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/sthg/ #1088 - Metal Edition.
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/sthg/ #1088 - Metal Edition.
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First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!
*blocks your 100 rings*
Nice second post, Sonicbabs
>Game is over in two hours
>Classic Sonic is shit
>Hero character is shit
>Modern Sonic is incredibly short and only like two of his levels are any good
Fucking stop defending Sonic
Daily Reminder that Ken Penders ruined Knuckles in the comic for years before Ian had to try and fix him.
*Creeps on*
You only got one response last time. Give it a rest, my man.
That's a pretty good theory. Does that mean that Maria is now Shadow's stand?
Oi oi, Metal.
Bit too soon for your thread, innit?
Yes, Maria is Shadow's stand, and her Stand Power is Chaos Control!
Nice counting plumber, that's what happens when you're raised by Yoshi's
I was going to make, Maria, the hero we need edition.
It's too early for Metal Sonic's thread, but thanks for getting it anyway.
Not really since he said he was going to get first post.
How does it feel when Denuvo actually works?
i'm gonna need art of this now
I suck at drawing, but I aim to get better.
However, I know some of you slack jawed faggots are much better than I am, so thought I'd ask, is a drawing tablet with a screen worth the extra money?
I don't know if it's worth dropping the extra money on something that might not help me in the long run.
But I feel that the disconnect from the screen to where my hand is is limiting.
Also, not gonna completely shit up the thread with art shit so
>Why is Fleetway Robotnik better than Game Eggman
Sonic is his own stand.
An enemy in a 3D Sonic game that can actually hurt you and isn't just a glorified spring? What is this?
I couldn't contain my excitement about seeing his addition to Hedge Physics, and because the previous thread was almost at 800 posts.
>only 16k
so this....is the power of DRM...woah
His stand is wind
Full House Zone when??
>is a drawing tablet with a screen worth the extra money?
I would also like to know this, been meaning to get one for a few months. It's doubly awkward for me since the way my desk is layed out, i'm not even facing my monitor while drawing.
But he IS the wind. Therefore, he is his own stand.
No worries. 1100, he'll be Neo Metal Sonic
>Sold less than sonic mania
So will sega fucking learn?
Any Draw anons up for doing a little OC art based upon a game screenshot?
that's literally just for steam. It's a bestseller on the nintendo eshop
Once again, the answer is no. Denuvo is going nowhere.
What if Maria and Shadow alternated control of their body?
But which one of you guy's shitposting is the correct shitposting?
git gud
somersault and jump
dodge 'em like a pro
Old & Slow
Leave Boom Knuckles alone. He's pure.
06 should of went the full distance and had realistic hedgehogs too
Im still confused, is sonic forces flopping on ps4?
Don't think it's sold very well at all
Last I heard, it's not in the top 100 on Amazon for PS4, but it was in the top 20 when the Bonus Edition was on pre-order. On Switch, it's never left the top 10 since it came out & was in the top 3 for almost a full month. We won't really know until SEGA releases the number.
I doubt it "flopped" but everything seems to suggest it selling worse than Mania.
I've only used a tablet with a screen in it once, but there's still a little bit of disconnect between where your pen is and where the mouse cursor is. Not really worth it to me unless I were to find one on sale for super cheap, but I'm also very used to using a regular drawing tablet since I've been using one for years.
If you're looking to just generally improve at drawing but find it hard when you're also adjusting to the disconnect of a regular drawing tablet, just go traditional for a while until you feel more confident with general drawing skill so you're not trying to learn so many things at once.
I'm a little busy today but maybe
the first one. PC version is the worst selling version
So switchbros are keeping forces alive?
Sonic '06 could've been a 6 month joke project assigned to a team of 6 interns using only the assets of the original game to slap some silly garbage together and it would've turned out better still.
Maria in control is literally just Sonic at his happiest and most hopeful and inspiring and stuff. Rouge and Omega and everyone else would be a little weirded out...
What makes Tiara so special in that she and Honey are some of the most commonly included scrapped characters in fan art over Sonic's and Vector's band mates?
I'd be fine with excluding her from lists if it weren't for the fact that Honey got to appear in the Archie comics and be given an actual personality. Nowadays I just kind of wish either both Honey and Tiara stayed obscure scrapped characters or both of them got the "make an appearance in the comics" treatment. Which sucks because I know Ian Flynn tried to do that with Tiara and Gazebo but to no success.
Maybe, but truth is, we don't really know.
Well i guess the bright side is that sega will take switch more seriously
>assigned to a team of 6 interns using only the assets of the original game
We already got that user, it's called Sonic Genesis
To be fair, Honey was just a furry version of an established character and also was playable, and Tiara was one guys mary sue OC for a game that never got made.
>What makes Tiara so special in that she and Honey are some of the most commonly included scrapped characters in fan art over Sonic's and Vector's band mates?
Because she was actually supposed to be a major playable character of enough importance to be the deuteragonist and not random sound test extras.
Comics are weird...
Thank you if you do.
I would like Good Ol' Drachma be a Polar Bear or a Walrus with the robo arm saying the exact same thing aiming it at Eggman's skull while Infinite (Before having the Phantom Ruby and Mask) has his foot down hard on his head holding it to the gravel.
Sega was never a problem with Switch support. We got Puyo Puyo Tetris and Mania earlier in the year, and Valkyria Chronicles 4 was confirmed during its announcement.
You realize the current director got his start on Sonic by being the lead designer of Secret Rings and Black Knight? That's not a bright side. Enjoy retarded joycon gimmick crap. And no, before you say "well those could've been good games if the controls didn't suck" the controls will suck, because this is Sonic Team we're talking about.
2 left now.
Need the names of the cute hedgie and the stylin' bird with robot feet
Then I can pop this in the booru and go back to lurking and requesting Sage lewds
thanks, Mister P.
We just dont want another 30fps sonic forces (though it worked surprisingly)
>What's he doing?
>He's petting that small canine.
>Huh. Like, angrily, or?
>Negative. He is smiling.
>This is creepy.
Quick 5 minute thing just for you, you big gay.
>Good morning Rouge, Good morning Omega! Isn't it a wonderful day today?
>Looks like somebody got up on the right side of the bed for once...
>Reminder that nobody calls Eggman "Robotnik" anymore
>Not even himself from before he was called Eggman
How does that work? Were they saying his official name is retroactively Eggman everywhere and always was?
>Zone Cops couldn't arrest him because of "stability" because the original Robotnik left a void when he was erased.
>Didn't just replace him with a friendlier Eggman.
>Underestimated just how insane Archie Eggman was and he goes off the deep end and capsizes the multiverse.
I find it funny.
It would be too much to ask to add that one Gothic Lolita Black Rabbit Nocturne will it?
What if the comically serious and edgy coffee bean eating Shadow is just Maria trying way to hard to act like Shadow?
I think the majority of Forces OC stuff has moved to /trash/, did you ask there?
For some reason Roger does a better job at voicing Boom Sonic more than Modern Sonic.
They would have to cut back the graphics in order for it to run at 60fps. Boost games are very demanding the hedgehog engine is only used to cut time
Thats pretty cool (if I was a bigger fan of Eggman though I despise him.) I appreciate the effort you put into this user and it works very well!
But what if Maria, trying her hardest not to blow their cover, gets too into it and is actually Shadow at his edgiest; bullying Weak, roundhousing Silver, going all "IT'LL BE A DATE TO DIE FOR" while Shadow's like "What do you MEAN crunchy?"
you'll have to ask THP, friend.
I'm just adding the names
They let that Eggman stay because he was the best fit thus brought the most stability. Though why the zone needs an Eggman in the first place to be stable or to make the multiverse stable I have no idea. Does that mean that if Sonic and friends did defeat him with no outside help they'd just bring in the next best fitting Eggman?
Wow, it's almost like Boom Sonic and Modern Sonic are two different characters or something.
Well, they confirmed it for the Switch before they even knew what the Switch was. It was just as powerful as the PS4 for all they knew.
Of course, that's not a good way to develop your games. The reason the first half of Final Fantasy 13 is all empty hallways is because they made it for the PS3 before they knew what its specs were, so they played it safe.
I could honestly see either being possible & I fucking love it.
>maria in control
Thats why i hope sega actually gets serious on the switch. Simplygon did a good job but sega needs devs like panic button
Too late trying to counter me with an alternate perspective, I already came to the same conclusion! ...Though, I didn't think Maria would go THAT far. Shadow might be a little freaked out in those moments.
I did but will keep at it here too until it gets done.
The OR's must be around sometime
Modern Sonic hasn't had the chance to voice many emotions.
It's either cocky, TEAMWORK or "I can't believe Tails is fucking dead"
Boom Sonic gets to be the full range of emotions. His best work is when he's being deadpan or sarcastic.
However, Boom Sonic's going to die soon, so until we get the comics I hope you like your mute or cringeworthy Sonic.
Or maybe it's different voice directors.
>Does that mean that if Sonic and friends did defeat him with no outside help they'd just bring in the next best fitting Eggman."
No, a replacement was needed because the original was defeated unnaturally. He was erased. So it was like he never existed. So if they just defeat Eggman normally, it would just be left as that.
The port studio needs to be wizzards on the switch hardware, get nintendo or monolith to help.
funny stuff.
is there any more like it?
It was also because Snively was the one to erase Eggman and not Sonic.
>but there's still a little bit of disconnect between where your pen is and where the mouse cursor is. Not really worth it to me unless I were to find one on sale for super cheap, but I'm also very used to using a regular drawing tablet since I've been using one for years.
Yeah I thought so, I should just change the way my desk is layed out so I can face my monitor with my tablet in front of it.
I've seen some refurbished cintiqs that seem like a good deal, I might have to try one out in real life first.
Western comics general
I hadn't refreshed the page before posting that though, didn't see yours I'm a slow poster
Nakamura made Forces Boost to Win.
So if Shadow got a shotgun and blew Eggman's brains out the Zone Cops would just keep on hauling in replacements until Sonic beat them with no outside help?
Did they ever explain why Sonic needed to beat Eggman for things to stay stable?
Was that drawn by Bandle?
wait what
I want Maria back guys
Thank God there is still justice in this world
This is the third time we've seen this, m8. And yeah, a Boost game designed for you to Boost isn't surprising, but the execution was lackluster.
Maria trying to pretend being Shadow would just be terrible at it. 50-years out of date mild cusswords and immediately backing down if somebody called her on it.
It'd be like a girl trying to write an edgy fanfic about Sephiroth and constantly failing
Better to make generations
It really comes down to the writing and directing.
Now this is a Shadow I can get behind.