/scg/edg/ Star Citizen Elite Dangerous General #233

Dubs Edition
ED info:

Elite Dangerous v2.4 is online with improvements to base game and dlc content.
Frontier announced a new expansion called "Beyond" and will offer it for free to everyone who bought horizon.
Season three will focus on refining core gameplay and introducing new content.

Retaliation Trailer*
>Frontier Official YT

*Not actual game footage
Star Citizen Information:
Alpha 3.0 PTU is live and in the second wave of release. You must download the new patcher from the RSI website.

>Jump Point Links & Content Summary


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

Last thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for goons are scammers

Second for bored faggots fishing for (you)s


They create fake controversy and profit off of it. It's genius. Had me fooled, I just thought they were sperglings looking for attention because they're all failures in real life.


Can we have a thread that isn't a cancerous, manchild-filled shitheap?

Genius or not a crime is a crime user.

'Threadly' reminder that Star Citizen will have it's commercial release before Half Life 3 is announced

inb4 they sell 50-250 dollar UEE license land/plot grabs