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Remember, user...
someone pls sell gold ore
What did he mean by this?
fucking do it, benny
This server is really great. Very best free Runescape private server 2007 2006 rsps old school runescape. No donation benefits. Good one thank you let me know what you think.
This server is really great. Very best free Runescape private server 2007 2006 rsps old school runescape. No donation benefits. Good one thank you let me know what you think.
Buy my things plz
that's cute
remove yell
buy my coal
Is this game dead or something? What the fuck
If throne gets in istrava is going to flip
>osrs generals get 500+ posts consistently
>vscape general never hits 200 posts
How hard can it be to just.... take them... and bring them over here
Osrs yells about all the changes that they have influence over. Mods don't care on vscape
Its pretty hard desu. One of them wonders into vscape every now and then, they get all flustered and confused when they realize this isn't rs3 with with vintage graphics like they're used to.
vscape is too difficult for them. They can't process the idea that you can't buy pess for 2gp or 99 combat in a day
this desu
and less memes
I wish OSRS was actually 2006 Runescape instead of just being RS3 without EOC and with retro graphics.
But then again that's what the majority of the playerbase wants. Polls said that most people play OSRS for the combat system.
ew euro fuck get out and stop botting
osrs has years and years of new, powercreeped, and "quality of life" content and revamps that /v/scape doesn't
you can try to drag them here but they'll call it ezsacpe and the few that bother trying it out will quit quickly
They call us easyscape and pull 5k flax out of the ge at 10 gp each
I mean, I really can't blame Jagex. They have to put out updates to justify charging for membership in a dated as fuck browser game. Rereleasing rs3 is a lot cheaper than developing new content, and the player base is fine with it as long as they phrase poll questions as "Should we make the game easier by ________" It is a shame though, the idea of OSRS had potential
It's really brilliant when you think about it, though. Regular Runescape has been declining for a long time so what do they do to boost their revenue? Literally just take a snapshot of the game back when it was successful, re-release it, and re-do all the updates in such a way that they simultaneously make the game more casual but don't lose players. They've basically gotten a free do-over. And the fact that they even charge a sub fee for it is just astounding, sub-based games barely survive nowadays and for good reason.
what's the best way to train mining, smithing and ranged at the same time? mining iron ore, doing iron bars and then iron knives?
I mean, if you really want to train mining/smithing beyond just making a few knives, cballs would work bretty well
Depends if you're low level. If you can't smith gold yet then yeah, just make knives. If you can smith gold you'd be better off just buying the ranging mats and smithing gold bars instead, much better smithing xp rate.
ok so ill smith knives from 1 smithing to 40 then sell the rest of the iron ores 1.5k each to smith gold bars
nvm ill do knights sword first
Which skill are you maxing right now?
teach me
a bomp
ani moss city (me)
go away already
ok :^(
i didnt know you had full 3a
i got it maybe a month before quitting and then gave away the range set, but the other two are still in tact
what's the ham female head?
just what it says on the box
humorous bump
nevar forget
don't you fuckin die
Hello vscape, tell me what pokemon you think other vscapers are, and if it fits I will catch/name them if i see them in game.
bingus is a lotad
Raltz is...
>cactus - cacturne
>wrcwpk - electrode
>boopboopboop - nosepass
>cobrasix - crobat
>hurt - shedinja
>bitterness - slaking
>second shoah - ludicolo
>snake - seviper
>pet fish - whiscash
>snib - crawdaunt
>xiah - xatu
>valentines - luvdisk
>derpy - horsea
>pickles - kekleon
so far thats all ive got please add more/make changes as nees be thread thanks
skata dude72: wurmple
>boopboopboop - nosepass
skullington and tunnelsnakes should be ghost types
>skullington - duskull
>tunnelsnakes - giratina
starlight = slowpoke
basedwiggins = mr mime
>skywaker - skarmory
>hypebeast - loudred
>that one guy who asks yell if he should smoke every day - weezing
>jewsdid911 + hdgevin - plusle + minun
>animosity - absol
>fresh - lombre
>wiggins - wailord
>starlight - grumpig
sandshrew for randy marsh
tentacool for squidzilla
houndour for the hound
teddyursa for bobster
Friendly notification that the /v/scape server uptime will be severely restricted starting on December 1st. Actual hours of when the server will be up are yet to be determined, if at all. Any complaints can be directed to the trash can.
>>boopboopboop - nosepass
why sandshrew, the rest i like kek
>randy marsh; meowth
>latent; gengar
>bearald; lickitung
>the mountain; graveler
>mcgarnagle; lunatone
>leaf; oddish
>diowithit; mightyena
>hammi; jinx
>pureswagandk; spinda
because hes a filthy mehican
fuck, not lunatone. I meant to put whatever that thing chinchou evolves into
page 4 come on boys keep the fire going
that's lantern
luneth could be lunatone
ah right, good rec too my nigor
i picked torchic but i havent named him yet, was gonna name him latent for when hes a blaziken but gengar is cool too. i cant trade so i wont be getting gengar in this run
forgot pic
Reminder to make darts, double your ammo per bar
you people are actually obsessed like i joke a lot but jesus christ
honestly ani is mega chad now id fuck him 100% homo
not a joke? im keeping thread alive by playing pokemon emerald and naming what i catch why is that a joke to you? its ok im just sitting with nothing to do for long periods of time, and i realized i could be bumping the thread in sorta non-deconstructive ways :^(
dont worry i like you hes just a meanie
>not posting the updated pic
what, are you afraid my godlike beauty will ruin your meme?
mfw i made the list
its a good face
pureswagandk post
a friend found amongst the grind!
checks out
post pics of raltz ty i know one of you has them
User was banned for this post.
do people actually play this? if so, why?
yes, autism
How do I get a gf like this?
go outside
do you want to stay wurmple or evolve? you'll be apart of my party until something new comes along and we make a new team
not skatadude, but the dustox would probably fit nicely to an extent