>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Oh neat, Broken back art as our OP. Not bad.
r8 my banner
>"Oh... I'm told touching me is like touching ice."
Is the refined weapon still left intact after merges?
8% 5* Focus
*0.8% 5* Focus
SoleilAnon's wife got in before Leif and Micaiah
Literally the only thing stopping the Elise meta is her rarity.
>You can do 24 damage to an entire enemy team
>And they can't retaliate
How do you feel about Nanna?
>tfw no Elise
Worst feel
Which Bunnymilla should i use for Raven
-atk+hp or -def+hp?
It is done.
BK alt when?
Anyone else here autistic enough to build 2 of the same unit but with different IVs because you can't decide on one?
>Jaffar with forged Deathly Dagger, Poison Strike 3, Savage Blow 3, and Savage Blow Seal 3
anyone using emulator here?
How do I build him? I'm using him for my armor team with Amelia, Effie and BK.
Me, I built 2 Ninians and I still don't know if I should merge one or wait for a new dragon.
She looks like she suffers from permanent semen breath.
>everyone’s excited for the new story chapter
>dumping all their stamina for Orbs
>I’m just sitting here grinding for that 1k TT tank.
Close Memu/app
Soleil looks fat.
best troubadour in the series
Should I get back into Heroes? I stopped playing it about a year ago.
The game was released February this year
Cum inside Cumilla!
>24 damage to whole team
> whole team goes into vantage/desperation range
Idk man could work
>160k feathers
>6 Subakis
>6 hag Tikis
>6 Chroms
>1 Bike
Time to create my loli dragon army.
Which option is best for my +atk/-hp Nowi on Lightning breath upgrade. +Def, +speed or +res? She has Triangle adept currently and I may switch to steady breath if I get another Bike.
>putting everyone on the map into vantage range at once
woah.... so this is the power... of daggers
I'm probably late with this screen, but it's a nice background for the voting gauntlet
Fuck you're right, I've lost track of time. I only played for like a month before I just stopped. But it's pretty much been a year anyway right?
post your 8% disappointments
>146 orbs spent
>+res, -hp Ike
>+def, -atk Bunilla (!)
>+res, -def Ayra (!)
>+def, -hp Deirdre
fuck IVs.
And WoM
Best banner ever.
Go for the speed Upgrade my dude, she'll be able to survive more and gets better with Fury/Steady Breath and Quick Riposte.
Could be worse
>Number of females not equal to or more than number of males
That's not happening any time soon, pal.
109 orbs spend
Only got 1 -atk Hector.
I'm legit angry
>tfw -atk +res Minerva
Welp. What do I do with her now?
closing MEmu helped, thx
60 orbs
5 fredricks
6 gunters
1 hawkeye
2 cherche
1 camilla
1 fir
Eremiya when?
I'm seriously considering this retarded idea to be able to run:
16 Mt Berkut's Lance or +Def Berkut's Lance
Heavy Blade 3
Quick Riposte 2/3
Fortify Cavalry
+Atk 3 seal
Bercuck's Lance or Ridersbane for a DC Effie?
What’s everyone’s ritual for good summons? I find that if I pull at home I get garbage but if I pull during my commute or on the toilet at work I get good stuff.
>Pain blasting
>not Dazzling Gravity Suppression waves with Savage Blow 6
All you need is 1 target that cant counter Elise huddled in a group and its already over.
Too bad the only redeeming thing about VG is that it's the best source for silver coins outside of the shitty AA mode
slaying axe + glimmer
So this... is the power... of 8%...
The only retarded thing here is even entertaining the idea of using silver border QR2
well that, and the rest of the build too
Fjorm won't be able to kill Surtr, guaranteed Alfonse will be the one to strike him down with an upgraded Folkvangr.
Would this be good? According to Kageroachart, Distant Defence would add to her Glacies damage.
Would'nt he want atk Smoke 3 to lower the Enemy's Attack?
Which unit with an upgradable weapon should I give my spare DC to?
>Sheena (slaying axe)
>Gwendolyn (slaying lance)
>Effie (silver lance)
>Fae (light breath, is currently using lightning breath)
>Nowi (dark breath, is currently using lightning breath)
So how's +Res -HP Bridelia?
Upgraded Genny is orgasmic, she was a killing machine before and now she's extra subarashii
That's what the second Elise is for.
ridersbane effie is probably the hardest horse counter in the game now that she can ignore their buffs and get extra bulk
>implying it won’t be zacharias out of nowhere in a cut scene
>New Mystery banner
>Rody, Luke, Katarina and Athena
>Want to proc Ice Mirror
>AI never attacks Fjorm with ranged units
the fuck
+atk/-hp or +def/-res for hector?
Was Lucius made any good with the update? I just pullee my first one, +Atk -Res
Do I use Neutral Fjorm or +res -def Fjorm? -def seems like she really won’t be able to fight anything melee without close defense seal
I want to impregnate this retard!
DC QR bonfire Effie for maximum memes
Heh. Say that to Elise with upgraded Wrathful Gravity+ and dazzling staff.
She has access to cav buffs and has 32/32 statline.
Effie, no contest.
ignore their buffs ? panic ploy ?
8% means 100%
>tfw SCorrin's "so hot" is actually not out of place on the Book II maps
Finally, my autism is sated, for now.
He's good and martyr is actually good now, so his miracle/martyr gimmick finally works.
This is a really fun team comp that'll only get better once I get Atk Tactic for Cecilia desu. It's cool that cavs can wield it but not receive the buffs, really encourages mixed teams.
How bad is 14 5* in 780 orbs?
>tfw both Celicas were -spd
post your build
>240 orbs spent
>-atk Xander
>-spd Xander
>-spd Serika
>-spd Lyn
>+hp/-res Ayra
-res cripples him too much
What's a good A skill for a Genny to use?
I'd be fine with that but we gotta have some more relevance to the """""main lord""""".
Just gotta upgrade SB seal to level 3 and then give her the +atk version of her bow and she'll be a fine debuffer/chip damage dealer.
the summer units literally tell you that their bodies run hotter
Sweet, I think I might promote him then, sitting on some feathers, only 5* healer is Mist, and I've never pulled any of the horses
Nobodies that fucking rich to have two merged Elises ready for arena. Right?
Neutral is her best set honestly. 3 extreme banes are just fucking masochistic.
My wife.
He almost got me.
Make sure to go full savage blow for the memes.
>roll for fjorm
>get her in 20 orbs
>she’s neutral
I don’t know what I expected
atk/res bond, atk+3, or close counter
shes too slow to double so she wants a breaker or quick riposte in her b slot and wrathful on her weapon
i'm so sorry for your loss.
if it makes you feel any better, i bought 75 orbs for privilege of pulling a -spd Spring Camilla