>wake up
>see stock market crash by over 90%
what do?
>wake up
>see stock market crash by over 90%
what do?
Buy low, sell high
Buy guns and bullets
>be happy that I can finally buy all the memes I missed out on 20 years ago at a bitchin cost basis
nothing wrong with crashes, like diahhrea, they flush out the bad and keep the best inside
Assume you can't see the future and predict its recovery 10 years from now
Suicide. I live in a third world nation, on NYSE Stock and Local Stocks there is about +120k USD. On Forex and Crypto about 15k. I can start all again, but already wasted 10 years. Fuck it.
I wasn't planning on liquidating my portfolio for at least another 20 years anyway.
If you have to ask 'what should I do?' then you shouldn't even be trading in the first place. As a trader, you should at least be able to understand the risk vs. reward and the magnitude of any situation, if you're implying that 'just because' some major event happens that it's 'easy money' then you're a fly by night idiot who thinks he has a 'good chance' because it's a rare situation. Which doesn't mean you won't make money by just buying an undervalued stock like Apple that you figure will grow back to normal because the stock market isn't reflecting reality, but it does mean that if you continue that sort of thinking you're asking to lose on your next trade no matter what.
Just because the stock market does... whatever doesn't mean shit to your money. What do you own, how much, when did you buy at what price, when are you planning to sell. Stock market crashing has nothing to do with it.
And if you're assuming that a 90% crash means 'well, obviously, all the money will go into oil or gold!' then you didn't even take the time to understand what event is going on that makes such market action possible. If it's a war, and you immediately think 'well I'll buy lockheed and make all the money!' you're speculating.
Learn how to learn to trade, stop looking for some rainbow answer because there isn't one. There's good reason why people shill gold, because people believe in it, just like you believe the stock market crashing has anything to do with a wise investment decision.
Literally, the only people who are affected by this are wage cucks investing longterm in index funds.
In reality, anyone can just short the S&P 500 or invest in gold.
Also, if the crash happens before market hours, its even easier to make a proft because the downfall will be a trend.
Why would I assume that?
>long term investors lose in a crash
lol nope see
Either the stock market never recovers and we are all screwed or it recovers and you make bank.
I made over 40k after the recession.
You are a dumbass wagie, and heres why.
Imagine this:
Person A has a net worth 500 k, and makes $1000 a day. All of a sudden, he is falls into a coma, and can not collect a $1000 dollars a day for two whole years. After he wakes up, he proceeds to to go back to making $1000 a day.
Person B has a net worth of 500 k, and makes $1000 a day. He is never sent in a coma, and proceeds to collect a $1000 dollars a day for two years. And after two years, he gets promoted, and now makes $1500 for now on.
Now tell me, which person has the highest net worth after 4 years?
i hope this is pasta
Fucking buy, obviously.
And this:
scrape up your extra cash and BUY
sell off your skyrocketed bonds and BUY
ask your grandma for money and BUY
Buy, buy, buy!
>Wake up
>Fire sale at grocery store
>90% off
Wat do?
you cant be this stupid
Oh? Ok wagie. But before you bother posting again, im not going to reply if your argument is
>Day trading is a lottery!
>Stock market is unpredictable!
>You cant make profit off the stocks unless its an index fund!
leverage myself as much as possible and go all in
>long term investing
>not buying more since everything is on sale
The only people who lose are the retards who panic and sell at the bottom
how do you short after the fact?
fucking retard
Im talk about shorting the s&p you fucking moron. Also, i was bashing longterm holders; people bagholding stocks, aka buying high, letting it drop, then bagholding.
If you're some memer who wants to buy stocks right after a crash, go ahead, but crashes take more than one day.
Oh my fuck, listen up morons, a crash doesn't complete in one, it takes month to drop 90%.
OP's scnerio doesnt provide enough information. We do not know if it dropped 90% at 4am and is stagnating; meaning its bottomed out, or if it is still dropping.
Im betting that its a downward trend and will continue to drop through the market; meaning, you guys who "bought on discount" are bagholding while i still profit
how would you fucking know it wasn't just a bad week, or a bad month
face it fag, you don't have a crystal ball
>Oh my fuck, listen up morons, a crash doesn't complete in one, it takes month to drop 90%.
The hypothetical is that it dropped 90% overnight.
In this situation you'd be retarded to short because if that's not a massive overreaction due for a major rebound, then the entire global economic system has collapsed and you have more important things to do than trade stocks.
>buy guns and bullets
Everyone who says this will die sick, hungry and slowly.
If you need loads of guns and bullets, you're already fucked and most likely to die. Avoiding confrontation at all costs is how you survive.
Antibiotics and other medical supplies
Clean water
Coffee, whiskey, honey
Batteries, lighters, lighter fluid
Dried food store
Rest of wealth stored in silver
With the above you can trade for all the guns and ammo you won't ever really need anyway.
In the event of a total societal collapse you'll need weapons to deter aggression from the desperate or malevolent.
The point isn't to win confrontations but to make them so costly for the aggressor that you'll never have to deal with one.
an hero nigger.
>guy with guns takes all this shit
preppers are idiots
they think theyre up against former civilians turned bandit or some retarded shit
same mentality as the typical daytrader
It's not your immediate go-to. The one and first thing you stock up on. That's Hollywood tier fantasy bullshit. Ammo won't ever be a currency and you won't survive just because you have a gun.
Try reading first-hand accounts of people who had to actually survive inner-city war zones. Guns and ammo are not the one thing they needed and it did not stop their loved ones from dying.
You don't know who has what or where dumb-ass and you're not going door-to-door raiding because you'll end up dead even quicker.
>It's not your immediate go-to. The one and first thing you stock up on.
The idea that you don't need a weapon at all is retarded, though.
>You don't know who has what or where dumb-ass
How are you going to trade medicine for ammo without letting anyone know you've got medicine?
That's why you need to have the gun to begin with, so you can demonstrate up front that you won't be an easy target.
Roof gooks from the LA riots would like to talk to you.
>nigger thinks he can time the market
kill yourself
>trying to conflate a riot lasting less than a week with years of prolonged societal breakdown
Lucky for roof gooks it only lasted a week and all basic services were still functional following it. I mean if your end game is to live for a total of 7 days, then arming up and jumping on a roof will ensure that's all you get.
I would be so comfy i wish every boomers 401k gets bankrupted
Take profits on your short positions?
buy more bitbean
After SHTF it will be chaos. Riots will be happening everywhere. Anyone that even looks remotely wealthy will be attacked.
Your peaceful neighbors will turn into gun toting cannibals after the first week without food.
>society collapsed
>no police to keep order, everyone out for themselves or their small group
>havent eaten in 2 days
>had to leave my home in search for food
>guy holds a shotgun to my head
>offer to trade his food and medicine against my silver bars Im carrying with me
>he puts the gun away and curses the day he got a shotgun instead of silver, then voluntarily trades with me
laugh, good thing I invested in crypto
The idea that there is absolute chaos after a societal institution collapses is actually a myth,
usually there is some form of rioting or looting at first, as normal people panic and don't know what to do, but after the situation normalizes, which happens rather shortly, people begin to band together, increasing societal ties and realizing they can do better for everyone as a group,
Only a select few would benefit, if it can even be called that, from a total chaos scenario so people form stronger bonds together almost like old settlement towns
Look up the sociological studies done of Soviet famine survivor in the 30s, and you'll see that family and township ties became stronger and so did gender and age roles
lmao @ poorcucks cuz 75% of my savings are in Eth
For perspective, during the great recession, the market dipped 57% and the economy damn near collapsed, saved only buy substantial investment in Banks and US companies via massive deficit spending and interest rate drops. The Great Depression saw a similar dip in market value.
If the market dropped 90%, many Blue Chip companies would go out of business, unemployment would be in the teens if not 20 percentage range, and entire cities and states would go insolvent due to lack of tax revenue.
Without getting too detailed, the world would be fucked for at least an entire generation.
>unemployment would be in the teens if not 20 percentage range,
Actually, now that I think of it, it would probably be closer to 50%
Preppers are retards.
The one thing you will need to be an effective refugee after personal transport is foreign currency or bitcoins and/or foreign connections so you can get the fuck out of whatever the situation is.
If for example america collapsed (i don't live there but the retarded preppers posting in this thread do) the dollar becomes worthless, instead of waiting around to have gunfights with nutters you would just get in your car and drive to the nearest land border or airport and buy your way through with foreign currency, swiss francs or euros or gbp. Feel free to carry a gun but staying where you are with some sort of siege mentality is the worst idea ever.
Go to europe and start again, then when it blows over you'll have money to reinvest in all the american property you originally had plus extra.
How often do guys take money from your investments?
Or are you all long term portfolio lads
Look at the german jews for example.
>option one
Stay in the ghetto, "the nazis will never be able to find and kill all of us we'll just buy a revolver or 2"
Result: transported to the east and worked to death
>option 2
Take gold and head to spain, england, turkey, russia, switzerland
Result: ripped off by ferry owners and border guards, new life in a new place, plenty wealthy and not dead.
You seem like the retard kiddo
Gold/silver have thousands of years as wealth stores. They also have a huge range of industrial application and are difficult to destroy due to their properties.
The will always and forever have a value.
Contact my precious metals connections in preparation for a sell off & transition the new found riches into property as the Aussie bubble bursts with the market, put the excess into bottomed out equities.
Laugh at all the normies who lost money.
>tfw poorcuck with nothing to lose
This, if your not shorting the markets right now then you probably shouldn't be investing at all.
put 100K into the market
>wake up
>see bitbean rise by over 90%
what do?
Brush my teeth and get on with my day. BitBean going up 90% daily will be the norm soon.
Depends on personal investing style. Definitely overpriced for long term investing
>t. 2012
This whole Trump Bump is build on Trump cutting taxes. If he fails that the market will correct. I'm going to hold my shorts until he gets some tax cuts passed. If he succeeds then I will stop shorting.