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Antorus out in NA.
World of Warcraft general
Antorus out in NA.
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the sword looks like shit
Glorious Troll Master Race
>Raid cleared a few hours after it's release.
What happened? Why WoW became so easy? Remember back in Vanilla only 23 guilds cleared Naxx and it took them MONTHS to do.
>can't do all this new content for a few weeks more because i can only do LFR
what the fuck am i paying for?
time for a fucking refund.
Thus have nothing to do with le based vanilla stop pretending you don't know what normal mode is.
>what happened?
They added three low difficulties and named them to make people feel good about themselves.
>no sargeras fight
It shoulda happened after Argus takedown that the Pantheons power your ass up and turn you into semi-giants fighting in space. You fucked it up blizz
>always the best of us
>never accomplished anything and pushed away the nightborne from joining the alliance
the state of night elves
You realize people have been analyzing datamined information, literally doing bosses on the PTR, and the fact thats its NORMAL mode right?
Don't you dare reply to me, retailcuck. You should be busy savoring every day that Blizzard delays classic and lets you still draw breath, for those days are numbered.
what if he's a secret mythic fight
1) Raid testing on the PTR for weeks/months
2) Naxx not actually being difficult, it just being gated by retarded requirements / logistics of vanilla servers
So is Illidan the biggest cuck in wow?
people farm the fights on ptr basically
it pretty much eliminates any progression and learning you might need on live servers when you already have at least 2 hours on every raid boss (essentially 2-3 weeks of raid nights for your average guild)
also because mythic exists and that's where the hard shit is, this has been happening since wrath really consistently, there's no reason for anyone to be surprised anymore
at least they didn't keep the icc model of releasing the actual raid 1 wing at a time like lfr
>the coven of shivarra
I'm pretty sure their names are subtle words for ass in other languages.
Thu'raya best milf.
The only chance for America to get any world first kills
I bet /xivg/ is laughing at us right now.
Could have been cool.
I cleared antorus weeks ago, user.
didn't they die / get fucked centuries ago.
wait I just answered the rest of this question for myself: magnis been telling us shes there in that little quest line of his, hasn't he?
I know hes a titan but I thought he didn't wanna help the legion. does he still have no free will as an avatar? sucks to be him I guess.
>torturing weakened titans
that still seems really out of their powerhouse, no? I guess I just find it weird since titans are planet-busting fuckos and they're like, red sluts.
Malfurion and Tyrande are horrible people
What's the matter EU babby, mad we always win?
>anime guild gets world first
/wowg/ BTFO
"I am mentally 13, check out my sick bait post"
naxx's difficulty was in the numbers, not mechanics. there's a reason they released it again in wrath with the same mechanics but not as overtuned and it was very easy.
*Saves whole universe*
>Tyrande: ''I still don't know if he truly meant it all''
Holy shit talk about being a bitch
illidan should've fuicked azshara, she's hotter than tyrande anyway
Mythic only phasse.
you giga drill sargeras.
Aman Thul vision trinket is just Kamina glasses
>elves are awful
Wow that was so fucking unrealistic. At the speed he put the literal planet sized sword into azeroth, it would fucking split in half from all combined various forces and LITERALLY EXPLODE. Not just stick to it and leave a small crater.
>didn't they die / get fucked centuries ago.
Yes is magic and shit.
>I know hes a titan but I thought he didn't wanna help the legion. does he still have no free will as an avatar? sucks to be him I guess.
Sargeras bounded him eons ago.
>that still seems really out of their powerhouse, no? I guess I just find it weird since titans are planet-busting fuckos and they're like, red sluts.
No because titans are really, really weak to fel magic, that's how Sargeras was able to solo the whole pantheon this was explained in the first chronicles book.
People still complain about Thrall when Malfurion and Tyrande are straight up deranged sociopaths and seem to feel less emotion than Sylvanas
I wish she'd femdom me.....
Is there a video with context to this? Like when did sargeras suddenly appear ontop of azeroth, in the middle of the raid? Don't really follow
>Design fight based around dozens of taunt swaps with any error causing a wipe.
>Taunt can miss
>But not if you farm every other boss in this instance for months on end
So innovative. A true masterpiece.
why does illidan even hate the legion that much.
i mean he fought them when they came, sure. and then he spent 10,000 years waiting and fought them a bit again. but it's not like they actually did anything to him (like kill his family or something) besides take his eyes which he was fine with because it gave him power. why is he willing to go so far, even to spend an eternity with sargeras?
someone whos currently leveling and very loosely followed the lore here.
is the guy who was killed in the cinematic was sargeras?
whats with the whole thing where they rectoned sargeras into good boy who dindu nothing because of void lords or sometihg,why was he killed anyway?
Once again Tyrande and Malfurion prove they are both horrible people that deserve each other.
Blizzard sure does a great job of making Alliance players want to just stand by and watch the tree burn instead of helping.
so what do i even do in EU today. try and sneak in a HC tomb pug with no curve?
>pantheon trinkets are personnel drops like garrosh's looms
top kek
>people always talk about the amazing community
>each top guild was trying to destroy every other guild to recruit tanks for 4horsemen
>Do invasion point boss since today is the last day it's relevant
>No loot, use bonus roll
>Incorrectly gave me AP
They need to fix bonus rolls.
He's not dead, just put in gay baby jail for the rest of Eternity™
because this shit's inevitably going to backfire like literally everything else in the lore
I don't like how they injected fucking Thrall at the end of the Argus fight out of fucking nowhere just to say
>"This has truly been... a world... of warcraft...
thank you. :)
I have a separate question: The old gods are stuck on azeroth, right? are there seperate old gods on other world souls or are they an azerothian problem solely?
he wasn't killed and people had to stop him because he wanted to destroy every world with a soul of a titan to prevent a void corrupted titan to appear which would be the strongest shit ever.
>in the cinematic the hilt of the sword stops at outside the atmosphere, literally in space
>in-game it's just maybe 200m and you can fly to it with a mount
?????????? lazy
>whats with the whole thing where they rectoned sargeras into good boy who dindu nothing because of void lords or sometihg,why was he killed anyway?
wasn't really a retcon, he's just an evil retard that wants to wipe out existence so the void lords can't touch it. people just immediately compared it to the overmind twist in SC2, and even 99% of that was just due to tassadar's retarded "noble creature" dialogue
There was no normal mode in vanilla, raids were just designed one way. Normal mode is an easy mode so most everyone can clear the raid, I don't know how you are so incapable of understanding that.
Also players are far, far, far, far better at the game now. Although it seems you're still a vanilla quality player.
What are the names?
>mal as in malicious
>furion as in furious
Sarg's whole idea of wanting to annihilate the universe was because he found a planet where the worldsoul had been totally corrupted
do we know why silithus was targeted?
>The old gods are stuck on azeroth, right?
Nzoth is the only one in azeroth right now but according to chronicles other old gods exist in other planets but Azeroth is special because is one of the few titan soul planets/
eurofag here, do I watch the ending cinematic now or wait until tomorrow's clear?
america with the world first again
>the city of yurop
Now we know who burns down Teldrassil
Angry Illidan fanbase
i'd ask if argus should have some but I mean
so probably not.
it's okay you can slurp our leftover cum from her pussy
After Sargaerus is imprisoned and Azshara and N'zoth are killed next expansion who's left for us to fight? Really there's only the Void Gods as far as I can think. It really seems like we're coming to the end of the World of Warcraft or at the very least the end of Warcraft 3 lore. Though I'd say that happened, at least spiritually, after Wrath.
N'zoth's the only one that can actually do anything, C'thun's got a mountain of rubble crushing its skull and Yogg is contained in Ulduar (mostly)
>video ends with the warp rift closing
Do Argus stay on the sky after, or then you get no Argus but a giant sword?
either he was aiming for one of the old gods imprisoned there or just because its a dead zone and this will give people a reason to go there.
Yes, my question was whether I should watch it or wait.
It's over, maintenance mode and vanilla servers
Yeah Sargeras found argus and the eredar before the voidfags/old gods.
>subs 10 months for the last patch literally doing the same shit
you guys are idiots, the paywall wouldn't even exist if you would just drop the sub after a month or two
wasn't there that cenarion circle camp there?
was this just an act of revenge?
I thought Sargeras wanted to fuck Azeroth, not kill her. He's also not dead, so warcraft will eventually end with the 2 getting together.
It was spoilered before how the raid will end, so I guess if you already know that it is safe to watch. Let the lorefag inside you decide.
You did get the elite set this season, right /wowg/?
>he is so bad he can't clean the raid fast and sell carries for real money
Illidan will come back but secretly corrupted by Sargeras. Literally turns into Sargeras later in the expansion.
Is +15 the cap for mythic chests now?
/xivg/ is laughing at us again ....
Truly WoW is an excellent symbol of the downfall of Western Civilization
imagine being this mad because you're shit.
Allow me to be blunt. The expansion after BfA is planned to be the final expansion, BUT, subs will fall so incredibly low during BfA and when classic is released that it will be canceled and BfA will have a rushed 8.4 to end the story. Classic, meanwhile, is going to have free 1.13 content and onwards developed by a new team of vanilla fans that maintain the spirit of it and usher in a new golden age. Kapiche?
>destroy an entire zone because of your shit nu-wow raid
nvm, just checked baldmongold, Argus is gone.
>Cockblock Sargeras, The Cinematic
He just wanted some of that titanic pussy ;(
>we don’t killed Sargeras
Fuck it, at least we get to burn World Trees at the next xpac
His waifu is ours.