orb among all blues
>it's that, I know it has to be I cannot let this pity rate go wasted
>it's motherfucking Gray
I'm livid
Literally kys
But I already have a best friend!
Larcei, Lachesis, Sylvia
Miranda, Misha, Olwen
Fir is the only post Kaga myrm done right.
What the fuck is this garbage?
Obstruct is the shit. It's just a shame that enemy mages generally fuck the unit with it due to lower RES.
>inb4 just give it to a unit with high RES
Then you run into the issue that you can't wall physical units properly and the obstruction dies immediately leaving your weaker ranged units vulnerable.
I'd spend orbs for Rinko.
Imagine it. A Gundam x Fire Emblem crossover.
Well I'm sorry that they're fucking useless skills Mr. MKV.
Who wears twintails the best in FE?
Photographic evidence required
And people say reddit spacing is a meme
They're ready
>mfw Camus - Zeke - Sirius - Char team
>all these Fiorafags
What now?
Gotta save Wrath for their Reddit characters. They've punished all Jugdral Wrath users, bar Othin. Brithgton, Arthur, Tinny, Miranda.... all won't be able to use Wrath because shitty Tellius girl needed to have it be special to rolling her.
Man his Legion GHB is the stuff of Legends