Lulu finds out she's the best girl edition!
Lulu finds out she's the best girl edition!
xth for my wife Syndra
xth for breast metal waifu
nami is a coot!
You all laugh at her now, but one day...
zxht for ;spolier/ my wife(spoiler] syndor
>tfw no qt petite gf
when is riot going to make a league girl dating sim? I'd pay 60 dollars for that
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana, Cassiopeia
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier:Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
im glad we are back to a gen with game discussion
look at all those game fact
10 post and not a single one out of topic, glad the mods are doing their job
it's propably only one place on Veeky Forums where you should go to reddit if you want actually talk about topic
waifuposting destroyed this gen long time ago
Wow fucking epic, I love it.
The search bar in the champ select doesn't just show the search for every thing, they actually limit it to the category class selected.
Haha like what the fuck? Can Riot do ANYTHING right?
You've clearly never been to any other thread on Veeky Forums then.
Because the production cost would have to be under $60 to be profitable.
>no necromancer champ
Nice game leaguebaboons.
Yorick is not a necromancer.
There are three types of lolgen posters:
People who bitch about waifufags
and people who ignore both of them and talk about the game
>what is karthus
no other gen is so infected by daily posting spam like lolg
>summon undeaths
>no necromancer
cancer to your family
a lich
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Yorick you dumblerina
He LITERALLY kills things and reanimates their corpses
Everyone always goes on about their waifu being "tight" but which League girls are the loosest?
>Against a quinn top
>She flashes ignites me
>J4 is top side, ping for help when I tele back in since she didn't leave
>Keep pinigng for help because she's under my turret and I have a point and click stun
>he never does, ganks bot, and dies to a shyv counter gank
>realize he's premade with the Vayne
Like I get you don't want to gank a "losing lane" but she was easy kills for him and she had no tele so it would've set her back and help both of us out. Instead she got her flash ignite back and just dove me under turret with or without her jungler
and what is a lich?????
Hello it's me
Here is picture of my new pillowcase
Mute girls can't say no
An undead mage.
How does the game determine "self mitigated damage" when it measures it?
Diana has to wear a diaper due to excessive anal.
I imagine Lux is pretty ragged after taking her daily dose of Demacian Justice for years.
wow yeah
good splash
>talking about the game
Reddit is Twitch highlight clips, roster announcements, "my gf made this" and circlejerking. We don't have the twitch shit (just go on twitch), the roster shit (if you care you'll look into it yourself) and none of us have girlfriends so fuck that. We do have circlejerking and waifuposting and occasional responses to "plz help". Honestly I'd rather take the distilled aimlessness of people talking about the game rather than playing it here than on reddit where there's more to keep you from playing.
The only good thing reddit has going for it on LoL, unique to reddit and actually good, is u/Papaya_Dreaming. We have nothing that matches that man's shitposting. His Teemo Appreciation Thread is the greatest piece of League content I have ever seen.
don't you mean at?
Damn that's pretty cute even for Jinx
>Can't assassinate anyone because she's garbage
Nice game lolbabs
>elf jinx
All damage reduction and shields of any sort, including from regular armor/Mr from leveling
both are really cute
I love Camille
my thumb is more girly than yours
Nobody cares.
ahhh she's so cute!!
And what magics did he use to become undead????
I wish that my face was the train
oh hey you actually did it, hope you have a good night sleep with her
ugly fingers, though
Don't you mean with?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Boards in unironically one of the better places to actually talk about the game. At least the gameplay subsection. It's just got a large population of retards and a good chunk of riot cocksuckers.
thanks to reddit ill find another hash autism video, even if someone post it here i would propably miss it since i need to scroll down through all those daily posters attention whore's
Voting mechanics made ever comment sections into hard circlejerking but nothing is ideal
Oh I see, so it's like the "you did your job as a tank" stat. Neat.
mods should ban these people
I honestly don't get how you people have such a hard time sorting through the posts. It's not like it's hard to tell what a post is when you see it
who play if I want to shit on trynd
Mods should ban (You) for autistic mass replying, you stupid mutt
Is Sejuani top a thing?
for the sake of argument, why the splash art posts?
they were just released/revealed and relate to the game
No. What elo is this?
All right, I can comfortably play J4, Graves, Draven and Braum now. Who should I learn if I need to fill mid?
Because the people who shit up the thread bitching about waifufags are just as bad as waifufags while being even more retarded
You just have to assume you're on your own little island and are never going to get ganks top lane. Then if you do get one you can feel nice and warm inside
Because he's an autistic wojack poster that starts screeching whenever he sees images posted on an imageboard.
Something easier that can still carry games sounds perfect if all you're gonna do is fill. Try fizz.
I just want to play her, but not in the jungle.
People who bitch about people bitching about waifufags are even worse. Getting rid of the waifufags gets rid of all of these problems
Junglers don't understand top lane.
Top is the most dependent on raw laning fundamentals
Junglers are jungling because they don't understand laning
don't expect them to realize anything about your situation. They just want to play their pve
goodnight sweet prince
That's TOO BAD, because she's swimming WITH me, remember?
I want to become a Lee Sin one trick. How should I go about doing this? I've started practicing my ward hops in practice tool and can do a Q into ward hop into kick pretty well. What are some streamers to watch that are good at Lee Sin. Also who should I play in JG if the enemy team takes Lee from me?
she's swimming WITH you but I'm swimming IN her
No it really doesn't. You autists fabricated an issue and blew it out of proportion because you have deluded yourselves in to believing that waifufags actually stamp out real game discussion, which they don't and never have. So in turn you spam the thread thinking it does anything but waste posts/images which waifufags don't actually give a shit about so you're just shitting up the thread for the people who actually come to discuss the game.
>I want to become a Lee Sin one trick.
start by killing yourself
Is mid lane ap Fortune good? I’ve heard and seen her do some cray cray shit.
I'm going to be mating pressing this beautiful woman a lot now.
Or cuddling this beautiful man
Volibear is complete garbage. He's a bad tank, a bad bruiser, a bad engage and a bad carry. There's already an auto-attack bear-themed bruiser; his name is Udyr and he does everything Volibear does but better. Much better.
Why is Volibear's Q even an ability? It doesn't scale with anything and the bases are shit so you don't want to invest points into it, but the movespeed is so tiny it's nigh irrelevant so it's not even good as a one-point wonder. Just attach his Q onto his passive and give him something else that hopefully doesn't suck instead.
Dumpster ass champ before and after the rune rework. Riot must have forgotten to put him out on the curb last trash day.
>Ban for newly released splash art
Get over yourself
EU's best
have good ping, a good mouse, get good at landing q's, don't waste energy, learn all the small interactions between your QWER and flash
also don't do fancy shit just for the sake of it, do it only when necessary and be efficient. or fuck that and just make big dick plays whenever possible
rush and mike yeung are probably the best lee sins i've seen
but gripex and heizman play them way more often
also check out bubba kush's montage
You have to realize something: they're easily triggered crybabies who want lolg to be their safe space, to their deluded minds it does crowd out game discussion because it shows them stuff that they didn't explicitly authorize as part of their lolg experience.
They're probably the same faggots who bitch at teammates over every mistake until they get 3 accounts permabanned and then ask why everyone is so sensitive.
Mmm, yordles.
Thanks, I'll give them both a shot.
I learn from trick2g to not gank a losing lane
Same on such a high degree
This is how it shouldbe
>Enemy yasuo/tristana is winning lane
>Need to stop them or we just lose
>Will further get them ahead
Scenarios like this I don't know what to do as jungler
Yordles (like Poppy) are not for the lewd!
If you want game discussion, bitching is not going to do it. How about you make posts about the game. For example
What do you guys think for keystones on Renekton? PtA is the popular one but it just doesn't feel as powerful to me. Electrocute has a shitty winrate but I've had the most success with it. Aerie has the highest winrate at least before nerfs, for what it's worth. Am I missing something about PtA?
THen i'll forcefully mating press you
Wrong, that actually depends on how much you can get out of there.
Of course ganking a 5/0 Darius might be suicide but if someone is losing vs Nasus without teleport it's better to punish his sorry ass
Is it safe now? Is wojakposting still here?
Then why the fuck does the jungler never come up during immediate the window we have to even the situation and instead come up after they've gotten farm and levels on me because of their early advantage?
fucking rat abuser deserve it