Jinx Edition
Old thread
Jinx Edition
Old thread
xth for aggressive interspecies impregnation.
Xayah is FLAT!
>this is still not my life
Why am I so bad?
Tfw no tittymonster gf
post tittymonsters
>ywn have Caitlyn as your platonic friend
>play bad champs
>build like shit
>Why did this happen
Gee boss
Obviously nobody can outheal soraka BUT Soraka does not have the same sort of useful utility Nami has.
Soraka has a silence + slow for aggressors.
Nami has a slow,knock up/stun,numerous speed ups AND bonus on-hit damage along with some pretty kick ass heals.
Nobody will ever beat Soraka in raw healing power because if they ever did the champion would be reworked (thats her entire niche) BUT there are some champs who are strong in their own right
tfw your main has artificially low winrate due to adc manchildren inting on it
what's the point of playing if everybody but ornn, sion, or maokai gets 1-3 shot
Why aren't you playing the time mage of eternal assassin butthurt mid yet?
>Jinx edition
That's it? That's all you could write while using Ambitious Elf Jinx? Pretty lame.
xD why aren't you playing the OH TOTALLY randUMB zoe as a support to climb out of LOW elo
fucking hate this loli bitch
>he thinks the meta tanks are the only ones
you naive child. Tankbabs rule this game.
It's my first time making a new thread I was nervous
>*guile theme intensifies*
had like 3 games in a row of mids inting as nunu cuz 'MY ZOE WAS BANNED'
Just imagine how perky her nipples are.
>mfw I just got carried hard playing a champion I don't know how to play
why has certainlyt not been fired yet
Why do people think this?
This is the most 2008 post I've seen in a while
I have a natural affinity for Nami's kit and I don't exactly know why it just clicks. Perhaps it's the balanced diversity it seems to offer between aggression and protection. I'm confident that once I go back to her again for the first time in ages it'll feel natural as ever (pre-season's for playing champs I wouldn't usually). Pretty happy to have all her Koi Chroma now too.
I like the new Runes and the health buff that they gave him. If I really want to play him and don't get JG, it's more realistic than ever to take him bot. Mid's nice too, but I'd rather play something a little more efficient there.
Because there are characters that can prevent that from happening to you as they should be doing, while also preventing/disrupting the enemy's abilities?
Is there a more-or-less accurate LoL champion bust size chart?
I am wanting to make accurate renditions in a certain piece of illusion software.
Are you really the one who went "move" last thread? Anyway, be more decorative, thematic, especially when it's an upcoming skin!
She might not be flat but she really has small breasts.
It's partially due to all the wrappings and layers of clothing she wears.
Couldn't you just look at the game models? I don't believe there's anything official, which should be expected.
Probably extremely sensitive too.
That doesn't even look small. Like its at least on par with characters like Lux or Quinn who are C at least.
Who knows, user. Maybe she even intentionally made her chestplate like that even though she's flat.
Xayah probably has nice, medium sized, perky, firm boobies
I want to go on an adventure with Poppy to help her find the hero she's looking for!
Okay next time I'll make it "I want to stuff ambitious elf Jinxs stocking and fill it with my candy" edition
How do I Bard?
I put some heals up for my ADC then tunnel through walls to collect chimes while he dies, am I missing something?
Just wanna grasp the essence of Bard playing
how can you forget Rammus? Niggas busted this preseason. Get Wits End + Abyssal and you can kill squishies before they even get out of your taunt
most of Nami's kit is automatic. the only REAL hard part is landing her Q. the ability to land Q's is what separates the mice from men
because his champion ideas are actually really good. People are just butthurt because they tend to have ONE ability thats too crazy comparative to other LoL abilities (Windwall,Kalista R,Darius Dunk ect)
If it werent for CerT champions like Braum and Rakan would not exist. You would still be getting E-girl champs like Janna and Soraka
>decide to buy one mystery champ from the BE shop for fun
>get this
>been wanting keyfragments for days
>log-in even when I can't play for a drop
>start wondering if drop-rates lower for events
I wouldn't complain and I couldn't anyway since RNG gives me drops often enough, sometimes the very next day after one.
>log in just now for not 1, but 2 keyfragments
So you admit that Cait's in a relationship with Vi? Good.
Personally I think they're just friends, but I'd support her decision regardless!
xfh for my waif loo loo
swim in synda
did you have fun
>xayah is a top cute
>she's ruined by the nose ring
it hurts
>Not wanting an edgy SJW birb gf to slowly break and mold into the perfect 1950's housewife
Nahhh, too long and to passive now.
>stuffing Jinx's stocking with candy! edition
Or do some dumb, in-character nonsense
>Seasons explosions from the loose cannon
>I think they're just friends
They really do a good job hiding it, after all.
Anyone have an estimate of when the next champion might be released?
walk up and aa/q people repeatedly until they die
Do the toplane thing.
>loo loo swim
You fool! You'd better hope that they don't pick up on this.
my guess is 2~3 months from now
probably by the time the next season kicks off so in 2 1/2 months
>am I missing something?
Yes. A better support champion. Don't pick Bard.
>tfw I get to play a champ I genuinely enjoy, win or lose
I love Lux
>Parries your knockup
Poor form!
>poor form
bold words from one of the flattest women in the league
>that one game someone made the effort to remark "this Nami never misses a bubble"
I need to screencap stuff more often. Pretty sure I'll be missing a fair share once I get back to her though.
dying too much
not farming enough
weird builds
Noxus event starts next week. Screencap this
>weird builds
But I got them from the most played builds online.
>open chest
>champion shard
>but a 1260 blue essence
These things feel better now. Gifting time.
>play nami
>be in lane
>be the bubble master that goes 95% accuracy
>enemies get boots
>suddenly my bubble rate goes to 50%
>enemies get completed boots and ms items
>never land an aggro bubble again
>the only bubbles I ever land in the mid-late game are the anticipative ones I use to peel for people
feels fucking bad man
I think the Release schedule should be Swain/Aatrox GU(since they said that the rework was doing well so it should be live soon or)> New champ/Aatrox GU> Irelia>
We should probably get a teaser by next week.
nigga what?
Whats better from the Project tokens: two Skin shard orbs or one Project Skin shard? Is it only one skin in each one?
You could try this. I've only played Bard once, recently, for the first time, but he really feels like a second damage dealer as opposed to a straight-up support. You know, without being some midlane mage pest.
>one of the flattest women in the league
hnngggggg 2000 free mana..
So from experience on average you are supposed to get around 1000 BE from a level up and around 2000 BE every 10 levels (at least past 30).
Is it actually somewhat faster than getting IP before or nah?
Why is Fiora wearing glasses? Does she have bad eyesight?
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
I got like 160 BE from my last level up(an Ashe + Annie shard)
uffisial lige dom sestehm
is jhin better early game or lategame?
what does lolg think of Shyvana?
Do you have a skin you want to unlock or want a past Project skin? Go for the Project skin shard since it's going to be at least Epic-levels of essence.
Do you just want more skins and don't care about Project skins especially (and wouldn't mind a potential bonus box or gemstone)? Get the orbs.
She needs to properly check their measurement. Glasses also make almost everyone look better so there's that too.
league of luckgends
>3-4 levels ahead
Please stop posting those "outplay" videos, they only make sence if you are even or even behind. If you have the networth of their entire team it's not skill or broken champ
it's very slightly faster (read: it's basically the same).
pre-30 levels have manually set gains that differ each level. the overall total is still (slightly, more so than the post-30 difference) higher than the old 1-30 gains.
>d-dont expose her dude
I was a Poppy poster and made a smurf and got to diamond with literally only Poppy. I own 4 different Poppy figures, 2 shirts with Poppy on them, and she was the wallpaper on my phone forever. But now we're over.
Zoe is my waifu now.
I want to put my dick inside her desu
>Try to play Shyv
>Enemy team picks a peel comp
>They CC me to death any time I try to do anything
Feels fucking bad.
>pool party MF was completely ignored after it released
>futaba Zoe
Makoto Vayne when
Same 2bh.
I wouldn't use a condom either.
Yet SG MF wasn't. What's the difference? the skirt?
I started playing mid because I hate the current bot meta and I'm having a ton of fun
I can't stop playing Lux and Yasuo
Do you really think she would let you use a condom?
What's she gonna do, rape me?
Well yes. And without a condom
the best kind of femdom
>implying she'll go for you when she can go to Jarvan and his spear
Shyvfags are cucks.
There is figuratively nothing wrong with using skinpreview.
Also I think I shill for it too much but still, it was very useful to me.
Reminder to just dodge the spear >:)
Recent time between releases:
Jhin, January 28 (65 days from Illaoi)
A.sol, March 23 (54 days from Jhin)
Taliyah, May 18th (64 days from A.sol)
Kled, August 10 (74 days from Taliyah)
Ivern, October 5th (56 days from Kled)
Camille, December 7th (63 days from Ivern)
Xayah/Rakan, April 19th (123 days from Camille, approx 61.5 days for each since it was a double release)
Kayn, July 12th (84 days since Xayah and Rakan)
Ornn, August 23rd (42 days from Kayn)
Zoe, November 21st (90 days from Ornn)
Looking at about roughly 63 days between releases, give or take. It's been 6 days since Zoe released. So only about 57 days user. We'll see them sooner, champions are often on PBE for about two and a half weeks before release, with teasers coming before that. This isn't counting reworks ether, which can fill the longer gaps between launches.
>that one guy who's commisioning singed raping star guardians
but why
That's pretty hot desu.
Makes me want to permafriendzone Shyv until she snaps and goes mad with lust.
Woops meant to quote