Imagine they have no idea we are talking about them in a mongolian artshop imageboard
Uncontacted tribe
Other urls found in this thread:
>ywn fish and hunt with your buddies all day and sing, dance and drink all night
>ywn bathe exclusively in the river under the hot tropical sun
>ywn not worry about crime
>ywn not see a negro in your life
>ywn think the jungle is enchanted and inhabited by spooky spirits
I heard there was an uncontacted tribe near India that we know absolutely nothing about because they don't let anyone on their island. Anyone know about this? I don't even have a name.
You could've tried Googling it:
Yanomani and Kuikuro girls are qts. Desana and Wari are close seconds.
Basically the british captured some of them to show them just how great civilization is, and then drop them back into their primitive life-style hoping they'll tell the other tribes people "those guys aren't so bad after all". It always worked for the brits before, they were pretty good at subjugating primitives like that, but they fucked up this time and the people they captured ended up dying.
You literally cannot get anywhere near the island without them trying to kill you. They even shot arrows into a helicopter that got too close.
I can only assume the tribes people tell stories of demons that come from outside their island and they look just like people but the are only there to come and steal you away, eat your soul, or something like that.
I'm confused, are you saying the Yanomami are uncontacted?
Yeah they're called the Sentinelese people. IIRC every attempted helicopter flyover has been met with a volley of arrows and general hostility. I think they've also killed the few unlucky sailors who drifted into their territory
How inbred are they
Let's go subjugate them.
They could be a separate hominid species for all we know. The last time anyone got near them, they died from sickness (the tribal people that is), since then noone has ever gotten near them and not been murdered.
So yeah, they obviously have to be inbred. They live on an island and let 0 outsiders in, and by all estimates they've been there for at least 60,000 years, if not longer.
Wow, that place is big.
The British expedition captured an elderly couple and some children, the elders caught sickness and died, the kids didn't however, and they were released with gifts.
There has been other instances of contact, mostly by the Indian government, for example in 1970 an expedition from the Indians made contact and threw fish to the Sentinelese (who put down their weapons and gestured for the fish), but the warriors were still on guard. A National Geographic expedition failed horribly, they were immediately fired upon with arrows and the producer got one in the leg.
Apparently during the 1990s there was more peaceful contact and even accounts of the locals allowing boats to land and greeting them unarmed, but shortly afterwards the locals would warn them off with gestures/firing practice arrows near them.
Why does it sound so good?
It's too bad noone ever got dna samples
Tell me about these arrows, how are they so powerful?
They don't have to be that strong, most small helicopters are just covered in a thin fiberglass shell and it's just glass in the windows, arrows with enough force could easily shoot into
Is it fair to call them warriors? Who are they fighting against normally, I thought it's just one tribe? Aren't they just hunters?
We have to go back
They really should be left alone, it's pretty reckless to try to make contact when there are countless examples of secluded tribes going completely extinct due to illness upon contact with the west.
They just want to live on their comfy island in peace.
i dont know why they dont do some kind of stealth mission under nightfall to plant hidden cameras around the place. just go in there with some special forces trained people in a little dinghy
then they could start introducing foreign objects or animals to see what the reaction is. imagine the ratings
So they will worship me like a god when I bring a phone?
I vaguely remember reading that some people airdropped some buckets and hatchets or some shit onto the island, and then watched from a distance.
For some reason the Sentinelese flipped their shit over the red buckets, but left all the green buckets sitting on the beach.
Nobody knows why.
They are Brazilians. They will probably kill you, steal the phone and then complain about muh imperialism when the battery is dead.
>Girls typically get their periods between the ages of 10 and 12, and as soon as the period begins, girls are married off.
Most hunter gatherer societies are extremely violent. Like, murder is the most common cause of death violent.
For grown men, maybe.
keep this shit secret but contact with the sentinlese people is suppressed because they're not humans but descents of Australopithecus and some other archaic human population and powers that be don't want people to justify enslaving them by the fact that they're literally not human
source: my great uncle works at the department of anthropology at new Delhi university
>you die at 25 by a preventable infection
Another day in paradise
Lshsre pics
Has anyone read this? I wonder what happened to her when she returned.
honestly they're not any more isolated than any other negrotoid or australaisan peoples. there are isolated ethnic groups in africa who have had little to no outside genetic influence for 1-200k years. for a relative comparison, neanderthalis is thought to have common ancestry around 4-500k years ago, and we could still breed with them.
idk what the first word means but ok heres a pic
When is someone going to film the sentinelese natives again? we haven't had footage of them for over a decade
The problem with modern day living is precisely because we live too long for our own good. We should be out the door by our 50s.
We've essentially forgotten that people die, or rather we're just so mortified by it all. People used to die all the time and it wasn't such a big deal. Nowadays, people have grown to fear death because they're not exposed to it anymore. It's a taboo now to even speak of it. "Don't be such a downer, don't remind us that we don't have forever!" That's precisely the mindset of most people these days.
I prefer to premeditate about death, to understand it as a natural end to life, the big proverbial "fin". Living so long makes our lives less eventful, we spend most of it grinding away at work, living unfulfilled lives, and ultimately trying to justify our existence with "one day I'll retire and everything then will be great". Retirement is too damn late to begin enjoying life. Your body has become decrepit, your mind is beginning to fade, and you're just now beginning to smell the roses.
They get to live their lives as though they have retired, with just enough work to stay alive and for chores. Their 25 year lifespan trumps our 60 years of torment and our 25 years of freedom.
>implying living longer is inherently bad
>implying people won't be living for centuries and beyond as soon as we get a reasonable grasp on genetic engineering.
the only reason your life sucks in civilization is because you're getting stepped on. this thing exists to step on people. there are two kinds of people. why are you choosing to be the kind that gets stepped on?
They've seen blacks
They've been aware of outsiders for centuries, dude they have machetes that are clearly of modern make they traded for
They are isolated as a result of violence not living in some dillusional sense of naivity of the world.
They have been in contact for a century
They are without non-archaic ancestry
They've been there only since the LGM
>>implying living longer is inherently bad
The longer you live, the more time you get to spend doing nothing to benefit society while being a drain on the economy.
>>implying people won't be living for centuries and beyond as soon as we get a reasonable grasp on genetic engineering.
>implying industrial society will survive long enough for that to happen
Moar Amazonian tribal qts plz
>25 year lifespan myth
Hunter-gatherers had comparable lifespans to us. A little shorter, but a hunter-gatherer (or somebody living another kind of ancestral lifestyle) who lived to 20 could reasonably expect to live into his 50s at least, often his 60s, sometimes even longer. The "primitive humans all died really young" misconception comes from their very high infant mortality rate, which skewed the avg lifespan drastically down.
Wow, I feel the need to sack and burn their little village and take all their women
Do we as an advanced society have a moral obligation to intervene or not intervene with un-contacted tribes?
They might be ok with their life now, but if they knew they could become NEETs shitposting all day with medicine for all their previously terminal illnesses, they might prefer that. Shouldn't we give them the option to chose? Do we preserve these tribes out of a morbid fascination with the savage?
My mother volunteers to bring medical aid to remote tribes, these people are extremely isolated and live a traditional life for the most part, but every year or two have a bunch of people come in to give out aid/fix all their shit. Inevitably their culture erodes and they become more absorbed into global culture, but how can we as outsiders tell them this is wrong and they should keep living in mud huts?
Indigenous tribes have the internet too, they just access it through psychoactive plants instead of with machines.
mfw aliens could have had the same discussion about us millenia before
>mfw our universe is actually a simulation aliens made to try to decide if the real version of us was worth contacting or not
Are these pure Amerind women? Yanomami or what?
Also, moar
If anyone has black-and-white photos of tribal South American women, plz dump
They look pure. Though remember some Amazonians have australian admixture. These are Desana from Colombia.
anarcho-primitivists should have remained uncontacted
>implying spontaneous bands of hunter-gatherers had advanced political views
>ywn have a jc gf
"Hey Uruk"
"Yeah Turuk?"
"I'm glad we own the means of production"
"Yeah same, these flint spears are hella good capital."
The yanomami are anything but uncontacted. They have guns and a variety of steel tools from trading, and several anthropologists have lived and studied among them never mind priests and humanitarian groups
>In the Old Stone Age it was still unlikely that a man or a woman would reach an age of forty and if they did then they were likely to live pretty miserable lives, in our eyes prematurely aged, tormented by arthritis, rheumatism and the casual accidents of broken bones or rotting teeth.
JM Roberts, A Short History Of The World
I know it's not a stellar source but 60 seems like a massive exaggeration
>why are you choosing to be the kind that gets stepped on?
for the glory of Jesus
>ywn be a Conquistador who crashes into an unknown land
>ywn be nursed back to health by semi-friendly tribal people
>ywn slowly adapt to there culture and try and teach them about yours
>ywn marry the Chiefs qt Daughter and have 5 kids by her
why live?
now premeditate on that word and your narrow worldview
I think Columbus has a couple mutinies on his hands after his sailors decided they liked preteen native boosie more than getting scurvy on the open seas. In his later years he pimped 10 year olds to European nobility