mods deleting threads edition
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mods deleting threads edition
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>tfw no qt petite gf
>get into game
>those 1-2 people that take eons to load in
does this stop happening at high elo?
vastayans are property.
xfh for swim in pooloo my waif
this has nothing to do with league of legends
In fairness I think the devs didn't expect people to want a town ending for some reason
I hate these retarded bird cosplay characters so much. So shit tier that she's not even worthy of being a waifu.
do you know what a joke is? fun? memes? edits/photoshops? banter? is your iq even high enough to understand whats happening on the image or whats its trying to imply?
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
Nothing that a firm hand (and firmer Cock) can't fix. She just needs proper training.
from my experience it actually gets worse
Your joke is nonsensical to anyone who isn't a fucking beaner, spic.
>ufficial legoe dom suhstam
i love cait so fucking much
best girl best champ
and what are you gonna do about it?
a proper OP
Do you think Ahri would lend a hand in her training?Will Ahri have some special alone time with her to do some special training sessions?
can ANYTHING stop Nunu?
Probably this. Since it went from 1 ending in the town to 3 endings after people saying they wanted more.
lol no
quit wasting peoples time, this thread is fine, grow the fuck up
god you fucks ruined my lewd posting with your Arhi cock wolf knot bullshit. Fuck you
user, I was actually just referring to Ahri giving her some bdsm sessions. No knot cock bullshit.
>waifufags gone
>threads dead
Amazing what happens when you take the blood out of the body
Brainlet posters did the good job showing who those waifufags really are.
>zed literally 2 shooting everything that isnt a tank
>no nerfs on the pbe
nice and by nice i mean riot kill yourselves
I would love to do Gatekeeper Galio art just to have an excuse to draw pierced cock and nipples, but I've never drawn non-humans before so it'll probably end up looking awful. Plus, I barely got time to draw nowadays anyway...
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
Oh then apologies, I'm just so fucking sick of this "arhi would totally knot and impregnate sona over and over" bullshit from Arhi cuck
I have 0 interest in Ahri. She's already broken in, there's no point.
Can someone red pill me on Ekko?
Is he good now? Should i jungle, top or mid?
Just got his project shard
Isn't it assassin meta this time around? I thought people got used to that.
I posted that in the last thread. No need to post it in here too. Made it just in case this one gets deleted again. And by the looks of things it won't be.
Mary sue doesn't mean "I hate this character because of cliches I don't like". Ashe is a picture perfect female that ticks all the boxes for "normal female protagonist" with nothing interesting. Riven, as gay and shitty as she is, is 10x more interesting than Ashe. When you remember Riven, you think about how she's a hobo, how she might have took Yasuo's wind technique, how she drives motercycles in canyons. Ashe? You remember that she's supposed to be queen and has a husband. There is literally nothing else to remember unless you pull out things said by someone else in a non-canon skin. Riven also uses a greatsword, an inherently non-female weapon. It's also broken and she also compensates for it by using it in an interesting way. Ashe uses a bow, the most feminine weapon possible. Even the faggy elves main the bow so unless you're someone like Varus with some cool ass shit to back it up with or you're an actual hunter/poacher it's going to be pretty girly. Riven's backstory is that she is an exile with a tragic past. This is cliche sure, but it's definitely not as cliche as "hero who wants to unify her homeland cuz bad guys killed her mammy and dada." that happens in literally any anime. Riven is all about being humble because of her past mistakes. That already means she's learned something and became a character of her own. Ashe, however, has nothing except "muh peace" which even a baby would start saying right off the bat. Nothing would ever change if you look at her 5 years in the future and anything that does happen would be exactly as you could expect it to be. She fights the lesser evil, Sejuani and gets her to join her cause through the power of peace and love then fights the big bad Lissandra and gets to marry her husband, prince raging as they look over a cheering crowd of freljordians from their ice castle.
Rengar can oneshot ADCs with his ultimate with Duskblade, your point is?
They should nerf Duskblade, that's where the game is broken right now.
Like add some counterplay. Duskblade effect has 10 sec CD, but it works differently:
>If you hit someone with physical damage, you will trigger duskblade - the blade activates in 2 sec (time can vary on the way you want to balance it), after 2 seconds your next autoattack will dear empowered damage.
So you can't just run, autoattack, kill anymore, you have to attack, wait for it to trigger and then do it.
This will allow ADCs and mages some counterplay vs shit like that.
that's not me.
just because i want to watch large black men pump my wife full of cum DOES NOT make me a degenerate futafag.
just learn zed , rape enemy laner and 2 shoot everything for the rest of the game
Which League girl would feel the best __tip__ kissing with
What lewdposts were you referring to, user?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
the problem with frozen mallet is that you need to get into range to use it, if you're ranged champ vs melee that's easy, if you're a melee champ vs a ranged champ by the time you get into range to proc it you've probably always started taking damage and when your trade is over you're going to get poked on the way out too.
frozen mallet is just better on ranged characters than on melee despite the slow being weaker on ranged characters
if you're looking to not get kited like a bitch as a melee champion you're better off looking for movespeed, problem is movement speed itemization sucks.
the only thing i miss from the last thread is that xayah pic with the swimsuit
Who /Ornn/ freelo here?
ye i guess duskblade needs a nerf but when it comes to zed he got some nice buffs and the runes also suit him well, which means hes now utter mega cancer
duskblade is a disgusting item, I hate it and I can't believe it hasn't been nerfed yet. It's like sheen on steroids
Whoever drew this needs to be gassed immediately.
It's reaching Madara-copypasta levels.
>Haha great lewd post user!
>But what if Ahri with a massive cock....
This one?
Ornn is OP as fuck, you can just go jungle and nobody can win 1x1 against him
Also, you just never go back to base and have god tier ganks.
Truly disgusting
Or you know, make FM melee only.
>a literal cuck
>thinking he's any better than a futa fag
>wanting to see your wife fully satisfied makes you cuck
What games other than League are you playing currently, /lolg/?
no, it was a one piece suit, like a leotard.
but nice pic anyways.
Why black men and not void monsters?
I'm just amazed that they have almost the exact same exchange multiple times a day. Don't you eventually get tired of it?
they could do that but I can't think of any melee champs that build frozen mallet to begin with
This looked a lot cooler in the preview they showed on the event page. Why the hell is it more transparent than what they showed? I expected a real border, not this. Give me my tokens back.
because i'm not sure void monsters would be cool with me watching.
If they made it melee only they could add strength to the item so more people build it
>being unable to satisfy your own wife
>destroying the sanctity of marriage by bringing in literal apes to fuck your beloved
Clearly user if you can't satisfy her you should run it down mid next time you're on a highway
I started to climb silver with him but quit because the end of the season queues were pissing me off
I don't know if I want to main him in his current state though, it feels a little disgusting like I'm playing with a crutch
they'll probably fix it next patch
they always fuck up the border and then fix it
If you ask nicely, maybe you can. You want to see Ahri get impaled and filled to the brim by thick cum from their oversized void cocks, don't you?
Guys, what would you say about this project skin ranking based on quality and matching theme?
>God Tier
Ashe, Vayne
>Good Tier
Leona, Fiora
>Ok Tier
Yasuo, Yi, Zed
>Meh Tier
Kata, Jhin
>What the fuck was riot thinking
Ekko, Lucian, Vi
>mi wana to marry luloo
based waifufag
That could work
If they gave it some tenacity or another passive or just anything that makes it more than just a lot of health, a little bit of damage and a on-hit slow.
On a separate note I think it's kinda funny that there's only 1 permanent tenacity item on SR. I know they had more in the past but they got rid of all of them except mercs, I think that's just dumb. Steraks is a nice addition but it's situational so it's not a substitute for mercs
I'm learning midlane for season 8
I got Swain, TF, Lux, Malz and Zilean in my arsenal
What are some good champs I should learn?
Atelier Sophie
Rock Band 4
heroes of the storm
There's at least the tenacity runes now
Please let your voice be heard
>God Tier
>Good Tier
>Ok Tier
>>Meh Tier
Kata=Lucian (the AA is satisfying, fuck you)
>What the fuck was riot thinking
Vi> Ekko,
What are some cool character concepts that still aren't in League?
boy oh boy is urf sivir fun
Europa Universalis IV
Path of Exile
>that pic
>that game
Time to go fap
Team Fortress 2
Probably going to play through Dragon Quest VIII on the 3ds again soon.
>a little bit of damage
You know, they could just remove the flat ad all together but in its place, give it the passive from Atma's Impaler.
Vote in this poll
Not going to lie, your list reeks of Reddit
>More expensive = god tier
>wtf niggers and sjws = shit tier
All of them are around the same level of "Decent but only great if you like that particular champion". For example, I think the Vi one is amazing since I've wanted more skins that aren't entirely abusing Vi being a female for sex appeal and it makes her look pretty androgynous which is my fetish. I also don't mind the gaudy omnitool gloves either and the W break effect is pretty satisfying .
None of them are bad and actually do a nice job of making that champion look super epic kool with their individual colors and shit.
ok no more lewd pictures ok?
for real tho stop posting lewd pictures you fucking waifu weirdos
>trying to play to raise my rank a bit so I can get out of this fucking terrible shithole
>keep losing because my mid feeds or bot feeds
So tired of these one sided games I'm probably going to place fucking bronze now because of this shit
Try and stop me fag.
Did someone say more lewd pictures?
>Those threesome scenes
Choose your element
Don't make the yeti angry.
your starting to become as autistic as the waifuposts
>"Bad choices makes the best stories"
What did she mean by this? Does canon SG Ahri really want to get raped by Void monsters?
>tfw no adc gf
Jhin's is really good. On par with Fiora's in quality. I have Leona's and it's horribly boring, no idea why people hype it up so much.
why does changing elements affect the shape of her skull
Claiming Dark
It's never "rape" for long.
payday 2