/domg/ - Dominions General

Modern Warfare edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.
It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep penetration.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.


>Group chatroom

>Our pastebin
pastebin.com/qaccWnMt (embed) (embed)

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Multiplayer guide

>Play by email guide

>Pretender designer

>Debug Mod
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Sy, Maerlande, or Nuclearmonkee
>Jump into MP head first, the best learning experience is by playing the game

Submit completed games here:

Results Here:

>Dominions 5
>Dominions 5

Previous Pantokrator

Other urls found in this thread:


First for new game when

Reminder Shinu is still garbage

Friendly reminder to DO YOUR FUCKING TURNS



Is death explosion bless and flagellant rush is not good at all?

Horror time soon lads

My waifu Sceleria is very cute.

Isn't lack of reanimation a huge nerf now?

Jotunheim has an oddly shaped chin.

>Steel Maidens lost 2 Defense
Am I supposed to recruit Forest Warriors now?

She is good at reanimating my d.

She's reanimating my bone just right.

Looking for a replacement for MA R'lyeh, turn 1.

Did you consider gitting gud?

Steel maidens still seem better due to +4 defense over forest warriors and stealth
I guess you could make an argument for either of them depending on who you were fighting, but you'd want steel maidens regardless for those stealthy raiding parties

Do you play with or without Magic scales giving free research? It feels sort of OP..

Magic Scales cost pretender points and are not 'free'.

It depends.

Throwing axes and javs seem to have become way better in dom5.

8ch's dominions community is pretty autistic, it would be fun to have a giant 2-team disciples game against them.

>giving free research?
As opposed to what? Do you have some alternate setting where they give something else?

I could do it for giggles

Cruxador, please try be more kind on the Steam forums.

Thanks in advance.

Let's not.

It wouldn't be a close game. 4ch has sum1, Sy, Malakal, etc. The best players on 8ch's community are literally just players from here that joined their games and stomped them.

hop into official the the steam dom5 group chat:

send me, boku, a message with your email

Feel like they were always underappreciated for expansion, especially javelins on cheap units like velites

Those autists are still alive?

I got email back from llama.
It was indeed a version missmatch due to the hotfix update and the issue has been fixed.

We are now good to go again.

They definitely were weak units before.

I´m playing two games with EA Ermor precisely to test this kind of unit. They´re definitely not the most powerful thing ever and they still barely cause casualties, but they do fulfill their role perfectly now: opening gaps in the enemy lines to mess with their formation and get an advantage on the melee.

And hey, a few dead enemies before the melee is still better than no dead enemies.before the melee.

Decently armored troops don´t care much about javelins, but low armored troops like militia and light infantry do suffer quite a bit under the projectile rain. They definitely help clear up cheap indies.

I´m quite happy with the way they work now. It feels useful but not overwhelmingly so.


>until then wait warmly
Fucking Llama

>Do you play with or without Order scales giving free money? It feels sort of OP..

Maek turn NOW

What blesses have worked for you guys? 4x precision 2x reinvig is nice for mages but I haven't had time to mess around with much else

charged bodies with shock res for any massable sacred

MA C'tis. Should I drop Luck for 3 more Cancer Dominion?

Heat aura, Fortitude and Regen is pretty great on Dai Oni or Oni Shugo for EA Yomi

Devourer of Souls expander > raw scales imo

If you do want to go the FULL FULL FULL scales build, I'd honestly go Heat 3, Prod 2 and more dom. Leave luck/magic maxed.

Question about dom 4 eriu, how do you build your armies? Slingers can't hit shit in ea, with my storming mages and against ma armor they'd be wasted slots. The recruitable sacreds are expensive, mediocre, and cap only. So just a line of spear infantry with heavy mage support and possibly cu sidhe cavalry? Are cu sidhe worth an n9 bless?

Also, I'm not sure I'd want the fountain over another chassis. You can't really get much from blood items and you can't break into blood with only the fountain. Might be worth having something that adds at least SOMETHING when it wakes up, even if it's just one item.

Eriu is shit at armies. Dump gems on elementals and bugs and then lose anyways.

Fir Bolg can kill shit just fine

garbage scales or imprisoned?

2 of those blesses are incarnate, so I'd assume dormant at most

How good are the heat and cold auras? I was never that impressed with Abysia's heat in Dom4.

Regen is incarnate only which makes it worthless

You're not going to need regen from turn 1, that's not when you thug.

Abysia's heat aura in 4 can let basic scrubs kill the eater of the dead with no mage support.

Just craft ring of regen rather than wasting points on a worthless bless

What scales does Yomi need aside from Luck and Magic? Your oni are freespawn and need turmoil, your recruitables cost few resources, and your mages are cold-blooded so at least one point of heat is a good idea. I guess strong Life scales would be good, but with Yomi you could seriously trash your scales and not be much worse of the wear. The problem is no recruitable sacreds outside of Oni Shugo and Dai Oni - amanojaku are super rare and tengu are summons, so it really seems like Yomi needs an awake SC or an awake Rainbow.

>When someone is going to stale on turn 1 of a freshly released game

Classic /domg/

Trash scales.
This is what I was working with, I'm sure there are better combos though

EA Yomi only has 1 unit worth recruiting (Dai Oni), and having drain 2 will help prevent that 1 unit from getting banished.

Your only expense is going to be dai-oni and spamming palisades and lab/temples.
Research is going to suck balls though and you're going to want soul vortex

Hey gang, back again to shill this Texas map. Got it nice and ready for Dom5. If y'all have any suggestions ill be lurking. For the Alamo yo.


You niggers haven't seen shit. Just wait until my Yomi bless gets revealed.

2 questions: I hear the Turmoil mechanic and the repel mechanic have been changed. Could anyone share what the exact changes are?

No, but do go to Heat 3 for more domstrength.

I thought it was mostly luck being nerfed (+30% at L3 as opposed to 45% in dom4)
On the other hand turmoil only reduces income by 2% per scale now

Repel now has a -2 multiple attack penalty same as the normal defense skill penalty when being attacked multiple times in the same turn

That looks surprisingly decent, actually.
I'd consider reducing your dominion score, since you aren't going to be recruiting any sacreds that aren't commanders and you'll probably be spamming temples for freespawn.

Why are there so few bug gods? All we have is the back half of an ant attached to a lion. Spider god when? Queen ant/bee when? Wasp when? Mantis when?Fucking BEATLES WHEN? There's so much good shit and there's even a nation that's into spiders.

>Spider god when?
Can't have that since it would be for Machaka and they can't get anything

I've been wanting an insect nation for ages.
Imagine all the cool units you could have.
>mosquito blood mages
>locust raiders with a huge pillage bonus
>sacred scarabs
>mantis assassins
>bombardier beetle artillery

game on. Ryleh replaced by a kind and competent player. vaya con dios

aye I'll give that a try, my rational for having higher dom score was to at least help a bit to spread turmoil for Shugo and Dai-Oni but with the awake statue combined with cheap temples it's probably fine and I'm overestimating chaos power

why is this 1v1?
should be 4 vanheres to every jotun/niefel

When will F/N be made not complete trash?

dom5 fags, did they add commander/unit sorting?

I'm still killing the fuck out of R'lyeh. Lizards eat fish.

>check email on break
>subbed out for taking less than a third of the turn interval

Sorry, didn't realize this was neetsonly2.

It's the day after launch. There's gonna be a lot of turnbullying for the next week or two until people calm down and realize they're in twelve games.

What's the most efficient way to deal with indie heavy cavalry?

have some chaff units up front to soak the lance, then attack them with a sufficiently strong melee unit after their lance is used.

Whats the best modnation?

Send a Dai-Oni scripted to bless and lets his wolves soak the lances ;)

Send an ethereal Dai Oni

Vanheim-chan is cheating

lost 2 pretenders first turn in 2 PBEMs, ama

Jesus christ I'm floating 3k gold one year into a C'tis game because I didn't want to castle capital-adjacent provinces. I'm starting to feel like maybe that's dumb. Is forting adjacent provinces the New Meta?

> test turn 1 blind expansion with starting army 20 times
> verify it works even on heavy cavalry
> join MP game
> blind expand
> entire force including commander wiped out by 30 lamias
> mfw

right here with ya

Unless it got changed gold collection occurs in a circle around the fort and its reduced if a fort shares a admin province. But this is only for optimal fort spacing, you should just aim to minimize overlap but don't miss turn timings on creating forts because you need extra mage producers anyways.


Would someone care to explain the 'meta' behind the magic system? e.g. elemental vs sorcery-centered play-styles, early vs mid vs late game strats, and the like. There are so many nuances, especially when you start looking at stat boosters and forging in general. And then the whole communion aspect. What's the best way understand how a nation's mages work?

Getting up basic forts is a lot cheaper than in Dom4, so if you're not playing a resource-dependent nation it seems like forting cap-adjacent provinces wouldn't be a terrible idea. I can't really tell yet, though.

Administration only affected gold collection in the fort province itself, I though? It affects how many resources the fort pulls from adjacent provinces, though, as well as the additional supplies the fort sends out to neighboring provinces.

>can expand in 5 directions
>all the indies are shit

Much like fighting games, each nation has their own signature move that's the crux of their strategy, whether it'd be t-strike or skelespam.

I want to become the sole undying emperor of Sceleria and rape the world.

how do I start playing this game again

Click the left mouse button.

Is there any interest in a disc2 game? Probably LA because I literslly never saw a disc LA game, but I could cede and make it EA.


So how does Ormr compare to the other snakes? And in general just how do the different combat gods compare to each other?

Sorry, I only got the EA disc.

Sceleria's more about chilling

Flavor-wise, you posted it.
Actually, with all the new bless stuff, clowns might no longer be as weak as they once were.

It would take a massive guide to describe everything, but basically look at your mages - what mages can you spam and what spells can they spam? What sorts of big spells can you get with your pretender and big mages? Who are your neighbors and how can you counter what they're likely to do? From there, you set your research goals, such as 'I want earth meld to prevent an early rush, then I'll beeline towards horde of skeletons'.

Now, knowing what spells are good, which ones are situationally useful and which ones aren't so good is something you'll just have to learn in time. Especially since the combat system has changed a bit with the move to real-time combat, some spells may be better or worse than they were in Dom4.

Daily reminder that she got away with it.

>when people demand I do my turns, but I remember I don't have to
Turnbullying is a spook.