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Someone post the Horde equivalent of this mog right NOW
paladin druid or mage?
Is 7.3.5 tomorrow or is it only new raid?
>rogue is poison / dark type
>elemental shaman is fire / ground type
>rogue can tank my earthquake like its nothing
retail cucks?
Threadly reminder to officially kill yourself with your shitty tech illiterate """"""""filter lists"""""""""""""" and shitposting/degenerate "pastebins"
new raid
angry pand
> (You) (OP)
>using a physical move with a special attacker
>rerolled disc priest about a week ago
>got fully geared by my guild
>just realized disc priest sucks massive huge dicks in HC raids and is only really fun in mythic
can't reroll again. guess i might as well quit
Anyone recently bought the game and want to level together? Last time I played was Cataclysm and I want to friend someone so we can blast through to the new content.
He's mommys boy now
>tfw don't have the willpower to aim for more than passing grades in my master degree because I spend too much time on WoW
my upcoming plans for this expension
>get the LFR first wing antorus mount
>never step food in the actual raid maybe at the very end or something
>never get to see the argus trinkets
>keep trying on the karazhan horse
>complete the winter event achievements
>smile more o ften
Is Tessposting gonna become a thing now?
Like this general wasn't awful enough
A fundamental rule of undeads is that light magic is hurting them. Which means everytime an undead "holy priest" casts a spell, he should lose HP.
This was one laziest and worst writing ever. Yes, they were warriors with light magic, but for whole other reason why Paladins use light magic.
BE are used to leech from a giant magic well (Well of Eternity, Sunwell) and nothing else. Literally nothing else. When the Sunwell got destroyed, a Fel magic "well" was the only reasonable alternative for them.
With other words, BE Paladins never experienced "real" light magic and should never be able to. The light of the Naaru is not something you just can pick up like that and pretend nothing happend the last thousands of years.
>what are auchenai
Some Draeneis are can weird sometimes, they always have some groups of people that just say "fuck everything" and abandon their whole culture.
A Draenai Shadow Priest or Death Knight would not be allowed to enter the Exodar. In fact they would even be banished or locked away forcefully.
>With other words, BE Paladins never experienced "real" light magic and should never be able to.
They do now.
>The light of the Naaru is not something you just can pick up like that and pretend nothing happend the last thousands of years.
It could be the regular light humans worship considering their influence on them like the dwarves.
How will Sylvanas posters ever recover
Tess is not infected.
I remember that ashbringer comic, there was a forsaken in the argent crusade just to spy for her. They shouldn't trust dead niggers.
Wasn't anduin supposed to be the token homo? Isn't that why there's all the fanart of wrathion with him?
Through Worgen knot - Unity
tumblr fanart cannot compare to the princess
tumblr is forcing shit is not canon user.
Please don't pay attention to Dumblr fanarts, most of them are from turbo-autistic sexualizing everything they can.
Lordaeron, home
A regular light worship thing does not exist. Humans pray to the Naarus light, even if they don't know or accept it. Blood Elves thirst for magic comes from being a Highborne and using a well. Using suddenly the "real" light is something an Elf race needed hundreds of years to fully comprehend like other Paladins do
How do you know if you've been kicked from a group? Does it tell you got kicked form the dungeon, or does it just boot you out?
This image is actually edited
heres the original
>Using suddenly the "real" light is something an Elf race needed hundreds of years to fully comprehend
I don't really see why, you just pray for power and the belfs already had priests before this blood knight shit.
Ah ok. I haven't done any recent quests related to him so I just assumed there was something to it.
>have to read a 21 pages google doc about the new raid for tomorrow
You somehow managed to cram Alterac, Gilneas,Soutshore and Stromgarde in one picture and refer to it as just Lordaeron
Least it was before Scourge fucked everythang up
Don't worry we're on it
The priests are the same problem.
>you just pray for power
The Naarus light does not work like that. You have to be humble, accepting, being full of hope (aka. being a faggot) in order to received their blessing. Blood Elves are smug cunts who think their are better than eveyone else, with good writing, the "real" light would never accept their behaviour just like that. Infact good writing would be that Naarus even condemn the Blood Elves for what they did to light magic before TBC.
Anduin is not a friend of Wrathion, he is a treacherous and manipulative lizard.
>The Naarus light does not work like that. You have to be humble, accepting, being full of hope (aka. being a faggot) in order to received their blessing. Blood Elves are smug cunts who think their are better than eveyone else, with good writing, the "real" light would never accept their behaviour just like that.
They are not worse than the scarlet crusade who used the light to muder innocent people, we have to remember the light (just like the void) is not good nor evil is just a fountain of power anyone can tap you just need faith or zealotry to do it.
Post landscapes
[Spoiler] and elfs pls [/Spoiler]
That's what Wrathion wants you to think
does it even matter if I use my own mythic KS? I'm a healer so I always get instant invites for other groups
Nice spoiler newfriend
no bully pls
Poison/dark is a killer typing
Probably had some stages in defense, try phazing first next time
>Top of Mount Hyjal
What the actual fuck.
It's incredibly large
>Hate leveling as a healer
>Generaly un enjoyable imo
>Level with druid as a Hpreist
>Have a blast
Holy fuck this is fun
for the love of god, help me understand - why do i get knocked off the mount and dazed every 10 seconds? I have a warlock main, and with that perma shield it never happens..but on my warrior it's a nightmare. Why ???
someone post that dwarf party pic from last thread
This could be us but you playin
on 20 year old engine
It'd be a shame if I dumped this future Horde warrior into the river..
>tfw played since Legion's launch and still haven't decided on a main
I think Blood Elves are definitely worse. The Scarlet Crusade puts their focus in getting rid of the undead. AND they when it comes to taking energy from the light, they are humble, they try to act in the will of the light, they try to be good in a certain way.
Their methods may be questionable or even unethically, but they do fight scourge in the name of the light. Being honorable or not, misguided or not, does ultimatively not change their source of power. But rather lead them to destined failure if anything.
Blood Elves no not do anything in the name of the light. They just want power. Quite literally.
someone post the current 7.3 mythic+ loot scaling please
8+ gets you a 930 weekly chest right?
*blocks your path*
>World of Warcraft 2
>tfw just removed all my IRL friends from steam and
feeling reliefed
can someone explain this meme to me
its getting annoying
*blocks your path*
>tfw played since Wrath's launch and still haven't decided on a main
Because leatherworkers want you to buy stonehide leather barding.
Why is the entry the other way around?
hey guys i come from hearthstone. do you guys have any npc phrases which became memes, like how we got how long can this go on
ann-doo-in, or ann-dween
The scarlet crusade was 100% good until the whole Balnazar thing, you have to remember what Mograine did to his father (and he was the commander of the crusade) or the fact that Sally was in the literal warcraft hell for what she did in life but that's what I mean anyone can use the light no matter how evil or selfish they are because the light is just a source of power.
ann-doo-in of course
>crusade focuses on killing the people of lordaeron
>people of lordaeron fight back, find the crusade are against the alliance
>people of lordaeron become misanthropes
well done guys
>tfw played since tbc and always wanted to be ret paladin main but it always blew dick except for that one time in wotlk and so ive played all the expacs hopping around mains but always ended up coming back to the pally but he's always undergeared due to my lack of attention and so it makes it all worse
Don't these idiot mages know to open portals to Theramore for Azuregos after Emeriss? ?
in the nobundo story it explains light is an on/off thing. if you been exposed to too much demonic energy, your ability to channel light switches off, it dont actively reject you it just can't hear you. undeath is a different story they can use it, but it dont agree with their flesh and cursed condition.
>portals to Theramore
thanks for the tip
How'd you take this picture?
eat shit night elf
sleep tight night elf
Are they EVER going to nerf Holy Paladins so the other healers become viable? For the past 2 weeks i witnessed talks by guilds that they plan to bring 3 Hpally to Antorus mythic progression.
They have been brokenly OP for ages now.
fuck tight night elf
what race/gender for alliance priest
Can I get one from the Eastern Kingdoms pls
Female draenei
sleep tight night elf
fem nelf with an extremely lewd name
literally too many to list
>Tempest Keep was merely a setback!
>every Mr. Smite line
>every Edwin Vancleef line
tumblr faggotry is not canon even though the player base is plagued by faggots, furfags and subhumans who think females have dicks
Male Draenei