How are you hanging there user?
The slavery is killing me.
But it's the only way to get enough to start a business.
How are you hanging there user?
The slavery is killing me.
But it's the only way to get enough to start a business.
Thanks for the food stamps.
>it's the only way to get enough to start a business.
most successful businesses start themselves.
If you need money to get started you're probably going to fail because you don't understand what a business is. A business makes money. Start by making money, not losing it.
Just get a VC to fund you. I hear Peter Thiel will front you a few million if you let him paint your colon white.
What the fuck are you smoking?
OP is clearly suffering as an employee, saving money up to start a business himself. You can't just start a business without any starting capital.
What if I told you that's the key secrete to most successful businesses? Think of a product or service. Then scale it down to where you can get started for under $500. Then scale it up over time.
That model only applies to a small portion of businesses. Thats basically direct sales or contracting. You cant just do that with a shop or a restaurant.
Actually you can. If you don't have the creativity to make your business scalable from scratch then you probably shouldn't start one. This idea of having to go in debt to start a business is toxic and only benefiting the banks. You don't need a shop to sell things, you should have a catalyst and support first to where you think. O wow I have to open up a restaurant now to sell my cuisine! Not maybe i should go in debt 200k and try to profit under a mountain of starting debt plus monthly rent and utilities. It's up to the businessmen to decide how to go about setting this up, but it's crucial to a small business and highly underrated
holy fuck delete this
Doing great
this basically, if you have people clamoring for what you have before you even have it, then it will be a success. dont mind me just vomiting up things over people have said.
so you start your own business, a store or something middling, then what. youre just gonna be a bigger slave.
Most successful businesses require a shit-ton of capital injection. Instead of coming from loans, this comes from business partners / investors.
Don't worry, soon you'll be a slave of your own business while not making enough money to see a relevant change in your life. Best case scenario is it never fails and you go bankrupt.
The only good business in 2017 is online money where you only need to pay for the website host (or 0 if its a jewtube channel)
You always need luck to become a meme tho.
U mean 10 businesses since 90% fail. 1 down 9 to go. Kill me...
Can you atleast concede it could be FASTER to wageslave for capital before starting the business?
>90% fail.
not true. use a search engine.
a business is just an income.
you could produce an income by starting with a loss, but it's not very common. Most people start with income.
My wage slavery is slowly claiming my sanity but I've just gone numb which helps a lot. Government trying to regulate my profession out of existence, so I just focus day to day on moving forward trying to make as much money as possible to keep investing & escape the rat race.
I'll never have any hope of starting a business in the The People's Democratic Police State Republic of Australia.
No. Wrong. shut the fuck up and consider other ideas before simply repeating your faggotry again and again
Learn a skilled trade. Generally you only need to pay for training and tools, albiet that can come to a couple of grand, but in the end it's worth it.
>You cant just do that with a shop or a restaurant.
I love how people think most businesses are shops and restaurants
like you're completely unaware of the vast majority of businesses in the world because you don't deal with them.
Like saying you want to buy a car and then insisting that all cars are Ford Focuses.
Who is higher on the totempole, a wage slave or a salary slave?