God is too cruel to end my meaningless existence edition
God is too cruel to end my meaningless existence edition
say something nice about sloane
>Nightfall: Pyramidion. Modifiers are Torrent and Zero Hour
wasent that last weeks?
The Vex are a powerful entity
She has a big dick
She can't seem to stay loose
Really fishin' for those views, huh boy?
>join a channel in the dg discord
>two guys taking to eachother in the tower
>one guy is referring to the other as She
>confused because they both have male voices
>another person joins and calls that guy a he and is corrected
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? Why do some of you humor these degenerate trannies?
>when the exotic engram drop hits you
before you hit 20 you get plenty of greens and blues which you can dismantle for glimmer.
Purples only give you shards and no glimmer meaning your rate of glimmer/hour actually slows down as you hit the cap.
>have to slog through crucible every week for some shitty rng engram and pray that I get some type of progression
true hell
I need someone on the crucible rat king quest to carry me through PvP, please and thank you.
For you
>performing well even in a loss gets 20% of the milestone finished
I mean I guess that hour could be spent doing something else, but youre already playing
You are the reason we don't have clan chat in game.
crucible is neither fun nor fair, it's just cancer
It was nerfed. Use to take like 10 matches to complete milestone on launch
it never should have been a milestone at all because of the shitty peer 2 peer nature of it
>start winning
>suddenly disconnected
>He hasn't stored several thousand gunsmith parts and rep tokens so he can get all new non-quest exotics day 1.
What's your excuse?
Ive found my fun in crucible. You will too eventually
I don't have Morrigan-D yet and I want it
>be shit entire round in countdown
>get no kills in 4 rounds
>started off as 3:0 turned into 4:3
>entire team down
>3 enemies left
>I manage to finally get power weapon
>set charge
>kill all 3 enemies with sword
holy shit why am I so bad if I don't get power weapon?
Its not like you would have less chances for it from token spam for exotics next week.
Thank fuck I found a clan outside this general and didn't have to join this one.
Why's Hunter so THICC?
Because that's all pvp is about dude. Power weapons are the only way to make it feel like a real shooter
>you will find fun in peer to peer low tickrate garbage
no, I won't it's a shitty minigame, nothing more and there is absolutely nothing fun about it, it's just embarassing
>Crucible is a shitty minigame
I like that. It certainly seems that way now that you mention it because it is so tame and repetitive it hurts to play.
If your opponents were good you should have only been able to trade with one of them at most before you got gunned down.
Wish you could take the cloak off desu
>>Power weapons are the only way to make it feel like a real shooter
>I always get sword
what did he mean by this?
pvp in halo was a side minigame too but it was more exciting and you could actually do fun things.
crucible is trash because bungie tried to make it '''''''competitive'''''''''' despite gun balance being atrocious and a tick rate so bad you can kill people after they've gone into cover.
Big problems with crucible
>small as fuck maps
no, 4v4 isn't an excuse because you had much much bigger maps to play around with 4 people in halo
>only having a 4v4 mode
for hwat porpoise
>2 dimensional
bungie is the company that made some of the best maps that utilized verticality, what the fuck happened it's like they forgot there's a z axis for anything except jumping. Like my god, add some fucking towers for big highground or something
>no mode with vehicles
>only one spot with power ammo
it's just boring
>cooldowns slow as molasses
cancer, the grenades aren't even that good
It sure is fun being 100% reliant on my shit house team.
It sure is fun losing in cqc with a sondoc to a uriels because lol p2p.
It sure is fun when my team literally scatters and gives up power ammo and loses us the game from the whistle
Why do people try so hard in Crucible? Are they trying to become pro Destiny 2 Crucible players? Is Destiny 2 the next big esport?
lol aimlet
I wonder if that inner part of the pants is easily removable.
t. never hit anything past DMG in CS:GO
Is he right /dg/?
lol stop embarrassing yourself further
>talking quickly
>skip into the video randomly
>uses the word "sequestered"
>quickly says "objectively, subjectively, aesthetically, mechanically"
This guy's way of talking reeks of "sweaty virgin who takes games too seriously"
>clicking a video with a shitty meme thumbnail
Are you autistic?
Are you a console shitter? Hope you aren't. Anyway go sweat some more in Crucible. I'm sure your mom was wrong and you'll be able to make money off playing video games for 12 hours a day (:
>"sweaty virgin who takes games too seriously"
so... he is perfect for destiny eh?
Hope nobody in this thread actually takes games seriously desu
You're really passionate about shiling your garbage, huh?
God I hate that piece of shit, all I wanted was Antiope-D but instead 7/10 of my gunsmith engrams are just Morrigan-D
Stop being retarded
can someone invite me to the pc clan
i already messaged the founder yesterday and didnt get a reply
>Not keeping a refugee cloak
Whenever I wanna see some femhunter ass I just switch to it in the tower, it's so nice.
>Shilling garbage videos from an autistic retard.
>Gets pissy when he gets called out.
Don't do it
exactly. youre taking it way too seriously
>being reliant on your team
maybe stop? if you dont even trust them to teamshot then throw them under the bus to make dives and clean up kills
>smg vs uriels
youre going to lose gunfights. it happens. if youre on console youre getting flinched if youre on pc then its possibly your fault due to a bunch of variables
>blue berries throw games
shocker. You have no control over this except to stack up or hope you get competent players. Worst case scenario use them as cannon fodder
You can blame anything you want, but at the end of the day, if you stop blaming other shit and focus solely on what you could have done better, then you will play better and have more fun because of it. It worked for me
It's not a matter of serious it's just genuinely not fun, it's a slog
>people enjoy doing well in any competitive environment
>even one as casual as d2 crucible
different user here, but is it that hard to believe that people just like to win?
Which exotic is the best for Striker titan in PvE?
Punch Mask
I'm guessing if I roll with that I don't need to mod for grenade or melee cooldown. How should I mod Striker using Skullfort?
Has there been an influx of gamepad/XIM users on NA PC or has an aimbot been shat out? The amount of times in IB that I'd get 100 to 0 whilst getting the first shot off is crazy, not to mention getting shot within frames of peeking a corner or sliding.
And how the fuck are Hunters consistently killing me with just 2 melees whilst being at full shields.
The Number or Uriels gift for PC?
>Bungie disables the jewy XP throttling
>Public events just stop happening, sometimes going 10 minutes on a map without one popping
>be thy guide cloak
>far gone hood
>cape suddenly gone
If you have good taste in character creation, that is.
Any of the PC Guilds got space?
normally I solo but would love to do a raid.
if you really have to just use the Number, at least youll feel less like a meta shitter
glad this game is dying
>hiding your Bright Dust/Silver
cant invite you, gotta see those numbers as a requirement
The only three Exotics you should use as Titan are doom fang for sentinel, skullfort for striker, and war pig if you also have sweet business
Maybe Bungie can find a way so both teams win in every Crucible match, then we can all feel special every time and concentrate on the friendship endgame.
good, first stream was a fucking joke and the second one was just an extended advertisement.
>going forward
I fucking hate when devs use this term, we all know its gonna be bullshit we can't do anything about
>Gear stream.
>Literally one stream that was going to show content.
>Conveniently gets cancelled.
Make sure to buy them season passes bruh.
PvP is really fun in this game. It's comparatively slow, meaning you don't die in 0.1 of a second (except for power weapons), methodical, positioning and map awareness weigh much stronger than aiming or twitch skill.
I don't I've ever really had any fun in an FPS except for this.
Is that drawfag done yet?
>Upvoting gives it 2 points.
>Downvoting takes away one.
Haaaahahaha, is there literally anywhere that they won't manipulate data? Holy fucking shit.
Did everyone afk farm their IB packages! and get their season reward!!!!!!!
maybe you can find a way to stop shit posting, but that definitely wont happen either
He's not hiding silver you retard, he doesn't have any.
oh i am laffin. That post better at least have pictures.
Oh dude.
This is the fucking problem, the thread is filled with cocksuckers that are actually buying this bullshit.
I have War Rig and Sweet Business, I didn't feel it though. Then again they were only low power when I tried it.
No, but I probably reported like 50 people for doing that. Bungo boots them surprisingly fast too. It was more fun than actually playing IB.
>not fisting everything with SYNTHEMITTS
That extra range is so good, man
dont you mean synthoceps, crest, and war rig?
skullfort for patrol mobbing fun
Send, thanks man
1117 dust, no silver.
How do you report them?
Done with what, that crucible femtitan pic was all I did.
You're already in. Its not a request button its a join button.
I have a question about the pleasure gardens. Is there any reason to not shoot the spores that are hard to get to (e.g. 4/5) instead of trying to stealth over to them?
Seems way easier and faster to just shoot the far away ones and farm the ones right by the starting pod.
Click on their profile name and report them for being AFK. You'll usually get a replacement player within 20-30 seconds.
Possibly better guns and they land headshots.
Ears and headphones exist you can easily hear people walking or running and even crouch walking through walls so they know you're there that way. As for the peaking just make sure you do it quickly and from a decent distance from the corner as shit like your buttcape, capecape, and coat tails as well as your shoulder can be seen around the corner before you can actually see around the corner yourself so if you're just standing there waiting to dip out that half inch they've known you were there the entire time. As for sliding they may have heard you running but otherwise i dunno.
Hunters have a few ways of upping their melee damage to 2 shots and the knife trick still exists so they can punch, instantly follow up with a knife to your face, then punch again and all you'll probably see is 2 fists.
AFK timer is two minutes, they're not getting kicked because you reported them you retard, they're getting kicked because they're not doing anything.
Also reporting people doesn't do anything but remove them from potential matchmaker candidates for your next instance.
Is it better to reach level 20 on a new character first before finishing the whole campaign?
That way those exotics i get in the story are at a higher level?