/smtg/ - 真・女神転生/Shin Megami Tensei General

>>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Teaser: youtube.com/watch?v=ut9ekAp2drs
>Reveal Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=bvyCAFV9MbM
>>Strange Journey Redux
>>Dx2 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation announced for smartphones:
>>Chaos concert
>>Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue side-scroller for PC released as free download
>>English translation
>dropbox.com/s/xq0ear1r0cvq40h/Synchronicity Prologue English V1.zip?dl=0
>>Strange Journey Redux Files including cutscenes, portraits, sprites and soundtrack:
>>Shin Megami Tensei IV/IVA portraits, sprites and textures:
>>Memorial Arrange Tracks album, fully named and tagged:
>>Starter guide
>>Tips and tricks
>>Fangames, artbooks, soundtracks, manga, and other downloads
>>OST links
>>Misc translations
>>Script dumps
>>Recommended reading
>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for LAW

law more like fag

pg here.
I came to laugh at your op. Once again, we've won.

Why is that ass recommended reading link still up there? It has like three books on it, two memes, and the books that are there are all obvious. It doesn't even include schrodinger's book that dds is heavily based on. Despite that one being obvious since schrodinger is literally a character in the game.

I love the Demonica Girls!

What the fuck bros?



/pg/ here
I came to say SMT is a great franchise and I hope that although we bring in the casual normalfag players, they too will soon understand how good the SMT games are.