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>no snacki alt
Tharja is my wife
Every time Hector was on a banner I'd scramble to get enough Orbs to summon him
I summoned him and he's -Atk.
Who do I give Distant Counter to? I have Ayra and Camilla as possible candidates.
post manakete feet
I wanna fuck Arvis.
A friendly reminder to all mommyfags
I dont remember see Sanaki in arena. She is useful?
Is Shield Pulse even good on Fjorm
Sure it reduces her special cooldown but I feel like she would enjoy QR too.
How good is Fjorm's base kit?
>no shota dragon for Children of Fate
why god
Unironically Titania, titanic defenses, good speed, Emerald Axe make her a Chad Destroyer.
Camilla is a decent pic, as is Anna and Fir
One of Rhajat/Tharja's worst offenses is having an ugly face.
I would post any of poo in the loo's art to drive the point home, but I don't hate you all that much
You can swap between Refinements right? Once you've actually bought them.
Anyone got the description of the new lightning breath+? Or did it get same buff as light breath?
Dude who runs FEH Keeper ran stats on all of the logged summons on his website and thinks that there is something seriously wrong with the 8% banner.
Are we getting Dokkan Battle'd?
It's just another weapon to equip at that point.
Summon for me
*blocks your fucking path*
>every sister has gotten a special unit except my favorite
Feels bad man
Yes, it just adds another weapon
What would be a better base for Fjorm, neutral or +def/-res?
Soleil! Good stats!
Sheena needs it to be the ultimate wall
>Your favorite is the one with no character depth or sex appeal
Your fault desu
my nino does not understand what you mean
Kinda meh. Feels way too specialized for fighting ranged units. If you want her to be more generalized she needs kinda expensive SI.
I feel like I am doing something terribly stupid.
Talk me out of this
>everyone hyped up 8% as the second coming of sliced bread
>it's actually not that great
I got Swift Sparrow fodder from it in 3 rolls, so I'm good.
dyke strength!
more than chrom!
Who should I spend my 50 refinded gems on? My +Atk -Spd Nowi, Neutral YTiki (Can feed her lightning breath if need be) or Neutral Ninian (light breath buffs are pretty good)?
I also have a steady breath fodder which I was holding out on since I figured BK didn't need it as badly as some others; Should I feed it to my Nowi over her TA, over Fury on my YTiki or maybe even upgrade a Fae and feed it to her? Since SB fodder doesn't drop on you too often I want to make sure I'm making the right choice so if any other units want SB more please let me know.
>another Ayra fucked my roll
Will Shiro replace the Wall with all the self buffs he gives himself?
Its consumable
You wont get it back
There's already a x2 event going on right now
>no sex appeal
That's wrong, I want to caress her toned body all over
I hope this blows up.
Anyone think ophelia is gonna be a tempest unit?
Yeah, I got a 5* on every summon with the f2p orbs from these quest since I didn't saved for this banner.
It seems suspicious as hell since I don't usually have that much luck
How should i build Bridal Cordy?
She is neutral
>upgraded Zanbato+ Alfonse with Desperation, Brash Assault 3 seal, Fury 3 and Threaten Defense
I wasn't ready for this what the fuck he slaughtered my whole team and I only have one horse
I think -res is one of her better banes alongside hp.
Now help me, neutral or +atk -def Fjorm?
Gotta go fst!
so did no one notice this user last thread who gave the water blessing to zephiel?
Sounds like you're bad
>Fae will never slap and squeeze my dick until its purple thinking its a toy
Why even live bros?
I feel the same way. It would be great to go with the new dragon buffs too.
There's too fucking many banners rapid fire! FUCKINGN STOP.
So did you use it yet ?
I'd believe it. Two 5* from around 160 orbs was not much better than banners I've rolled in the past, averaging around 1 5* per 100 orbs or so.
what do the new children units do? gamepress still hasnt fucking updated
>Not waiting for the wind boost
Style is everything
Why the fuck is water +3 spd now when Speed was always Wind's stat, I hope that different Legendary Heroes of the same element boost different stats
There is no TT. Look at the schedule.
I have 2, still don't know if I should use it in case you can only use one per character.
That's because it isn't that much better. Your average 5* rate is 6%, this is just 2% more. People get screwed at 4% rates plenty.
I wish I could roll some more due to wasting them for Halloween nowi,but never got her.
They kill you in story mode
Is +Spd -HP Lucius good enough for staff memes or should I hold out for +Atk?
I've got three 5* with less than 50 orbs, maybe we're getting Dokkan'd.
>powercreep is so bad that 45 speed is slow
Now I see why there's 40+ speed heroes with Quick Riposte
Yeah because i'm retarded i blew it immediately on Celica
Siegbert +4/+4 Atk/Spd on initiation
Soleil Firesweep Sword
Shrio Naginata +4/+4 when attacked (I think Def/Atk?)
Rajhat has wolf and DD
I just got as what I'd expect from the banner but if people want to make this blow up, sure.
Maybe they'll even refund my orbs for nothing.
Hey faggots what do I do with +Atk/-Def Easter Titcow
Looks like TA Raven can still nuke most bows except Innes, and with Fort Flyer buffs it's okay if this dumb titty monster gets hit in retaliation.
Yeah there's something wrong. I got 7 5* units with good IVs in only 80 orbs when I'm supposed to spend 200 orbs just to get a 5* with shit IVs.
>>every sister was planned to be in the game since the start except your favorite
At least Kozaki likes her.
>130 orbs
>Got Genny and Ike only
>Sitting at 10.5% now
Fuck me i just want Ayra, everything else can go fuck itself
Holy shit lucius
>Spent 60 orbs
>3 orbs left
>no 5*
>F2P shitter
Oh well. Looks like I won't be getting that Hector after all. I swear to god it's always the boosted pity rate banners where I hardly get anything. I only got an Azura from the first Hero Fest and a Genny on Hero Fest 2 after spending 60 orbs on each banner.
>tfw Ricken will be good in heroes
I just want shotas.
It doesn't matter which one.
Have you thanked him for his divine dew?
>all that investment
>not even 3k HM
>Only want Celica
>Get to 10%~
>Get -Atk Ayra
>Now Sitting at 9.5%
F2P is suffering.
Who did you pair ice pussy with /feg/
Lukas can still use Steady breath + Slaying lance to set off Bonfire each counterattack which Shiro's prf can't do. They still both have their uses.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me, it wouldn't have been the first sneaky thing they've done.
More Blue Tomebreaker fucking WHEN
Fem Robin needs to get off my A-Team
>minus 4 def bane
ouch, I have no idea. I was thinking of slapping either deflect magic or missiles to synergize with her base kit. What you going to use her for?
thank you friend
>more speed would be perfect on my Tharja
>but you need to have Fjorm fielded to in order to get the boost
I don't like this new gimmick
>no Cymbeline upgrade
This new update just make me crave more unit fixes.
Yeah, I got 7 5* with 180 orbs, the rates are too high
they can bond on the bench!
>Rolled in literally every Hector banner including HF1
>Still doesn't appear
This is suffering
+atk -hp or +spd -def Ayra? Only thing I got from this shit banner in 170 orbs.
Give Leon Cupid Bow. No, really, it works great with his stat spread once it gets the upgrade effect.
>Every dagger except poison got an upgrade
Is it? Damn, when I thought 45 spd plus hone speed is enough.
Is Ice Bitch good or is she just a meme? Been seeing diverting opinions about her.
Isn't this a good thing though? Dokkan battle was limiting unit appearances supposedly, but this is inflating percentages to accommodate for low orb appearances. If i read it right
Poison was actually used