Anyone else here get /bean/-ed? I bought .8 btc worth at 21 satoshi now I can only sell and get my money back for 15 satoshi. I got cucked hard biz. Anyone in a similar situation?
Anyone else here get /bean/-ed? I bought...
I've never bean in a similar situation.
>selling now
>when shit is about to hit the bean
I'll take them OP
Welcome to crypto bitch, now get the fuck out and quit spamming my board with your shit coins
I bought at .12 and didn't sell.
you bought almost $1000 of Bean? wew lad
whos the biggest bean holder on Veeky Forums?
You bean stupid OP
Just hold for the next few days and you'll leave with a nice 10-20x profit
Retards trusting their money in beans that are being shilled by 1 guy under 20 different ips on a namibian stone collecting board.
Yah you faggots just got beaned. Do your research next time instead of throwing money at a retarded bean meme.
that's what happens when you buy the ATH
>Hop aboard a pump and dump scam
>Believe you will be on the winning side of the scam
>Complain to Veeky Forums about getting fucked over
So you tried to be part of the big scam to fuck other people out of their money but it's you who is out of money, I feel no sympathy for you desu senpai
You should cut it out with these pump and dump scam coins and invest in something with actual potential like ETH and just fucking hold over the long term.
I got beaned af will still hold until i make my money back lol
8btc is about 9600usd
I hope that bean came gold plated
Before buying, you should have taken a step back and looked at the facts...
1) It has already been pumped
2) It is called fucking BitBean
3) The name is BITBEAN
I really can't tell if you guys are fucking serious with these posts? You seriously bought this garbage?
I swear to god I'm gonna make a shitcoin and call it SCAMCOIN and make 50 shill threads every day and retards like you would buy every single coin.
My only hope is that threads like this will put an end to the memecoins (excluding coins with actual innovation such as POSW)
but I know it wont...
.8 retard
how can you even buy something with a superhero Bean logo? Would you want to be a client of a bank with such a logo in real life?
Jesus i cant stop laughing
OP it's called Volatility
Bean is literally worth 100 sats at least no matter what FUD you read. Remember: it's still faster, more reliable, and cleaner than literally 90% of these shitcoins. They're just too KEKED by expectations of professionalism when really the logo is Cute, Catchy and the transactions suffice for the purpose. Best branding in crypto 10/10 true Beanliever reporting in.
When will you fucking kikes learn? Find other resources on what/where/when to buy coins. It's not hard to come across decent groups that actually give useful info. Shit, the coins I made money on this week haven't even had a single thread on here.
Fucking cuck.
$24,000 is volume the past 24 hours. HOLY FUCKING KEK
like what
See, this is what happens when you trust the shills. At least run it by Twitter's Crypto community before buying something retarded like bitbean.
Sounds like you're a beaner now