>Pastebin to getting started
>Clicking a link is too hard, what is this?
It's Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, only "free" and on PC. Penis Vacation edition.
>Friend code spreadsheet
>Last thread
>Pastebin to getting started
>Clicking a link is too hard, what is this?
It's Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, only "free" and on PC. Penis Vacation edition.
>Friend code spreadsheet
>Last thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>benis vacation
I can't wait for the next event
Giving gifts seems to fuck up sometimes, exp keeps resetting or going backwards, anyone else getting this?
>tfw no Helena
Seen it once. Might just be a bug with the exp bar display.
>maintenance tomorrow
I hope they won't nerf something again.
Dead general.
my game freeze when starting an event match. Is something going on with the server?
Where is my topless helena and ayane videos on youtube? We probably need to reach lvl100.
The last girl video unlocks at level 80 so yeah, most likely that's the case. We won't see it for a while.
What the fuck am I doing with my life?
How I can level up quickly the girls?
Past level 40, it's too slow.
It supposed to be slow so you can't get max lvl fast. They want to milk you for months or years even and for sure not gonna let you levelup quickly. Right now you don't even need high level anyway since pretty much everything is doable at lvl 40.
I just want to unlock gravure.
how do you even get this?
Farm, farm, farm until the level of your girls is 80.
>Rolled an SSR for someone I didn't have yesterday
>Someone who is at the far end of who I want
Desire sensor always knows.
is there even a good way to grind levels? I just want to get to 38 so I can finally get at least a sr swimsuit
how the eff do i disable DMM Game Player from starting with Windows? it's not visible when i see my startup programs on Task Manager
I did it with ccleaner but I think it's probably in the program options
Theres a gear in the top right of the DMM player, click on that and uncheck the first box.
Another maintenance coming
Lessons give a lot for some reason. I stopped using Momiji since I didn't get an SSR for her, so she's on lesson grind duty, but her replacement is still at a lower affection level despite always being in matches.
was looking for some info if there was some way to make gedosato work with this but then i found this quite extensive guide mostly for what we know already from the pastebin
with some luck it could attract more people
I don't even have lessons unlocked. playing with 0 ssrs is suffering.
Should've rerolled before you got attached to whatever it is that you're doing.
I didn't want to reroll because I play other dmm games on this account
For lessons, this might be my imagination, but I'm wondering if the girls' preferences help at all with obtaining large successes.
Momiji apparently likes to read manga, so when I switched her to tec lessons, she started getting a number of large successes when she hadn't done so for a bunch of pow lessons.
Maybe it was just rng.
i didn't reroll and had 0 ssrs until recently (around level 12 player level, 25 for both my players).
Then i got an ssr from a 5k roll, and right after that an ssr from a free ticket roll. You just need to hit a lucky spike, but keep em going. Every 5k, roll and only roll when you have 5k, with the exception of free tickets
ded game ded general
No need for those expensive poses. You just need to touch them in other to change their pose.
When maint comes and finishes, I'm going to update the pastebin and give it to the dmm general on /jp/. Nobody is going to be looking for this on Veeky Forums
/e/ thread probably doesn't care about this and is likely still fapping over awful renders.
Main issue with that is they tend to spend forever looking abused before picking another pose.
What the hell is up with stamina swimsuits? I have 3 SSRs so far and basically my TEC gets stuck doing all the work while my STMs just get picked on for having low POW/TEC stats. I would have to level up my STM swimsuits to at least level 90 before stats become viable.
When will they buff STM swimsuits?
Im stuck at S-rank pajama party round 5
>Maint at 2pm
Right, forgot. Should've got on 30 minutes ago.
STM sucks at the moment. I'm leveling two STM right now to check how will they perform but I think it'll be really bad.
Put :orig at the end of the URL to get the original resolution from Twitter.
Looks like maint is done.
Maintenance notes
>Added a button to open your picture save folder from photo mode
>Added a 10 second recovery time for gifting presents - to avoid other problems
>Fixed a number of other errors and issues
>1000 stones for the issues they resolved
>100 due to the maint
Kokoro's birthday is coming up - her SSR is the only SSR in there, but paid stones only. Which are conveniently on sale at 20% off.
Still no real improvements to the awful photo/gravure mode. Like pause or vertical camera.
And the pictures saved are still awful in quality.
This is the most annoying shit.
>DOA girls
Who the fuck opened Pandora's box?
Worst girl desu
Goddamn disconnection issues
Any way to see which stages you need to get a girl through to get more picture stages? Moon rune translators aren't working properly.
You can check rewards with camera but you still need to read some basic runes like kana.
That gift delay is so annoying, you can't click anything during that period
Every function in this game is annoying, it's like every delay is it processing every function one by one rather than all at once, the exception being skipping stuff during a match, but that shit is a load of shit for different reasons.
I think they reduced fapotions drop once again. I got only like 2 for the whole day, this is extremely low.
At least buying them for VIP currency is viable now.
7 per week is a joke.
Funny, today I got 3 and that's more than I usually had during the previous update
At least you get a few a day from the training too, unless you actually farm a lot you wouldn't spend more than you make, i guess it's too early to say if it's fine or not since we don't know how future events will look like, outside of the event poses and upgrade flowers there isn't really that much you need to grind for right now, it is also incredibly boring to do, i hope future events isn't as bad when it comes to the grind.
Which poses and how much are you planning to buy? Fucking tough decision surprisingly.
Bought the 50 trophy on all fours, can't say i regret it, wish i could preview the rest of the 30-50 though.
Got sets of 10 of the 1 trophy ones, might as well, considering doing the same for the 10 trophy ones.
Don't bully Kasumi!
Misaki gets so excited when she sees me!
I have 6 characters now weeeew.
Flower drop is amazing today.
>those Misaki stats
Wish i had gotten more balanced SSR costumes, i only got bad to mediocre stats at lvl 70, only good enough for farming on the easiest S stages.
Well, that's 80lvl SSR and event buff. She isn't THAT great on normal matches and I still can't all skip top event match to farm gold trophies. Still pretty great, she has slightly less pow than Nyo but much better tec and stm in return.
Ok, I unlocked Nyo's 10th gravure somehow and I have no idea how. Her gravure panel ended on 9th and it just suddenly appeared on gravure list.
>basic runes like kana
Not at all for the picture stages aside from names.
There's one letter in the camera missions in the third tab. That's the rank you need to clear. Only one match too, with the girl as ace.
>want to do all kind of new sexy shots with new lewd poses for the thread
>too busy mindlessly grinding shit all the time
does one of these events have a higher drop rate for ssr? i can't read moon
I am too retarded for this shit. After I installed it, it just keeps downloading and installing more crap.
Yes. Misaki's and Kasumi's events had higher drop rates for their SSRs. You can also check the rate with the icon in the event's window corner.
Yeah, wait until it's done.
>got into top100
>can't find myself in the list
I know I shouldn't upgrade my gpu just for this, but my screenshots are seriously awful looking.