What's with this meme that the French are bad at war?
If anyone is bad at war, then it's the fucking Germans
What's with this meme that the French are bad at war?
If anyone is bad at war, then it's the fucking Germans
They lost some wars, that doesn't mean they were bad at it, just that the opponents were stronger.
Same with the french, they were defeated in 1940 by a stronger foe, nothing shameful there.
WW2 was a blemish on their otherwise accomplished military history.
A huge blemish nevertheless.
The Germans got their start by beating the French. Then they rolled over the French in both the wars they lost. That's why.
As much as Veeky Forums will not admit it, Germans have done some good things.
the Russians rolled over the Germans!
Germans didn't roll over French in WW1 at all what are you talking about.
We're discussing the French here.
They gained ground in France before the surrender. Basically in every war the French start losing until their stronger allies can come and bail them out.
They gained ground because French were pulling the centre back and flanked them after Germans tried to strike a decisive blow like they did in Franco-Prussian war. It stalemated after that with French pushing back over time.
when will this "germany" meme die?
germans are just misplaced franks and slavs
>They gained ground in France before the surrender
"Haha look at how many shots on goal we have had before losing 1:10! #socool"
At the time of WWI, the French birthrate was already imploding. Hence the older, less effective army. In WWII, the results of this development came into full effect. The Germans performed miracles given that they're not only outnumbered but entirely surrounded by enemies.
The real german warfare is meme warfare
just mention germany on Veeky Forums and just watch how butthurt polacks and frogs will get
what it says
What a load of horseshit
Prove them wrong user
What are The Revolutionary Wars you incredible pleb, the French btfo the entire continent.
You forgot to mention the franco-prussian war
Try holding ground in the middle of fucking europe with french to the left, slavs and turks to the right and the accursed swede above.
Teutophilia is a disease of the mind.
it's literally "deal with it" but it doesn't make any sense translated
After Napoleon, France fucked up in every war they got in to.
>Basically in every war the French start losing until their stronger allies can come and bail them out.
It really wasn't the case in WW1 though
The French were easily the strongest of the allies
Brits barely did shit until late 1916, Russians ended up surrendering and Americans didn't come until 1917
France was indeed incredibily impressive until the 19th century (pic related), but I wouldn't shit on the Germans either
Sure Germany spent most of their history getting raped by France, Russia, Poland and Sweden, but what they accomplished between 1866 and 1945 is incredible
Compare that to, for exemple, Britain who never won any european war by itself and has to glorify conquering backward thirworlders instead
But anyway, the european country that takes the prize for being the shittiest at war is easily Italy
I mean, Brits could only beat third worlders, but at least they could beat them
Meanwhile Italy lost to fucking Ethiopia
Drumpf BTFO
This. There were fewer than 100,000 Commonwealth troop in continental Europe when the French stopped the Krauts at the decisive 1st Battle of the Marne.
This is even more impressive considering the German Empire at the time had 2X the population and 3X the economy of France.
Crimean war?
Why yes, finally a thread for me!
2x the population + one autistic brother, dead kebab and little lukanka minus spaghetti vs baguettes, rosebeaf, borscht, ramen, little cevapcici and spaghetti + burger later
I swear to you guys, we will somehow be gangraped again in the future.
Also the war against Austria in 1859, the colonization of Algeria, the war against China for the control of Vietnam, the Pastry War...etc
France won over a hundred wars since 1815, and lost fewer than 10
The thing is that three of these few wars they lost are very iconic (Franco-Prussian War, WW2 and Indochina)
franco-prussian war.
Those good old days.
>Gallic wars
Gauls weren't french.
>Hundread years war
Many phases, the Valois still secured their throne while the Plantagenet lost their lands in France, and their throne too eventually.
>Italians wars
Weren't against italian states for the most part. Only a retard would write that. France did get, most of the time, beaten by the spanish armies, but managed to get some lands too (Calais, Metz which are still french today)
>War of religion
Henri IV brought back religious peace in France and thwarted Philip II's plan to have his daughter becoming queen of France. While France suffered greatly from those civil wars, the country managed to avoid the worst.
>Thirty years war
France did participate. Turenne had his armies deep in Germany while France was also defeating Spain, in a time where the spanish tercios were still the best infantry in the world. Won part of Alsace in the process.
>Dutch war
While Louis XIV didn't win as much as he wanted since he couldn't take Amsterdam, the war was not really a tied. France mostly gained territories from Spain.
>Nine years war
The french armies were never defeated on the field. Diplomatically, Louis XIV agreed to surrender some stuff he had conquered in order to keep others (like Strasbourg)
>Spanish succession
French armies suffered some severe defeats. Still, at the end of the war, Louis XIV managed to secure the spanish throne for his grandson.
>American revolution
France supplied the rebels early with arms. Their intervention in the war was decisive. The battle at Yorktown was Rochambeau's plan, as Washington wanted to march on New-York. The British surrendered to him, not to Washington.
>French revolution
Wasn't only against other french people. Again, only someone with a very poor knowledge of history would think that.
>Napoleonic wars
France is defeated in the end.
>Franco-prussian war
Defeated yes
How is it a tie ?
Officially...France won that war as part of the allies.
>French Revolution
>The opponent was also French
>taking the b8