/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Not anduin edition


>Deck lists
hsreplay.net (Buy premium for us)
thelightforge.com/TierList (Arena)

>Open Tournaments


>Deck cost comparison
Standard Tier 1 decks: 14k, 10k, 8.5k, 5.5k
Wild Tier 1 decks: 10k, 8.5k, 8.3k, 6.5k, 6k, 5.5k, 5.5k, 5k, 4k

Previous: Thread's modifier: All instances of "Good" and "Bad" must be replaced by "Ben Brode".

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first for gnomes



>i preordered

>tfw paladin is your favorite class and they just keep getting shitty cards
I play wild so it doesn't even matter lmoafam

>play steedgirl
>play golden steedgirl with double the buffs from before

why did they make a new legend that has the exact same problems as all the other unplayable pally legos?

The only expansion I ever preordered was MSoG and I got all the key legos and epics.
It felt pretty great.

Reminder that the Paladin legendary is supposed to be played after your opponent already burned removal on kaleido or a spikeridged minion.

good luck not evolving into this whore shamans, S T O R I E ES




Just played against a quest hunter, now that's one optimistic guy.

And I still feel like I'm not going to have enough.
I craft almost nothing

>dont even play this game
>browsing this general for more than a year now

They finally realized that they can print all the good cards as epics, and leave the meme cards and pack fillers as lower tiers.

>25/41 paladin riding four kodos simultaneously
What's not to love ?

pure autism

also don't fall for their schemes, don't preorder

>Cast each spell (You) cast
That's not going to work

Same here

That it's a 7 mana legendary wisp

well fuck...

>tfw Devolve it into 6 mana 1/1 goblin man


>It's "waste 4 slots of your deck for 2 Ooozes and 2 Spellbreaker" the expansion.



Good goy

Ah, Naxx and GvG all over again

>it's an "every good card is epic/legendary but you'll only unpack about 4 of the 54~ epics available" expansion

I bet you subbed to Kripp as well.


>Waste 1 slot with BGH from vanilla until nerf
>waste 2 slots of your deck for a geist and maybe a mindbreaker depending how prevalent priests are
seems like the natural progression.

>tfw that could be 50 cheeseburgers

Jealous poorfags, lmao.

And of course you're going to open the shit ones.
At least I'm ready for the Togwaggle memes.

ask me how i know this is an ameri-mutt

*blocks your legendary*
*makes you craft the last kaleidosaur*
*gets silenced*

been gone for a while any good new hs smut?
left at around the time when the cenematic was released

>New to hearthstone since KFT
>first set to pre-order was LET
> saving dust and unlocked all Dks
>looking at the new set confused form all these shit cards
I feel like buying 50 packs of Ungoro is better investment then the new set.

>forgot to slog through last week's tavern brawl

fuck me

>Spending money on Digital cards with 0 value

>being poor
if you dont have atleast 10k and gold before a new expansion you should probably un-install tbqh

>Digital cards with 0 value
nice hot opinions bruv.

You can earn an average of 150 gold/day, if you don't have 15.5k gold saved since KFT's release I just don't know what to say.

I-i-i-i can sell my account ANYTIME i want!

ill actually buy one anyone here looking to sell their acc?
most im willing to pay is 80$

you can't trade them and you can't sell them in any way short of selling your entire account
not that anyone would spend any serious amount of money on them anyway, as they rotate out every year anyway

they're effectively worthless

Does this finally mean I made the right decision to not dust my golden Pally Quest? I've been tempted so many times but i've never really needed the dust so I stayed strong. Is blizz rewarding me?

thats one legendary down

>150 gold/day
yeah if you spend fucking 10 hours a day on the game
the 10 gold/3 wins is garbage and does not count towards averages
With luck you can average 100/day but 70-80 is way more common.
>inb4 he doesn't bot

>hs smut
Is there any?

What would you expect for $80?

My point is you thinking the cards have no inherent value.
Did you have fun playing the game? if the answer is no, you shouldn't be buying boosters with real money. I've willingly put around 500 hours into this game I think it's worth the 70~USD i've spend on it.

dont dust anything but dupes if you plan on playing longterm

Pally Quest is fucking garbage and this Lego won't do shit to fix that.

99% of Pally's minion specific buffs are terrible, especially when compared to what Priest has.

>i've been gone for about 4 months what did I miss

this nigga fr?


if the acc is good i might consider more , but for 80 i should get a somewhat decent acc

Full collection of plain cards minimum



>tfw I recognize this jav

link me to better hs loli smut and i will never jackoff to shadshit again


what did he mean by this

>dusted golden jaina
>dusted rogue quest
feeling a little silly lads

>crafted Huhuran
>crafted DK Rexxar

get on my level

DK Rexxar is hell of fun, what are you on about? Huhuran was a misstep, though.

Hunter might be shit but the DK might be the best card in the whole expansion for me.
>went from 150-200 wins to 500 thanks to Rexxar
I hated Hunter before that card.

>He's going to waste gold on packs instead of farming arena noobs

Huhuran is fun in egg Hunter

Just unpacked my first golden legendary, it was that 8 mana shadowform hero, turned it into a Frost Lich Jaina.

Is Pyros necessary for this deck or will it work without?

>being this fucking new

>dusted golden anduin
>for fucking jaina

>he plays arena
I'm so sorry.

What if the classic collection isn't full but the value in dust of the cards not a part of the classic set exceeds the amount needed to craft the rest of the classic set?


He looked cool and all but Shadowform is a trash card, an 8 mana version is pointless.

>classic collection
Who said anything about classic collection? 80$ for all standard cards.


>He looked cool and all but Shadowform is a trash card, an 8 mana version is pointless.




When will they learn

pls be bait



not bad

It's real, 3 shaman cards just revealed.


Seems fun

2 mana is good, 3 mana is shit and 5 mana is completely useless

Hermit looks bad, Primal and Windshear seem alright.

Wow not RNG.

So they have a new "pick one from four" UI?

They had it in Ungoro with that Legendary elemental.

5/5/5 solid enough if you can't get the effect off. Control Shaman is actually decent enough too, it just gets bullied by Jades and combo Priest(wtf doesn't get shit on by these two classes?)

Hermit is the best one of the three.

>bought amazon coins a couple weeks ago
>still haven't pre-ordered in-case amazon do a coinback deal

They had it with Justicar Shaman hero power back in TGT as well

I actually misread its text, it does seem pretty good. Sorry.