What kind of insane slogan is "In your heart you know he's right"
What kind of insane slogan is "In your heart you know he's right"
people are governed by their emotions. appeal to them.
The same kind as "make america great again"
>YWN live in a world where Barry Goldwater won and set the standard for the future character of the Republican Party
I never asked for this feel.
And in your guts you know he's nuts!
It's a sad and complicated feel, to be an urban middle-class Republican.
He can't even wear glasses properly, so how could people possibly expect him to govern a country?
A bizarre combination of Minarchism and Militarism.
I wish that had happened
the republican party would have completely collapsed
Goldwater set the future course of the GOP regardless of the fact that he lost. Ronald Reagan was essentially a more successful version of Barry Goldwater who was charming enough that people would actually listen to him.
This kind of trailer for coming attractions occurred again with Ryan and the President-elect. Paul Ryan was a test to see if the Bible Belt would be turned off by the presense of a libertarian.
Reagan was too religious, Goldwater hated the religious conservatives and was pro gay by the end of his life almost completely to spite them.
>paul ryan or the president elect
Both are clearly more libertarian than Christian conservative.
Reagan supported all the same policies as Goldwater.
>Greatly expand the military
>Shrink every other part of the government
Goldwater was a shitty campaigner. He cared more about espousing his ideas than actually winning over votes, all but guaranteeing that he would lose in landslide. But his ideas did influence other Republicans, and Reagan could be seen as a repackaging of those ideas.
>What kind of insane slogan is "In your heart you know he's right"
It was actually pretty good because ultimately he WAS right. Everything he said Johnson was going to do, Johnson did. He said LBJ was going into Vietnam. LBJ went into Vietnam. He said LBJ was gonna draft people, LBJ drafted people. He said LBJ was gonna raise taxes immensely. LBJ raised taxes immensely. The real issue with Goldwater was twofold: First, he openly opposed the CRA (for non-racial reasons). This pissed off Northerners and Middle America who were tired of the Civil Rights debate by this point. Second, he didn't hold back his thoughts on nuclear arms. He didn't WANT to use them. He didn't WANT to go into Vietnam. BUT, he avowed that if we were in a situation where conflict was the reality that he would not hesitate to use them. Far different from Johnson's rhetoric that Goldwater was just going to toss nukes about willy nilly.
He was right, but being right isn't enough when you're in a presidential election. You also have to get other people to trust you to lead the country.
That's the real heat of the issue. Johnson didn't counter anything Goldwater said. He framed Goldwater for saying things he didn't actually say. Almost... like.. a certain candidate which was just elected president.
But that Muh Christianity and anti gay is still going strong in Republicans. This back and forth identity politics is really ruining America
>He framed Goldwater for saying things he didn't actually say. Almost... like.. a certain candidate which was just elected president.
but hillary lost user
>But that Muh Christianity and anti gay is still going strong in Republicans.
Because it gets them votes from people who help them win elections. It's that simple. I once did some mild investigating on just why the abortion issue is so important to the Republican party when you'd think they'd be all for it because it means fewer people on government assistance. And the conclusion that I ultimately found is that Republicans talk about abortion because it helps them win elections in certain areas. Those areas help them maintain a large presence in the legislative branch even when they've gotten killed in Presidential elections. So its pragmatism disguised as idealism.
I think Trump is actually the very first Republican candidate in a very long time who didn't attempt to court evangelicals at all. Evangelicals voted for him anyway, simply because he's the Republican candidate, but he did nothing to directly encourage it.
Yes and Goldwater was the best attempt to break out of this cynical voting grab worsen how politics is conducted. Tbh he is one of the few Republicans I respect. If only more right wingers were like him
I'm more of a San Francis fan.