"Because Braum is here!" edition
OT: eyosongive.us
"Because Braum is here!" edition
OT: eyosongive.us
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Can you not buy Mystery Champs anymore?
I don't see it on the store.
xth for my wife Syndra
I wanna sing cheesy love songs with Lulu!
It's also good on supports like Alistar and Rakan.
You can Hex out of bush with Ali, Q then W them back instead of wasting W as your gap closer.
Not unless you have 10 unowned champs
I believe that expired with the essence emporium yesterday.
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Find me a champion that can abuse pic related
Why do i suddenly like Ribbon so much?
Space-themed skin first. It should've happened already and SG doesn't count.
What about throwing in the Precision Tree's LS or Resolve's heal/shield bonus if it works?
Why x -> infinity?
I wanna cum into girl's mouth
never heard of take. If you got a concept I'd love to hear it honestly.
What's wrong with boy mouths?
Well FUCK.
>Legendary skin that does right by you is also going on sale soon
What are the best cheap skins in the game?
it's gettint closer to infnity but never gonna reach it
I am not waifuposter, i like girls.
What's wrong with boys?
Yes but why is it related to the wojak?
that would be gay
>tried to make cumming into a girls mouth sound bad
So you're one of them 'faggots', Huh?
First and best, others need not apply.
I bet most of you fakes didn't even see this.
Is there anything more soul crushes than playing bot lane
the best
>everyone wants to be the alpha wojack poster now
What's wrong with being gay?
>buy thorn vest against trundle
>he still lifesteals the fuck out of me and gets away with more health after every trade
>Ornn top
>vs Darius
>Darius loses hard, I dominate his Noxian ass like it was nothing
>Reach late game
>Darius builds pure magic resist
>Gets a fucking Pentakill
Alright Riot Games, fuck you
fuck off, you fag
wtf are you talking about, you goof./ cumming in girl's mouth is godlike. its wrong to cum in boys tho, disgusting
>tfw I spent like 60k BE in the BE store
I still have 70k left, I doubt I'll spend any of it until the BE store comes back
Playing against a Malzahar or Pantheon, Nerf these piece of shits already. Fuck anybody who even remotely defend them.
>Wojak posting started two days ago
xth for my waifu syndra
Can't reduce Trundle's healing if he can heal off dying creeps without him hitting you, duh.
I swear the moment I saw the skin had one of those side braids it became 10 times cuter to me
>calling guys in their 30s daddy
Why do twinks do this?
>force other midlaner back
>lv4 jungler comes to cover then i see him walk into his jungle
>go in there and kill him since he was obviously doing wolves
this daddy shit is i think the worse thing to come out of the american negro community
>When enemy jungler somehow outpressures all 3 lanes at the same time WHILE being more farmed than our jungler
I just dont get how shit like this happens
Name a more braindead champion
you literally can't
People call Sneaky or any other Twitch streamer in their 20s 'daddy'
Playing top lane against a lane bully/counter while the jungler acts like you don't exist
Then what am I supposed to do against him as a tank? Am I doomed to just rely on my teammates knowing how to teamfight if I go against him?
Yes, I can: Alistar.
I still love angel aesthetics in games though
>implying it didn't come from white girls
Both can miss at least one ability
and the other has to worry about actually laning
>Press E to auto push lane while you're able to get your mana back
>Press R to make someone your bitch while you go get a drink
>Press W just for good measure
>4 more wins away from being positive w/l after a huge loss streak when I was down in S1 where I dropped to S2 5lp from G5 promos
I honestly hate ranked.
>Predator WW ults at you undertower
>Fucking cleans 3 jungle walls right to you hugging the wall near tower
Holy shit I thought the Predator Hec Drive-By was fucked
> Kayle
> Boring
is it boring now to literally 1v5
>ranged champion that goes top
>has to worry about laning
Granted, Soraka Q is at least decently hard to land and get used to, but Sona's ult is as good as an Amumu ult if your cursor is pointed in the enemy's general vicinity
are you a bot? ;^)
lane taxing
hes a daddy tho
tfw no graves daddy bf
fiora shits on her
>> Kayle
>> Boring
>t.kayle main
she is boring user but not bad
He's not a daddy dammit. But still tfw no graves bf
I don't know about you guys, but I find Annie to be much more boring than Kayle.
no c:
hello user how are you today
What champions are the epitome of autism or not playing LoL as intended?
>Blowing people up with a fucking demon bear is "boring"
ryze at the time his whole kit was pointclick and fuck you 1v3 ultimate
Yes, it is when that's all you do.
Yasuo. The devs didn't intend feeding 10 kills to the enemy team with nothing to show for it
I literally just thought of it. Part of me suspects Riot has yet to think of it as well, or the more likely case, being: it's so obvious that it's being saved for a 'dry spell' of ideas. There are many possible takes on it: fun-loving, futuristic, alien-like, retro.
-put it in the Astronaut line, all shiny and chrome, modern and high-tech
-use Illaoi's space theme giving her living weapons and a more derelict/broken look
-Fallout-style so we can reference this youtube.com
Other possibilities include having her ride a rocket for her homeguard animation or putting a miniature of herself on the rocket for her ultimate. JINX! IN SPACE!
Any champion with dashes or blinks
>All champions with a Snow Day, ice, frost, cold, or winter skin are available to play -- and their icy skins are locked in for you, whether you already own them or not!
I was looking forward to playing zoe on this
you mean when he was a good champion?
Best girl.
Best swimmer.
Best wife.
>lolbab can't into relativity
>140k/144k damage dealt
spoken like a true faggot
Is it a braid? Hunh, in any case it is, indeed, a very nice touch.
>Can't win without "N-no, I-I don't like this trade" button
tell me more
Thoughts on Shyvana?
Thoughts on making the same post you made yesterday?
>fed Shyvana murders enemies three levels under her
whoa wtf shyvana is broken???
They need to rework her into something that is not a ball of stats and give her reliable cc and a little gapcloser.
I can dig it.
>zap is a weird elastic alien that acts more liek a whip
>Fishbones is an alien encased rocket/space station pieces
>homeguard she plays around with 0g and does flips or imitates flying
>super mega death rocket is a literal space nuke
Yeah I could really get behind that, especially if it gives a literal nuke or orbital beam like ult
>blitz standing behind me the whole lane stage "because we have to be carefull against varus"
*enemies three levels under her with half HP each
> Jungling against Shyvana and dont see her at level 4
> She is level 7 and just cleared dragon solo
why does this always happen and how do you stop it
when i was new the first champion i bought was shyvana because i thought she looked awesome and being half human/dragon sounds nice
i thought she'd be like a mage i guess? don't know how to explain it but then i played her and had no idea what to do and now i'd never pick her
i still feel like her being a mage would be kinda neat but also too similar to nid