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Nice FUD dude. Very good.

They literally just stole half my bitcoin and all you can say is muh fud

go fuck yourself kike

Did you try this?

Read this. Geeze. You'll get it.

>He doesn't want free money


Yeah and it's not doing anything

I'm staring at my fuckiing transaction after it's confirmed and everything and I'm baffled

they allowed my test deposit through instantly then when I did my real one it's not in fucking limbo and they're pretending the deposit never happened, but I'm looking at it confirmed on the fucking actual explorer for the coin

these kikes fucked up if they think they can steal my meme currencies and not get firebombed.

what a stupid fuck. this place is filled with fuckin inbreds and pajeets

>won't even post a screenshot
You know the point of BTC is that every transaction ever made is publicly recorded forever, right?
If you actually got ripped off it would be easy to prove it with a few screenshots.

Go on their slack and tell them personally.

>your memecoins are lost
>you deserve this
>you complain on an internet forum
We laugh at you.


If this is true I want to know more, and have proof.

>need to ask the administrator for an invite to their "help chat"


this is a fucking scam.


here's my transaction, confirmed 60 times now.

here's my POSW (scam exchange.com) wallet for bitbean.

notice a difference?


>abloo bloo bloo you're l-l-lying!

Any proof?

All transactions are available to the public.

So where is your missing btc?

What is your BITB address you dumb nigger?
We don't know if that transaction even points to the exchange.


guess again faggot.


Contact the devs and see what they have to say.

If you weren't such a mouth breather I'd help you out, maybe don't invest in crypto if your attention span is below par. Sit back and watch the big boys ride this wave to $1.

they literally won't display my 470k BITB deposit, even though it's confirmed in the transaction and in the blockchain's actual explorer wallet ID for my wallet on POSW.

so, where's my fucking bitbean then nigger?

a) they won't respond to my tickets and I'm not waiting days to get cucked.
b) see >>need to ask the administrator for an invite to their "help chat"

I can't even join their fake support chat because it needs a fucking invite from an admin, lol

>all he has is ad hominems

Kill yourself.

Actually this happened to me as well. I can provide screenshots to prove it. I cannot get POSW deposits.

also here's even the kike's own fake explorer saying I have my BITB when I quite obviously don't have it at all.


weird how they think they can outright lie to me and think that's fine

I thin k it's the weirdedst thing they'd let my test deposits through instantly then suddenly the other one just vanished in between.

Actually I take that back. One of my deposits just went through. OP, its been over 24 hours since my last deposit. You might have to wait over a day to get your Bitbean deposit.

I'm trying to figure out how myself and many other people have received our deposits but you haven't.

Have you checked your staking wallet?

By default all deposits end up there.

Nigga just go to their slack and bitch about it.

>crypto is a scam

ya dont say

I waited over a day for my POSW deposit to show up in my wallet. It seems like some users like me and OP have slow wallets. It didnt even show up after refresh.

This is definitely a technical issue on their end that they need to fix ASAP. These wallets are terribly slow to refresh, its the worst I've ever seen.

You'll get your deposit OP, it looks like you could wait up to 48 hours to see your balance.

Why would my other deposits go through instantly and the other deposit despite being confirmed nearly 70 times be held up? that isn't how bitbean works, nor most crypto. this isn't bitcoin and kind of gets rid of the fucking point of changing away from fucking bitcoin

>created an account
>logged in
>still can't join their meme chat because i need an invite


I'm taking my shit out immediately if it shows up. sorry. they're a nigger operation.

i hope they did steal yo shit you whiny cunt

this desu

haha enjoy your dead on arrival scamcoin.

>run exchange
>immediately start jewing people

smart plan

>le just go to their slack shill is okay with scamming

makes me wonder out loud what kind of desperate damage control you're doing

lol they stole this person whole .005 btc. i hope momy gives you more allowance to buy more beans

Don't worry now your scamcoin is fucked kiddo.

Look at the exchange Trollbox, people are having similar complaints.

The answer - simple, growing pains. It's a technical issue. They just had a huge influx of money coming into POSW, so their servers are probably having trouble on their end refreshing wallets.

I doubt its a scam, I got my money. I'm waiting on 2 more deposits to come through. There is too much for them to gain ti simply scam people.

You think they stole less than 0.1 BTC worth of some minor shitcoin and you're accusing me of shilling because I told you to talk to them directly about what is obviously a technical problem?
The Slack is here: poswallet.signup.team/

Go bitch at them instead of shitting up Veeky Forums with your tears.

i own 0 of these you retard

How many languages do I need to tell you that the slack is invite only you stupid nigger?

That link is the invite.
It's posted publicly all over the place.

No it's not you fucking retard. I literally just joined it by clicking the link and following the instructions. Jesus christ you deserve to lose your beaner shitcoins is you're this fucking stupid.


here, try that

also quit whining faggot


Kek wills the longevity of PoSW

But like user said it's just growing pains.

All of the devs are in the slack channel ready to help you out.

Also stop being a whiny bitch senpai.

Have you checked poswallet.com/deposit.php ? How much BITB does it show?

You don't need an invite, you can just register.


Glad I'm not the only one, I got jewd when I put in 100$ worth of pivx last week. Shit has still yet to show up, devs told me just to wait because it was a large amount that it may take a while to show up.

A week fucking later still nothing, glad 100$ is piss change to me. I'll make it back when the scam busts and I short these guys all the way down to 1 sat.

>$100 is piss change
>Complains about getting jewed for $100

Which is it buddy.

>someone shoulders into you as your walking down the street

No user, thats not how it works. You follow them and then slash the tires, even if its just a shoulder bump.

are you sure you're BTC is not in Stakes? it wont show up in the exchange until you transfer it

How are you guys so fucking dumb?

The site's not that hard to figure out. Are you all 14?

they are probably experiencing scaling issues after such a fucking huge surge in users over the last week or two desu

I had an issue yesterday where my withdrawal was confirmed by Kraken for half an hour before it showed up at all in my poswallet account, it did show up eventuyally maybe don't panic if it hasn't been to long

Shit this nigger is dumb as fuck

It's not a scam


Fuck off

Whats wrong scared to make money?


No proof, OP is a faggot

No fuck off with your ref link

I deposted 0.1 BTC yesterday, when I woke up it showed up. Did you pay the recommended fee? how many confirmations does it have on the blockchain? post the address here

Just relax, it takes time. If it's confirmed in the blockchain it will be in your wallet soon enough. It's only because the exchange is so popular that there is a problem

They are aware. See pic related


the site is fucking slow and also your btc is probably staked and not on exchange. where are you checking? It would make no sense for them to steal btc when they could profit way more by getting posw to $1 or something.

I still have my 0.1 BTC in the poswallet exchange

its literally dead, no action happening

i want to buy cheaper, now some dumb cunt puts a 5 BTC wall

why isnt't this ont he help section?