/wtc/ & /gwt/ - The Witcher and Gwent General

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First for Autism

Geralt and Triss OTP

First for Ciri

nilfgaard did nothing wrong

all elves should be killed on sight



Everything seems to be in order. Good.

I find that picture quite ugly to be quite honest but that's not an issue for me. Only occasionally you find nice art here in general.

I love her weird sternum. It's like a dysmorphism that misshaped her whole ribcage and turned into a cause for a lot of teenage drama.


>tfw Triss will never sit on your face

I envy my Geralt.

Is this scene from the game?

did they reveal something new in the burza-swim stream? i just tuned in

> he's crafting a golden weather mill deck

some of you guys are alright.don't play ranked tomorrow

> you look a little bit depressed
> i'm not depressed
it's 11pm in kurwaland

> burza card is underpowered as fuck confirmed

The only real announcement at the stream is the next update will be the biggest ever

burza card is really bad
also he might've sliped that there's a 3rd ciri card from what i'm reading right now

What card?

this one

who are these guys?

Why it is underpowered?

because burza asked swim what he though of it and swim said it's honestly one of the worst he's seen. and then burza said he's said because he always wanted to be nerfed


both voice actors
he did mcree in overwatch and yusuke in persona 5, she did margaret in persona 4 spinoffs
no idea why have them host though

>page trissfu is lovely

Is this a new card? Shit that looks amazing.

Maybe CDPR had enough of testing host with Mogwai and the rest. Like shit I like Mogwai but he can't cast for shit.


>those fucking scoia'tael cards on the second bag



What is with these low res textures? It just looks weird.

I like it weird.

Apu is the glue that keeps the thread together, unlike the insidious Gwentposters who only want to destroy everything /wtc/ has worked so hard to build.


I have to agree with this gentleman. I understand Gwent has some pretty Witcher-themed art but using random NPCs as OP pictures all the time is getting lame. Most of the recent Gwent OP cards have been just boring while I'd prefer if they gave the general a comfy (Witcher) feel.

I admire your plethora of frog images

Thank you, but I have a confession to make. I was really a Gwentposter all along.
Don't tell anyone else fren.



remember when Ciri was a good card

since I don't post on Veeky Forums anymore lol

anyways just stopping by, fuck this general though it sucks

thanks for the webm, saved before some fag r3p0rtZ it



Not my proudest fap.

What is the best overhaul mod?

I can't actually make out what these guys say in any of their lines.

Right so, completed Witcher 3 main story, all the contracts and all secondary quests I've found now. Should I go for Hearts of Stone now and then Blood & Wine?

Mercer is apparently a big fan of the Witcher, so that one makes at least some sense.

He's also a Trissfag

He's going to be very disappointed with Gwent in that case



Page this is a no frog zone

You ain't got the stones to back them words up, fren.

fuck rethaz
fuck netdeckers
fuck nice things

bump for yen

god bless

How well can one possibly do without resorting to netdecks?

Up to Rank 19 without too much trouble

>fuck rethaz
for doing useless transitional patches
>fuck netdeckers
for making the game fucking stale
>fuck nice things


Yes, HoS first and B&W last.

HoS has amazing last hours and B&W has the most amazing/emotional ending in RPG history.

Well, I reached 4400.

t. Person who keeps telling everyone he once grinded to 4400

>his wife is a redhead

I bet he makes her cosplay in bed

>Well, I reached 4400.
how many hours at day to reach such rank?

I don't know, I only do tier 1 dailies, sometimes tier 2. But I'm a Pioneerâ„¢ and got 600 hours clocked on the game so far.

How far into NG+ can Aerondight carry me before I have to switch it out for something else?


Only took me 3 days of Gwent to remember why I stopped playing. Third Spellaletael in a row. Uninstalling now. For good. The game is obviously dead, doesn't improve, no one cares about it. You even had to merge the general with these waifufag degenerates. Fuck that. Bye.

Not the way it's displayed, no. You get to cooperate with Orianna for a bit if you choose the Unseen Elder path in BaW, and the whole ordeal could serve as a prelude to the depicted scene.

We got a sneak preview shortly before the previous batch of cards were announced, but nothing reliable has been stated as of her release.

>random NPCs
There's no pleasing you people, is there? CDPR even went to the effort to brand this character 'Queen of the Night', and judging by Mahakam Ale fest her art will be recycled and she'll turn into a bruxa or one of the named bruxae. I don't get the constant need to complain about Gwent art when you can just sit back and savour it for the detailed expansion to the TWverse that it is.

>Third Spellaletael in a row
Make a counter deck

otp is geralt and yennefer you fagot.

jaskier best character skurwesyny pierdolone

Anna makes the best art. By fucking far, specially when it comes to premium cards. She is a fucking beast at what she does.

I am almost finishing the Novigrad Quest and I still don't need to change for another silver sword.

Not for me. My Geralt loves Triss.

Too bad nobody loves you and your shitty fetish :^)


Every Trissfriend here does. Fuck off.

Not that user, but don't assume people complain about decks because they have problems against them.
I complain about decks cause they make the game boooooring. Even if they are free wins, is a boooooring game.

You wish :^^)

Me and my Geralt love Triss, that's what matters.

Thanks Trissfriend.

"Quit dawdling, user; We're going to be late!"

Oh my!


Hopefully this "biggest, juiciest, most epic etc" update will come very soon.

i hate burza so much



gas yencucks, waifuwar now

Even better :3

Reminder that if your avatar isn't Vampire guy for "Hmm. Not good at all", your emote game is WEAK.

>Retard is trying to setup Fringilla all game long
>I'm holding Margarita

Ronvid is busted btw

arena mode WHEN

Define "more cards"

Look who works at gwent


The amount of cards that are in the game now is less than the amount of cards that will be in the game once the update hits.

repeat after me
