How different would the world look like if the commies didn't take control of China?
All that I see from modern China is a wierd sort of cultureless money loving society. I might be wrong here, but where is all the cool 5000 year old civilization stuff? I always heard that the commies fucked it up.
Brandon Scott
Whenever I hear the word commie all I picture are hysterical uneducated baby boomers stuck in the cold war mindset.
Am I the only one?
Brody Lopez
Like a bigger and probably much shittier Taiwan.
>All that I see from modern China is a wierd sort of cultureless money loving society. Taiwanese are the exact same. And if we're to believe John Stuart Mill the Chinese have been like this for hundreds of years at least.
Evan Thompson
I picture underage /pol/fags trying to sound like their grandparents.
Carter White
I'm a 30 year old East European and I use the word all the time.
t. not OP
Cameron Gutierrez
This. A bunch of morons that barely keeps the country together that shuffles faces once in a while
Wyatt Clark
That's pretty sad, although explains why most of Chinese history sounds like:
>This guy ruled >He had a few sons >Suddenly his uncle killed his sons >Uncle is now the emperor chosen by heaven.
Anthony Williams
Only ignorant people think China today and China in 1950 were significantly different in culture.
That's most of human history actually
Jason Diaz
>modern China is a wierd sort of cultureless money loving society.
Taiwan is just as soulless and cultureless. Hint Chinese really like material things, see chinese Buddha interpretation.
Ethan Williams
Even then cultureless is a meme.
Jayden Baker
It's a buzzword used by Western Orientalists who think "that's not what (insert Asian nation) was like!"
Wyatt Long
>All that I see from modern China is a wierd sort of cultureless money loving society. And Taiwan is a massive Weeaboo Country where people walk around with English Names and Chinese surnames and just gave Confucianism the finger by legalizing gay marriage.
What now, m8?
Cooper Jones
>Whenever I hear the word nazi all I picture are hysterical uneducated greatest generationers stuck in the world war 2 mindset.
See how retarded you sound leftypol? People don't hate communists because they're "uneducated", people hate communists because it's a repulsive ideology, and it's repulsiveness doesn't magically dissipate just because the war ended.
Jordan Sullivan
JSM never even visited china
Kayden Fisher
sounds pretty nice tbqh
Lincoln Nguyen
>he thinks communism means equality
Jordan Lopez
Isn't their president the one who wants to welcome in syrian refugees or something?
Sounds like they're pretty cucked desu
Nolan Foster
Asia be under 100% Western control instead of 50%. The struggle continues.
Lucas Rogers
Not really.
John Young
>All that I see from modern China is a wierd sort of cultureless money loving society.
Isn't this because the region we think of as "China" is really composed of like 10 different ethnic groups that don't really view themselves as a whole? So there really is no coherent "Chinese culture", but there is Han culture, Manchurian culture, Cantonese culture, etc.
The commies probably did fuck a lot of it up, but I think it would be hard for the West to extract much "Chinese Culture," other than the most broad strokes, seeing as it doesn't really exist to begin with.
Jace Gray
>Han >Cantonese
Most cantonese speakers are ethnically han right?
Jonathan Watson
Without communism China would be a much better place.
Connor Hughes
Nah the other side of the coin was just as retarded and destructive.
Nathaniel Rivera
>Most cantonese speakers are ethnically han right? Cantonese view themselves as more Han than other Han Chinese.
Carter Cox
alrightalright, I'm not a fuckin' orientalist, but I think my point still stands.
Blake Garcia
>alrightalright, I'm not a fuckin' orientalist, but I think my point still stands. No it really doesn't. There was a shared elite culture in the Sinosphere that was never restricted to the Han.
Joseph Barnes
Me and my friends call each other commie all the time as one of our assorted insults. We kinda just use it as a joke.
Gabriel Rogers
>Tfw glorious imperial Japan could have subordinated Asia into it's new sphere of world dominance but instead whitey had to step in and hand it all over the commies.
Noah Barnes
Lel this is an excellent description of Taiwan desu.
Bentley Gomez
Maybe not. But he clearly encountered enough chinks to know.