Final Fantasy General DCCXXXV - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki:
What version should I play?: Information:

>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer out real soon
New XV Universe trailer:
TEKKEN 7 - Noctis Lucis Caelum Reveal Trailer
PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer:

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
Upcoming Banners List:
Mote tracker:
Friend Codes:
FAQ Pastebin:

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
Friend Codes:

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin:

>Other game information


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RK > BE > Mobius

>no captain jewgle OP
missed opportunity

Cloud mommy!

FFT is shit
Also, Mobius > BE > RK

>he is forced to save for months to do a multipull when we get the same amount of pulls for free in less than a week



BE > Eating shit off floor > Mobius >>>>>>>>> RK

Playing XII: Zodiac Edition for the first time. Just kill ed the Garuda outside the Valley of the Damned

1. Was there a way to ground the fucker? I know there was a sidequest to kill that Turtle (Which I did), but I forgot to talk to the Moogle After
2. Will there ever be a spell to ground flying enemies. Right now I have been doing Foebreaker/Knight/WHM. Figure once I get later in the game (And get 3 pieces of EXP UP Accessories) I will focus more on leveling everyone.
3. Did I fuck myself by how I did my classes so far? I have
>White Mage
>The class that uses daggers
>Time Mage

B-B-B-B-B-BOUNUS QUESTION: Is Decoy just completely fucking useless? I was hoping it would let me set up a tank but MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS

BEapes should leave

Is comrades having server issues? Keep getting network errors.

use telekinesis or ranged weapons

hold on guys I'm making a RK general

>no, the sidequest just makes the bird a bit weaker
>melee jobs can use telekinesis to hit flying stuff, but no way to ground them unfortunately
>decoy is pretty good, it misses less at higher levels/ lower magic evasion

Nice Foebreaker doesnt get it. I actually miss vanilla FFXII

hold on girls I'm making a BE general

Tell me more about that name

In Mobius, is Greydawn still the best magicite farm location or are the new cache nodes in chapter 5-2 better?

I meant 6-2. I'm illiterate.

Nicole looks like THAT?!

>jump into a quick play for Comrades
>get matched up with a guy named Tetsuya Nomura, level 50, wearing a full suit
It... it couldn't be. Could it?


Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

I would impale her from behind and leave her in a pool of liquid


On November 29 Tabata will hold the last Active Time Report for FFXV and announce the name of the final DLC project in the FFXV line.
This is the big one. The DLC will be priced at 25 USD and will consist of a single piece of downloadable content, it will be long, but not as long as the main game. Instead of spreading resources and talent thinly and erratically over many different projects, all effort will be concentrated on a single project. Project Nightmare. In this installment the player will control Noctis in a nightmarish version of Insomnia during the night of the invasion. This is a world based on the world of 13 Versus filled with conflict, violence and betrayal, and of course his leather jacket from the first trailer will make a return as well.
Project Nightmare will be the last installment for FFXV. A potential sequel might happen several years down the line, depending on the success of the PC and tablet/smartphone versions.


>ps4 sales weren't enough and they need to hold a sequel hostage to pc and tablet/smartphone sales


The final verdict on 15 as a whole will be given once all game media are released. It is only then that its future will be decided, whether its a success, or a failure. Nightmare is bait for PC sales, since the base PC version will come with all released DLC, Nightmare will be sold separately.

In RK, status resist from armor and accessories stacks, right?

been grinding weapons for comrades, got two high atk ones
looking to make some permanent weapons
should I pump fire resist and then laser sensors the whole way for higher atk or do monster jaws for less atk but I have alright mag/spr?
looking to do a weapon focusing on fire/ice/lightning/dark+shoot resist each


Nice, thanks.

Does Comrades have any staying power? If I pick the game up in a few months, and then spend time on the main game will it be dead by then?

In RK, almost everything stacks.

>no comrades updates planned

His removal from our soccer team has allowed us to destroy every weeb this year.

>does Devil May Cry have staying power?
No. People are already getting bored of it.

probably not dead, but close to it. it'll definitely have a very sparse playerbase in a few months
there will always be a group of a few people who still play it

>people are getting bored of it
>bored of a multiplayer expansion that can be played 100% offline

I guess people aren't losing out on anything then.

Anyone wanna do Comrades together?

I for one am glad the /v/ommunists are dead.

It's been extra buggy for me this weekend when I play online. Not sure if it's buggier than usual or not. Not sure if it's network or what.

3/4 for Braska's Final Aeon U+

I'd be shocked if Comrades is still alive after one month. There's not much reason to go through most quests again except when you're leveling. And there's not much reason to level more than one character.

>Square Enix’s Hajime Tabata (Final Fantasy XV director) on what kind of downloadable content we can expect in 2018: “We’re planning something many fans have requested, and something you really wouldn’t be able to guess. We’re currently in the stage of solidifying the content of each one, while also reconstructing our development system. Rather than develop in a rush to put out several things in the year like we did this year, I think it is better for us to narrow down the content and develop more thoroughly than we have before.” Asked about his new title and future challenges, Tabata said: “The plan is for the new project to shift into gear starting next year. I would also like to try to further expand what I worked on with Final Fantasy XV.”

Based on this, it sounds like there are two DLCs for season 2.

Can you help carry a scrub like me? I've never done a raid before. I can offer a Teedus with his USB/CSB/BSB2.

Holy shit why don't they just dump FFXV, call it a failure, and move on to XVI??

what percentage resistance is minor water resistance?

Gonna swap someone out for A+ when we get there.

Anyone in here playing XI on Nasomi?

I've managed to grind my way up to 11 THF in the past couple days, but would actually like to, you know, start playing the game.

dont...push...youre luck

Because it wasn't a failure in even the slightest form of the word?


Well fungahhhed lads! FYI, wall does basically nothing in this fight.

If you don't get carried tonight, I'll host one for you tomorrow night.

That is more than good enough, don't be afraid of joining

Thanks, what's the room? Also what should be the SB rotation, is it just CSB->USB->spam Sapphire Shot?

Wait what? am I casting wall for nothing?

>check on reddit
>no weakness/resist listed
I might finally be able to use lulu
>get in, he's resistant to ice
fucking hell

Most attacks ignore defense.

Yea, I'll do some comrades. I've got a Level 50 and a Level 1.

I assume they have moved on to XVI. But XVI is 4-5 years away. And the FFXV engine/assets/animations/etc are all just sitting there not being reused and recycled.

Thanks for the clear, you guys are the best!
Yeah, iirc everything is piercing except his basic attack. No worries though, it was a very easy raid.
Our room code is always 7243, that sounds like a good SB rotation to me.

Sorry about all that lag

Sorry about that, we were already full by that point & completed both just now. Do you have the stamina to host the Ultimate+ room or do you need someone to do it for you?

Our chain multiplier was like 77 on that, pretty good chainmemes friends

You can find the /ffg/ rooms by searching 7243
>CSB->USB->spam Sapphire Shot?
If you have enough meter then yes, that is the best way to go

A+ BFA going up

Even Hornless got his licks in with the CSB, pretty great stuff

Well at least tyrone was still a useful entrust bot in the end
Should have actually read the notes instead of skimming through them, sorry about that

>liquid drain

I recommend this node in 6.2 for general farming. You can get crystals and 4* fractals, and it's an 8/8 node so it's a reliable source of magicite and EXP as well.

Pulling once more for water+ armor. Didnt get any with 150 mythrils. Send me meme magic please

Could use a last stand

Here come your memes

>think I'm in ultimate
>it's apoc
Oh well, here goes nothing.

It likely wasn't him that caused our team to fail the previous leagues, but rather the horrendously shitty memes and absent manager matched that our team was plagued with. He was on the team before the memes got really bad and we did quite well.



was I the only one to d/c?



ah gomen gomen connection was iffy there

I'm not gonna really spam stamps much because the lag's pretty bad with BFA


Nic hole and Ponoko did.

Could be better, but i'll take it

I just set up an Apoc+ raid room, might be overkill for me but let's see how it goes. I have a Tidus and OK as an entrust bot, feel free to recommend anything better setups in the second slot.

in a room right now but I wish you luck, I'll join if its still up when I'm done

You got exactly what you wanted in a single pull. Well done.

Am I blind or does the rk pdf not have fest banners in the future banners section?

Global always changes them, so their contents are unknown

True, but the relic info is at least nice to have.

Look at jp banners then -csbs and + tinybee and bsb1s

Got a room of 3/4 so far, anyone else want to join?

looking back, I probably should have entrusted healers

>rk crashed

You asked for a water + armor and you got it
You were lucky and you should thank Delita