The Aragonese Crown: the bullied wife of Castile
The Aragonese Crown: the bullied wife of Castile
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When did Aragon own Athens?
>The Aragonese Crown: the bullied wife of Castile
How sad it is to be Aragonese and read this nonsense; Aragon abandoned the concept of nation by the hispanic union, Castile also did and neither the Aragon nor the previous Castile exist at the moment.
Currently we all feel Spanish, not "Aragoneses" and "Castellanos".
Bizantines though they could get away with not paying some Aragonese mercs
Soy valenciano
Deja la coca, la unión hispánica fue por ambos bandos de ser lo contrario hoy en día Castilla y la Mancha y Andalucía serían una autonomía.
Castilian here, we both made this country (with Navarre, León and so on). The unification is exactly what created Spain as a whole.
I'm assuming this was created by a salty catalán. Their historical revisionism is ridiculous.
Saludos, compatriota. Que todo te vaya bien
The Byzantine Empire asked for some help, and the Aragonese king who whised to get rid of his own problematic troops sent the Catalan Company to the East.
Then, the Almogavars of the Catalan Company smashed the Turks so hard that they salved the Empire for a time while also becaming increasily powerful, rich and ambitious.
Roger and his captains get more and more titles and Byzantines now learn why the Aragonese were so eager to lend them such amazing warriors, shortly after the leaders were invited to a great feast where they were assasinated.
Without lead and besieged by the byzantine troops, the Empire did not expect more problem from the Company.
They were wrong, the Catalan Company did not only break the siege, but they went in rampage through the Byzantine heartland till they reached Greece where they carved their own states.
Now lords of Athens and Neopatria they proceed to pledge fealty to their old Aragonese lord. Those two duchies remain part of the Spanish royal titulation till today.
The reign of the Catalan Company over Greece came to an end with the arrival of the Navarrese Company.
Exacto, y la verdad nos ha ido mejor sin Portugal, con lo cansinos que son.
Lo malo es que han dominado geoeconómicamente América con Brasil, hijos de puta. Se hicieron con todo el amazonas a la chita callando
Reading on Byzantine and Balkan medieval history i've noticed Iberian mercenaries tend to pop up a lot.
En realidad tener el amazonas no servia de nada, Brasil siempre tuvo problemas de morbilidad y mortalidad muy altos, nuestro verdadero error fue no colonizar lo que vendrían a ser las 13 colonias, las colonias británicas tenían una natalidad muy alta dado que las enfermedades que se daban en el resto de América del sur no se producían (Malaria y esas mierdas) y la producción agrícola era muy alta, si tienes muchos recursos pero si tus hijos se mueren y enfermas ¿Qué más te da? La unión con Portugal a mi juicio era más capricho que necesidad, pero la colonización de La Plata y Florida de forma intensiva fue algo que no hicimos por la falta de metales preciosos y qué luego paso factura.
Aragon was Castile bitch.Everyone knows this.
No lo había visto de esa manera, pero tienes toda la razón. Al final la demografía siempre tiene un peso indudable en la historia.
No, only that Castille favoured Castilians in the conquering of the Americas. That's it.
>Castille favoured Castilians in their conquered land.
Oh shit color me surprise.The Aragonese crown was so fucking irrelevant to the point that Fernando the catholic king and king of Aragon just used Castille and spent his last years trying to plot to get it back.The Aragonese were weak,irrelevant and cucks
Otra cosa a mencionar que me ha parecido graciosa. Si hubiéramos ocupado las 13 colonias no nos habríamos enfrascado en un genocidio sistemático de las tribus indígenas (como hicieron los hijos de la Pérfida Albión). Creando el componente indígena que hace que Hispanoamérica no se considere parte de la cultura occidental.
Eso sumado a nuestra muy parcial esclavización y la política expansionista de Reino Unido... Es casi imposible imaginar un mundo tan diferente
>read on Italian history
>Aragon has claims on Italy
>"hahaha how can Aragon compete with all the Italian states?"
>What's this Aragon is evolving!
>It evolved into Spain
>What's that Spain is evolving
>It evolved into the Holy Roman Empire!
I call asspull
Would have been interesting to see their development if they had not entered a union with Castille
El territorio que formaron las 13 colonias fueron parte de Castilla. La leyenda es que el descubrimiento de las indias occidentales fue por Castilla y no por Aragon. Se puede decir que de los dos, Castilla fue el mas poderoso, y 'america' un apendice de ese reino mas no de aragon. Muchos escritores especulan algo que no se ha escrito pero se ve en su historia y eso es como diablos unos reyes bagos, silenciosos, timidos, sin interes en politica se hayan vuelto ricos de noche a dia, sin haber descubierto algo? Los rumores que eran maricas porque no se acostaban con sus esposas, pero se acostaban con todas prostitutas, se especula que es un casa de bigamia oculta. Y todos sus poderes reposaban en las manos de los Capitanes. Ese es otro cuento pero cumplio hacia la unidad de los dos reinos. Si miras la historia por otra luz puedes ver que los pioneros del comercio norte americano fueron los holandeses por derecho de pertenecer a la corona espanola. Pero hasta ese punto el descubrimiento y el patento espanol y portugues de soverania dano la comunion entre catolicos. Y los holandeses encontraron poder bajo la reformacion 'cristiana'. Y peor para espana es que holanda encontro el apoyo de los ingleses.
Por cierta razones es que se hablo castellano en las americas y no aragones.
They divided the "world". Castile was entitled to Americas and Aragon to the Mediterranean.
Aragon owned Naples before Castile and Aragon joined thrones.
>smashed the Turks so hard
>at the time Anatolia was basically bunch of principalities with no order
>they walked over some Byzantine and Turkish towns, raided and pillaged
>ended up getting thousands of Turks in to their ranks and directed their attention to Byzantines
>try to create your own state from Byzantine land and hurt the Byzantines more on the long run
Real help there, Roger
And portugal owned the atlantic and every island between europe and america.
My question would be why did the unified spanish crown, instead of employing aragonese ships, employ morrocan ships? Morrocans say its because they were Berberi Pirates.
why would that guy need such a huge helmet?
What? I think you are missing a bit of context here. Spain's contribution to holy league came mainly from Aragon for example.
They weren't truly "one country" until much later, Castile pursued different goals and Aragon & Naples different ones. Castile was much more prominent in Americas and Low countries while Aragon was busy in Mediterranean against Ottomans.
>They divided the "world". Castile was entitled to Americas and Aragon to the Mediterranean.
But Aragon did jack shit in the Italian wars.They were pathetic and weak
>was busy in Mediterranean against Ottomans.
But this is bullshit.The main force in Italy and the Italian wars came from Castile and most Spanish soldiers and commanders in Lepanto were Castillian.Aragon contributed almost nothing to the catholic monarchy
Have you ever heard of our lord and saviour Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba?
A Castillian commander that was the childhood friend of the Castillian Queen and came to Italy after the Aragonese got humilliated by the frogs with Castillian troops to win the Italian wars? I alredy knew about him
a big guy needs big protection
Le dio duques a Atenas también condes a Provenza y a España, por bandera, de la suya un jirón. No cruzó del mar las anchuras serenas un pez que no llevase las barras de Aragón
Scotland > Aragon
Mai historyfu
why does this image get me rock hard
Didn't you try to break free every time you got the chance?
What are the different cultures in Spain other than Aragon and were they treated badly by the main one (which I assume is Castille)?
What year?
Italian wars aren't against Ottomans, Holy League is.
I alredy adressed the holy league. The money,soldiers and commanders came from Castile. Only Naples brought anything appart from Castile. You are understimating how weak and irrelevant Aragon was at the time
What a cute little dank mediterranean empire :3
More examples of cute little dank empires?
Me too, but I think the nature of all the Iberian peoples is to stand in one nation.
Vasc, and galician. Basically people from the north, hard working civiliced europeans who are ruled by the lazy apes from the south. every sandnigger that arrives to spain stays in the south where they have 2 options, stealing for a living or joining the spanish army.