Prophet or megalomaniac.
Prophet or megalomaniac
>this shit actually happened
Silly American, religious prophecies are for sandniggers!
imo one of the most based men in history
>lots of charisma
>convicted scammer
>toys around with trying to become the US president
>writes one of the most interesting works of science fiction ever written in a creative and successful attempt at having many young beautiful wives simultaneously
>accidentally nearly causes an autocracy
>accidentally causes the largest heierarchical organization to develop on the planet
You forgot
>Doesn't appoint a successor
>4 religions then branch off, at least 2 of which are confirmed polygamist cults
i have to agree with this honestly
probably would have headed a religious dictatorship in the west if he wasn't killed
Return missionary here. AMA.
>a fucking white male
Complete fucking autist
See Galatians 1:8
Like many cult leaders, a scammer who only became a megalomaniac because he could.
He was bullshitting when he started with the magic stone and hat, but I think by the time he got to Nauvoo he was slurping his own cool-aid.
Brigham Young is the superior prophet in every way though.
Do they send Mormons to Japan?
Ask me anything
Why did you leave?
wtf is mormonism
I'm also a former Mormon
a denomination of Christianity that teaches the Trinity is false; that Jesus, God, and the Holy Ghost are separate entities, and that Jesus not only appeared to teach in the Middle East, but also in the Americas, and that some Native Americans are actually Jews that embarked on a long sea journey to find a new land, and landed in America, and that the other Native Americans were savages that split of from the original Jews (the good ones are "Nephites" and the bad ones are "Lamanites") and that those savages were cursed with dark skin and a lesser existence; and that God is actually kind of an alien that was born in another universe, and that if you go to Heaven, you might meet him and become a god of your own universe
At least, that's what I was taught as a child. Also, the descriptions of Heaven are extremely specific
other ex-mormon.
Did you join the boy scouts too?
I like the outer darkness canon too. with lucifer and jesus and the pre-mortal split and shit.
Don't forget
I'm Webelos was as far as I got
It's weird, I was originally taught Hell was real. They start out with the small stuff, acting like most stuff in Christianity is the same in Mormonism, and then they tell you the crazy stuff, like God is ayy lmao
I was 12 when they first told me about the alien stuff
A heretic, likely swayed by demons and wicked spirits.
In better, stronger times the Catholic Church would have launched a crusade against the Mormons to wipe them out, no matter the geopolitical consequences. They're no better than the Cathars.
your lucky they told you at all. Most of the people in my Church didn't know any of the crazy shit.
>Also, the descriptions of Heaven are extremely specific
like what?
I don't remember that well, but there are three levels to Heaven, right? The first one (the Telestial) is for regular people who dindu nuffin. They can meet angels there and live generally similar to Earth life
The second level (the Terrestrial) is for the nicer people, and they get to meet Jesus and the angels. There are fountains and great statues there, and every house is at least three stories high, with gold trimming. The streets are well paved, and everyone is happy blah blah blah
The third level (the Celestial) for the really good people who did good stuff is where you can meet God, and the only thing I remember specifically is the streets are paved with solid gold
Sorry I can't remember more, but there were some very specific details
He was a complete Mohammed in that he was alphaas fuck despite his retarded beliefs
You also get bound to the same level as your wife and vise versa. So you can affectively cheat your way to a good postion in heaven.
And if you get to the Third level you become a god after every is dead.
I now understand why people would want to believe this
only if your sealed by a contract in the temple
My parents are sealed to each other and to me and my siblings, so if Mormonism turns out to be true, I get to be in the Celestial level
>tfw atheist but still get in Heaven
>tfw you go to hell for performing perverse heathen rituals
Its the only religion I know that has no real downside to death because every position is not that bad. We still have purgatory, witch is the closest thing we have to "Hell", but even that isn't really that bad.
and you get to be a god
if you sit at the cool kid's table anyway
Muhammad was this x10
>Because of my Grandmother I will become a god
Thanks Gramma
>Why did you leave?
I always hated going to church, I hardly payed attention to any of their scripture (much less cared about it), I had a lot of friends in the church when I was a kid but we sort of grew apart by the time I was in my early teens, I didn't really like the idea of going to BYU as I would have had to have moved several states over, no way in hell was I going on a mission and, despite being a Mormon since birth, I never was really all that invested in the church, the community or the ideology.
I've said for the longest time that I lost interest but, truth be told, all it really boiled down to I was no longer capable of suppressing my disinterest.
One of the -strangest- religions in the world
>Did you join the boy scouts too?
Yeah, but looking back on it; I can count on one hand the number of den meetings I attended and I only ever went on a single camping trip with them