Is the idea that Japan regressed into collective infantile after getting nuked legitimate, or just a meme? My heart tells me that's what really happened, but I'm not 100% sure they weren't just like that all along. Would a different country have reacted the same way if it were nuked instead?
Is the idea that Japan regressed into collective infantile after getting nuked legitimate, or just a meme...
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US dismantled the samurai so only submissive peasants were left.
It's a meme. They weren't like that in the 1950s.
I think the idea is it didn't take effect until the generation of children who went through the atom bomb trauma grew up, which would be later than the 1950s.
What caused it to happen then?
I know Japan in the 50's was a lot more authentic and different from the Japan now, but how has their society/culture changed exactly?
It's a meme. The joke about Japanese culture is just that, a joke. Taisho-era Japanese society prior to Mukden and the rise of the military was largely disgusted with Japanese military adventures/misadventures in the early 20th century, and there was a push for a stronger civilian government in that period.
The idea that Anime and Manga came from subjugation by the United States is also incorrect; Anime and Manga as an art medium was influenced by Disney movies such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves long before World War II. For example, this is an "anime" produced during the war period:
As a medium initially aimed at children in the first place, it has always been all cute, and it was already evolving to something separate from American cartoons well before the war ended.
Probably cultural revolution of 1960s and forced rapid modernization and westernization. It's not like the Western world is that different nowadays.
Jap culture is very pervasive and increasingly popular in all developed countries; the apparent "feminization" of society is a result of industrialization and development, which leads to decreased socialization and more sedentary, passive lifestyles.
it's really not that hard to piece together.
every single "tough guy", hardcore bushido, hardcore traditionalist, anyone who was serious about being brave and manly and was hardcore "NIPPON STRONK" and shit, died in the war. every single one, because of their culture. if they didn't get killed trying to pull some archaic stunt, they'd kill themselves, and all of the most hardcore people killed themselves when japan surrendered.
there was nobody left to pass on the more "tough" aspects of their culture. a similar effect can be seen in europe after two world wars, though not as extreme as japan.
>As a medium initially aimed at children
That's the key thing here though. Having a medium aimed at children isn't unusual. What's noteworthy is how it became a massively pervasive facet of their adult culture. Paranoia Agent covered this topic pretty well.
>Japan regressed after the nukes
>It became the 2nd largest economy on the planet and revolutionized modern production without sacrificing over-all quality
>Japan was so prosperous in the 1980's and early 1990's that Japanese auto companies were shitting out dozens and dozens of futuristic sports cars and everyone's using fiber-optic cables to capture the sun and naturally lighting their homes, while also building the largest purification plants in the world to clean up decades of water pollution in a manner of months
>But Japan regressed
Japanese regression began with the decline of the Japanese economy in the mid 1990's, not after the bombing of the second world war. The firebombing during the war and the nuclear blasts of 1945 gave Japan the opportunity to entirely rebuild and modernize the nation, and a great deal of that came from loan-free foreign money. Japan was never as prosperous than in the decades following the bomb and all the economists and historians with even a passing interest in Japanese history can attest to this.
i this this whole meme comes from people who's only exposure to japan is cartoons and documentaries about NEETs like them.
not to say japan doesn't have some issues regarding masculinity and degeneracy, but what first world country doesn't these days?
>Having a medium aimed at children isn't unusual. What's noteworthy is how it became a massively pervasive facet of their adult culture.
But media originally aimed at children are also huge parts of adult culture in the United States. The only difference is that Anime has held onto its "cute" exterior, often even while the tone and themes that it discusses have become increasingly adult.
You're using a different meaning of "regression." Nobody's arguing Japan got less wealthy or less technologically advanced. We're talking about cultural infantilism. Read this basically:
>The only difference is that Anime has held onto its "cute" exterior
That's the point I think.
>Such characters can be described as yurui, an adjective difficult to translate into English. The closest equivalent might be “self-deprecatingly endearing.” The word never has a negative connotation. It can mean, “slow,” “bumbling,” “lethargic,” “forgiving,” “mild” and “loose.”
>Such characters also tend to be popular with adults and children alike in Japan. Some have attributed this to Japanese culture not drawing as distinct a line between children and adults as Western countries (men and women often live with their parents their entire life). However, this aspect of the culture is not new and kawaii and yurui characters are all post-war.
>While cute mascots appear in every country, it is their use in promoting adult products and ideas that is unique to Japan. City governments, credit card companies and even condoms make use of yurui characters. This often amuses and puzzles foreigners and one could argue that it represent the way the world sees Japan — in the “Daily Show’s” book, “America,” the section on Japan adroitly lists the Prime Minister as “Hello Koizumi.”
Anime came about because drawing a show with outlandish costumes, sets and shots is way, way cheaper and easier than filming one and Japan wasn't exactly rolling in money during the post-war years.
Japan also had exceptionally robusy visual arts and drama traditions to draw from, so that probably didn't hurt either.
How Japan is more "infantilized" than the USA or european countries ?
I know anime may come straight to your mind, but anime and manga are not that much seen in the public space. I was actually surprised to see mangas were much easier to find in my country, than in Japan.
Japanese society still emphazises greatly on work, responsability and the social pressure is huge. How is it more "infantilized" than the west ? At best, you could say Japan is an asepticized society.
This is so retarded on so many levels it's not even funny.
why is a city getting nuked any different fundamentally from the dozens of European cities that were smoldering wrecks from conventional munitions?
atom bombs aren't imbued with some mystical special powers
>what is radiation
divine sea warriors looks similar to american cartoons, it had started to evolve into something else, but the course of evolution changed after the war
the meiji government dismantled the samurai long before ww2
ITT: people who think japan is literally anime
This. Anyone who has spent any time in their corporate culture will tell you that conservatism is still quite strong there.
After dinner, our female coworkers were told to return to their hotel rooms to get a good nights rest while the men were expected to get shit faced at the titty bar until 2 a.m.
It's just a meme.
A lot of people don't realize that Japan is a real country with real people that spend their days going to work, talking to their friends and having families rather than a cartoon where there's panty machines on every corner and government plans to build battle robots.
So radiation is responsible for anime!
And Godzilla!! Remember!
>s the idea that Japan regressed into collective infantile after getting nuked legitimate, or just a meme?
It's a meme. War Without Mercy by John Dower goes into great detail about this, but the basic gist is that in the Post-War period, the U.S. needed to spin all that propaganda that Japs were blind followers into something "positive" so they released even more propaganda about how they were like children who needed a paternalistic influence after they threw a temper tantrum. The didn't regress into anything. The rest of the world was just told that they did.
It's a meme, most Japs don't care about anime and vidya outside "it's fun". Are all Westerners children because capeshit is popular too? No because that's fucking stupid. All the nuclear bomb did was make Japan acutely aware of how much war can suck dick
>radiation that dissipated quickly in 1945 is the reason there are otakus, neets, hikis, moeshit, and Japanese couples refusing to breed in 2016
The pussification of Japan was more likely caused by the US military occupation and satellification of the country than by the nukes
Just look at Modern Germany, they didn't experience nukes but still became pussified betas
Not relevant outside of their cultural zeitgeist about the war at this point, Nagasaki and Hiroshima don't even have exceptional rates of cancer
numales, sjws, and hipsters all originate in the us
what's your excuse, amerifat?
Japan is still pretty much xenophobic and nationalistic, they aren't nearly comparable to Germany.
The idea that Anime and Manga came from subjugation by the United States is also incorrect; Anime and Manga as an art medium was influenced by Disney movies such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves long before World War II. For example, this is an "anime" produced during the war period:
The defeat and subjugation by the fucking US is goddamned crucial to anime.
Because Imperial Japan is rife with censorship. Not only of sexual shit but also things deemed anti-social. When Japan got BTFO so did reverence and strict adherence to Old-Guard traditions. Hence all the fucking hentai, edgy mc-antiauthority characters, and pacifism.
>The defeat and subjugation by the fucking US is goddamned crucial to anime.
>When Japan got BTFO so did reverence and strict adherence to Old-Guard traditions. Hence all the fucking hentai, edgy mc-antiauthority characters, and pacifism
Not as much as you're making out, GATE and plenty of mangas that fly under the radar are explicitly JAPAN FUCK YEAH. There is literally an entire manga series that says Koreans are just a shitty race who stole Japanese culture, they have school textbooks that say warcrimes were a simply whoops, no where in the supposedly liberal west would that be allowed to be published
I wouldn't say the Japanese people "regressed" as a result of the war, the goals of the nation and it's people just changed.
Japanese culture still teaches strict discipline and hard labor as cornerstones to be even remotely accepted by society. with 80 hour work weeks and proficient understanding of all major academic subjects regardless of your profession is pretty much expected out of everyone.
Japan is still a culture of strict regulation and discipline, valuing hard work and personal honor over all else, but what the people worked for changed from conquest and territory to money after the conquest route didn't work out well.
Lmao this delusonal subhuman Americuck
Radiation doesn't cause cultural changes any more than it causes superpowers.
>LOL we MURICANS made anime by nuking Japan
That's a fucking meme.
>Japanese art and society obviously reflects the experiences the country underwent.
That's Veeky Forumstory and quality social science.
The change that occurred to the Japanese psyche following WW2 is one of the most well dramatic of any nation.
Up until the moment that Hirohito came onto the radio and announced the surrender of Japan the majority of Japanese people thought that their country was invincible. Never in their entire history had they been occupied by a foreign power. They truly believed another "Kaze" would come in and save their island just like it had the other times they had been attacked.
When the Japanese people heard Hirohito's voice, the first time most Japanese had ever heard his voice, announce their surrender the country went into complete shock. Tradition and politeness kept people from explicitly saying it, but when the americans surveyed the population they found that people had lost faith in their emperor and as a symbol of the nation they too lost faith in Japan.
As the Americans arrived the Japanese people began to see the leader of SCAP, Douglas Macarthur, as a new person for them to look to for guidance and through him the United States. MaCarthur is a genius for forcing this photo I've attached to be taken, despite the complaints from the emperor's court. This photo was publicized across the country and clearly shows who the bigger man is, who is the conquerer and the conquered.
It is documented that children stopped playing "imperial soldier" and instead started playing "american soldier", with some children being forced to play the part of a whore for the pretend occupier.
The United States wrote, without any Japanese input, the constitution that they still use today. US film and animation was imported heavily and directly lead to the creation of anime. Women began smoking. A million little things showed how American influence changed the country.
The only thing that prevented the Japanese from fully accepting defeat was the fact that Hirohito was never punished.
Also: When we decided to present the Japanese leadership with their new constitution they thought they had been arriving at the meeting to present us with their draft of what they thought their new constitution should be. We immediately threw their version out and handed them our completed version to read. Pic related is what happened after the Japanese delegation had finished reading the document.
If anyone is interested in the fully depth of this subject I'd recommend reading "Embracing Defeat".
This is the most fictitious, MURICA FUCK YEH load of shit I think I have ever read, even Team America as a parody was less overtly bullshit as this. Japan accepted their Emperors will, they wouldn't have signed on otherwise because as is still believed (though they won't come out and say it) the Emperor is literally divine. They hate Americans, especially after they kept pumping nigger pedos into the country, because the constitution that was forced upon them (at nuke point) prevents them using force to solve international conflicts. If Japan was allowed to have aircraft carrier and nukes they would be the predominant power in East Asia, far above China and their scrap haul fleet of Russian reject designs. Guess we'll see now that Trump supposedly wants them to be their own power in the region
>GATE and plenty of mangas that fly under the radar are explicitly JAPAN FUCK YEAH
Crucial factor.
Jap kids are normie as fuck and balk at everything that points toward excessive nationalism.
But that's blatantly bullshit, they love Japan, hate foreigners until they have proved themselves, hell they hate ethnic Japs who come back to Japan. You know nothing about it
>They hate Americans, especially after they kept pumping nigger pedos into the country, because the constitution that was forced upon them (at nuke point) prevents them using force to solve international conflicts
>t. weeb
It is no secret that MacArthur is treated as a near God in Japan. It is also no secret that mainland Japan feels the exact opposite of what you're getting at and that Okinawa is the (rightful) vocal minority of anti-Americanism in Japan. Literally fuck off.
>it's no secret that MacArthur is treated as a near God in Japan
I can easily tell you have no actual Japanese friends, they just agree with your gay assessment of a shit general to be polite because it can't be helped
There are hunrdeds if not thousands of books and academic journal articles detailing japanese reverence for MacArthur... Hell, they called that entire immediate Post-War generation MacArthur's Children for fucksake. Are you so much of a weeb that you shirk reality in favor of your orientalist worldview?
No, I live in the real world where MacArthur is a person of derision for setting Asian politics back decades because he refused to accept the emperors surrender, a few ameriboo books don't change that little fact that has fucked Japanese, Korean, Chinese and American politics since 1945 you Douglas "Lets nuke China, that'd be a great idea, better get replaced by Ridgeway who knows how to fight a war" MacArthur defender
Not surrender, still stands
Here is some sources from the Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Embracing Defeat". Hope you enjoy them, friendo.
>Japanese Children Playing GI and Whore
>MacArthur Being Adored
>Presentation of American made constitution and "atomic sunshine" comment
The Japanese LOVED MacArthur until he made some remarks about the Japanese back in the U.S. that they didn't like. But even then, it was an idea larger than MacArthur as a person, and more about accepting the United States as an ally.
I would highly suggest you read a book on the subject if you would like to discuss it.
>continuing to push your "My world view is the correct one despite every poll for the last 60 years telling me it is wrong" meme
I'm really sorry that your favorite form of media is actually just a Japanese attempt to mimic and perfect an art that was originally made by Disney.
>The Japanese LOVED MacArthur
Very strong wording, I'd have said yes if you just said they accepted the American cock. Go and read about the sort of shit that went on during the Allied occupation, Soviet tier rape rates. Japan just bowed and said "well we lost" because that's their culture
They only support American bases because their constituion bans them from having a proper military, should be interesting if Trump follows through on his promises to abandon them though
Thanks for the off-topic memograph user
Actually rape was much less common during the U.S. occupation than was expected (there is almost always some rape with an invading army), this was because they Japanese took the liberty of organizing and setting up a large enough prostitute industry to support the demand of the american troops.
Actually, the Japanese began the organization of their "panpan" even before the Americans arrived.
Pic related is some more glowing remarks that were given to MacArthur.
Like I said, I would recommend you read a book on the subject if you would like to learn about it.
>Jap culture is very pervasive and increasingly popular in all developed countries
Your weeb brain != society at large
[Citation needed]
Only 12% of Japanese are willing to fight for their country.
>Because Imperial Japan is rife with censorship. Not only of sexual shit
Stopped reading there.
>Ero guro nansensu, frequently shortened to ero guro or just guro, (エログロ ero-guro?) is a literary and artistic movement originating c. 1930 in Japan.[1] Ero guro puts its focus on eroticism, sexual corruption, and decadence.[1] While ero guro is a specific movement, many of its components can be found throughout Japanese history and culture.
>Ero guro's first distinct appearance began in 1920s and 1930s Japanese literature. The Sada Abe Incident of 1936, where a woman strangled her lover to death and castrated his corpse, struck a chord with the ero guro movement and came to represent that genre for years to come.[5]
All the pacifism, fucking hentai, edgy mc-antiauthority characters, and pacifism were born before the war, and were only temporarily suppressed during the war.
>The only thing that prevented the Japanese from fully accepting defeat was the fact that Hirohito was never punished.
this was another good move, it would have changed Japan's attitude from viewing America as their new stepfather (unwelcome but just) to malice
>Imperial Japan
Yes, and? Or is the Meiji Era not sufficiently Imperial for you?
>What's noteworthy is how it became a massively pervasive facet of their adult culture.
Not really. Adults in america listen to disney songs and musical numbers all the time