>Spear casts shadow under the legs
>Not on the leg or arm
R u i n e d
>Spear casts shadow under the legs
>Not on the leg or arm
R u i n e d
Other urls found in this thread:
look at his left leg, he's apparently leaning pretty hard to his right even though he clearly isn't supposed to
>Shadows converging
Can someone tell me what this painting is portraying?
wtf? I hate David now!
Jesus not even Veeky Forums is safe from shitposting.
Is this your first minute on Veeky Forums
>Single handedly win the 3v3 duel to save your city
>Go home
>Sister starts crying because one of the dudes you killed was smashing her pussy
>Instantly stab her in front of the whole town
>"Death to anyone who feels bad about what I did"
Was it autism?
Did you glance at this for like 10 seconds or something? There is definitely a shadow from the spear. I don't know what you have been smoking friendo, but I would suggest stopping.
The shadow from the spear goes up his white cape and his left forearm you tard. lrn 2 perspective.
No it was ensuring that mental disability in the family wouldnt be passed down
>your two brothers lie dead in Combat
>somehow manage to kill the three bastards
>save Rome in the process
>coming home your sister cries that her fiancé died, one who killed your brothers
I'd do the same. Mentally weak
>art will never be this good ever again
well at least we're a more advanced society now
r-right g-guys
Dawg most of that art still exists, you can go see it if you like. Why would current artists want to try and repaint that tired old shit again when someone's already done it pretty well?
you could say that for everything that's gotten shitter over the years
>for everything that's gotten shitter over the years
Nothing's gotten shitter. There are still artists out there that paint neo-classical, you can go get your portrait painted the same way your history-fu had it done, probably for a lot less money than what they paid too. Abstract art is meant to challenge your ideas of art and the world in general. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. There are plenty of people that enjoy seeing the boundaries of art being pushed and will pay artists to come up with new ideas and experiences. You don't have to be one of those people though, Art is democratic you only have to participate in the stuff you like. Of course, some of the wackier ideas will get taken out of context and written into a You Won't Believe These 10 Kurazy Modern Art Pieces click-bait site and then screen-capped and posted onto Veeky Forums with a complaint about jews. If this is your only experience with modern art, no wonder you won't like it.
Well said.
Good post.
But, cue:
- misogynist comment on the photo
- ad hominem
- "it's objectively bad"
Etc etc etc
Good post.
Most people don't really have a problem with abstract art, as much as they do with the modern art world and academia, which is sheer cancer. However it's hard to distinguish the two if you're not into art, so people attack everything instead.
>No shadow on leg or arm.
>There are clearly shadows on leg and arm.
>lol i trol u
He was upset that she was putting her feelings before the well-being of the state
Yes, it was Autism.