I have a question. But first: I've learned to resist the enticement of money. I don't want to earn money at all...

If you don't support it, what does it mean in practice? Do you refuse to use money? Are you stealing everything that you need? I don't see how you can function in the society without supporting the system, unless if you get off this website right now and go live deep in the middle of the woods as a hermit (and probably end up like Chris McCandless).

I'm not all that happy with the system we have. I can't change the entire world around me, though. So I'm focusing on the things that I can change, and I'm trying to improve my own life. Besides, I don't have the answers; I don't know how to make the best possible society, all systems seem to have their own flaws. This "honor-based system" that you're suggesting makes me wonder whether you're a troll or a very naive person

It can be argued that understanding the. value of money is useful for the preservation of life. The reason why humans are driven to seek and accumulate resources comes from primal need to provide for them and their families and make sure their genes are passed on.

You are also falling in the logic trap that it is one vs the other. You can accumulate resources AND help preserve life. More resources = more chances to get your ideas out there and execute on them.

Are you just going to ignore this OP? It seems like you don't have an answer.

Lets assume an infinite amount of time. We continue to grow, we kick out everything that doesn't fit in our society. Insects, animals that can't do, eventually we wouldn't be able to sustain life. If the atmosphere doesn't become thick and too hot from our emissions to kills us the lack of plant life surely will.

>life has value
yes, but its isn't really measurable and it is much higher than anything else. just trying to help you understand.

>why is it important still?
Why isn't it important? There's no answer for this question. Why is human life important? You can say nothing matters or you can say everything matters. Its about how you look at it. But to say only 1 thing matters is selfish and stupid.

>there is a difference between killing someone for survival and killing someone for survival
The difference is in your mind and isn't real. "morality" is just how you think about it.

I don't function in it, I simply say no. We can change it if we work together. I'm not saying we should do that one, its just a possibility. First we need to get people to understand that not just themselves matter.

yes the age old survival of the fittest that has been around since the dawn of time. Perfect from the beginning idea. How can it be wrong if animals do it too? Its wrong if you care about those who are not the fittest. We can help preserve life but first we need to care about it. As it is we don't do much of the preserving of it. We're more concerned about our next paycheck.

I don't support it, that's why I'm a NEET degenerate. How anyone can reasonably expect people to tolerate working 40-50 hours a week and having little time and energy for themselves, whilst not even being paid for 30-40% of their labor (because of the taxman and all the time they have to spend commuting/preparing for work) is beyond me.

Shove your system up your ass.

the answer is they're selfish. don't be selfish and there is no problem.

>Lets assume an infinite amount of time. We continue to grow, we kick out everything that doesn't fit in our society. Insects, animals that can't do, eventually we wouldn't be able to sustain life. If the atmosphere doesn't become thick and too hot from our emissions to kills us the lack of plant life surely will.
Why do you keep repeating this argument even after I've shown you several times that it doesn't work?
>yes, but its isn't really measurable and it is much higher than anything else.
Why though?
>just trying to help you understand.
You aren't though. You just keep asserting things.
>There's no answer for this question.
Okay, then I can ignore you.
>Why is human life important?
Because we are human. Human life matters because we decide that it does. This allows us to survive and function.
>You can say nothing matters or you can say everything matters.
Or you can say some things matter and others don't.
>But to say only 1 thing matters is selfish and stupid.
As I've shown, it's not selfish and it's more intelligent than your position.
>The difference is in your mind and isn't real.
In the sense that concepts don't exist in reality, sure.
>"morality" is just how you think about it.
Yes, but how you think about morality has consequences. My morality has consequences that enable people to survive and prosper. Your morality leads to everyone going around killing everyone else or starving themselves to death. My morality will outlasts yours.

Because I want to become the little boot, user.

> Its wrong if you care about those who are not the fittest

What is "wrong" if not another "social construct" like you say money is? Morality is just another human invention that we put value into.

>i've shown you that it doesn't work
no you havn't
>why tho
its rare
>i can ignore you
you answer your own question in the next statement "because I say so"
>shows intelligent
that's the same logic as black lives matter and its common knowledge that all lives matter
>it has consequences
yeh if you get caught you go to jail because its against the law, Do it on an island with no one around and all of a sudden no one cares.