Poro ranching edition!
Poro ranching edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for my wife Syndra
I wanna cuddle Jinx and love her completely (also see her get buffs)
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up
pw vidya
what champion can I farm damage with in bots?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
I love Riven, my cute and perfect wife!
>tfw no qt petite gf
Somewhere at Riot this happened
>"christmas is coming, who should get the skins"
>"what about champions that don't need them at all"
>"sounds great dude"
I remember plaiyng a Cait in hyper lategame and this bitch tried to pull off her ult combo, what she forgot that the had 0 armor or hp items and went full burst and got a nice crit in the face.
She died faster than her Q could even reach me.
what a shitty fetish and ship
Galio buffs when?
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
Blood magic induced forced orgasms are the patricianest fetish
Im having fun so I can't complain maybe throw some buffs on top
*claps you for 600HP*
Somewhere at Riot this happened
>"christmas is coming, who should get the skins"
>"what about champions that are popular and always sell a lot of skins"
>"sounds great dude"
business is business
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
>1 new post
He can make ur waifu cum better than you ever will.
We can do this stay positive
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
how can a girl be so perfect?
has this been posted?
>For games a little closer to home, the longest ranked solo queue game this year actually happened less than two weeks ago in Oceania. The match lasted 2:42:28. Yeah.
>Some notable features of that game include:
>A final gold difference of only 10k.
>Veigar aiming for 3000 AP (sadly, he didn’t get there).
>Nidalee telling the enemy team (at 50 minutes) that if they’d just focus on pushing or grouping, the game would end in 15 minutes.
>Graves happily saying, “I think this is the longest ranked I’ve ever seen xD!” at 53 minutes. Joke’s on you Graves—it’s the longest ranked game, like ever.
>A runner-up game in NA squeaked in under 2 hours at 1:56:59. However, unlike that OCE game, this game ended with a whopping 74k gold difference and a 120/12/12 Kindred.
You can tell when you're laning versus a faggot because they'll rush Tabi first item
whoops! posted the wrong picture haha
Sorry to ruin your dream, but she's still swimming WITH me!
Because she works either way. That's how you know something is good.
Mid or top? I'm starting to get tired of jungling.
So this is where they got the idea for Kayn
>100-0s you right back
Would she give you a hug if you asked for one nicely?
no, I think YOU posted the wrong picture
where can I find league tributes of my waifu
>trying to go from a no skill role to a skilled role
Stick to support
You fags made me actually waifu a fucking yordle, goddamnit /lolg/
atleast it cured my posting autism, I guess
also, post yordles
Yare yare daze.
worst midget
she clearly said she was a jungler
Not soon enough
I don't waifu any yordle but I think Tristana is really, really cute.
Rude! Don't bully Poppy!
>being kept hostage with the jajajas because no transfers yet
>7 weeks already
I am not a shitter(premium shitter actually in d4),but it feels like ornn is the overlord of top together with mao.
I usually play meele carries,but ornn feels really unbeatable at the moment.
Laning is either:
1.Win level 1-2 trades and early kill,maybe snowball and win alne
2.lose lane or auto farm
Is there any hard counter ? I looked on op.gg for winrates and it says Illaoi,but I am not gonna touch her because she has a bad design,and gp.
Any other recommendations ?
When will my boy get the VU he deserves? No gameplay changes, but just make his other skins actually look good next to Final Boss and Omerga Squad.
your fault for trying to cheese ranked
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA needs 3.
Pass is vidya
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
>meanwhile more potential nerfs on PBE
This might take a while.
You have 30 seconds to explain why you love your waifu WITHOUT mentioning her physical characteristics
You wouldn't be so callous about it if you were in my place user...
you made a deal with the devil to help boost your elo bro
this is the hell you chose
almost waifu'd poppy myself but on the very first game I ever picked her someone instantly said "why are you playing such a shit champ top?"
>need 1050 essence to upgrade a skin to permanent (the same amount as before the preseason update)
>if i want to disenchant it, I only get 270 essence from it
Wasn't the payout way higher before? What the fuck.
i wouldn't be in your place because i have self-respect
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
Her kit is comfy to me and I find her personality endearing and cute.
it used to be 1/3. now it's 1/5.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA needs 2.
Pass is vidya.
>Riot doing a VU anymore
jejejejeje. You are faced with Udyr syndrome. You want a VU you pay for it
What do you if top would buy sightstone too?
I don't think you're waifu needs to be good
i.e jinxfags
>wanted a VU
>paid for it
>paid VU is now dated af
What now, Riot?
Did they say why they don't do just regular visual updates anymore?
>You get ADC role
>A support wants to swap roles and play Vayne ADC
>Says he is a Dia smurf and has 70% WR on her
Your actions?
yeah, they nerfed the payout whilst claiming that now they give out more skin shards than ever (patently untrue)
Riot said you were going to get "loads" from up coming "events" and lowered it to "compensate"
Man the fuck up and play the pineapple.
Because she is powerful and I feel happy whenever I think about her. I want to help her overthrow the Elders.
Of course. She's an angel who stands for everything good, she'd give you a nice warm hug to make you feel love and affection.
Why would he need an update?
Looks fine.
They don't gain money from it
Well, at least they gain less than from a VGU
> 2 minutes of VO
> very few animations
> if not looked top-down actually looks pretty dated
She's funny and I think it would be a very cool person to talk about.
Now you buy soulstealer
I want to protect Tristanas bot lane
Ban vayne.
Who the hell is Shitpur and why does he suddenly have as much views on twitch as QTpie?
soulstealer is dated too and has no special VO
Yeah Tahm seems just as dumb to trade with.
Who is the pineapple user?
>They don't gain money from it
Well, wait, why not? Would that not still sell skins?
BL, Soul Stealer, and Academy are the only Vlad skins that look decent, imo. He has the same problem as Veigar, his kits in an alright place, but his base model is ugly as sin.
Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums BETS on NA
how is zoe haven't played
right looks like a chimp in drag
what the fuck finland?
Because people pretty much don't notice it. MF was VU'd a month or so before getting a GU and most players only noticed the VU when the GU happened. So no more VUs.
Ask them what skin they have and if they say anything other than Red dragonslayer ban vayne and tell them to go fuck themselves
>when you want to pick your main at toplane
>they counterpick it before you picked it
>so you counterpick their counterpick
heh... outplayed kid...
You can tell Zoe is a CT champ because of all the why's in her kit
Why does her E go through walls entirely? It's just a regular skill shot
Why does it become a trap if it misses?
Why does her W give her random spells from minions?
Why does her W give her 3 nukes after being used?
Why does her R give her vision through walls?
Why do her spell spheres give her vision globally?
Like, there is just so much bullshit to trim from her kit to get her to a decent level of balance you can tell it's 100% certainlyt.
>it doesnt matter, its just preseason