/swgg/ - Star Wars Games General

Statement: A good Jedi is a dead one Edition

For General SWTOR info and finding people to play with:

>United Forces update and server merges
>Why have I lost my character's name?

>SWTOR updates

>For LS players in Impside
I think you got the wrong door, the pub club is 2 blocks down

>Special announcement for zakuul supporters/grey friends

>/swgg/ Guilds They are all shit desu
- Star Forge - Imperial
- Star Forge - Imperial
- Satele Shan - Imperial
- Darth Malgus - Imperial
- Darth Malgus - Republic

>How do I setup Battlefront II (2005)?

>Battlefront II (2017)


>Traitor Among The Chiss Teaser

>Other Star Wars games on Steam
store.steampowered.com/tag/en/Star Wars/#p=0&tab=TopSellers

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uh...where the dicks is my Calculated Mercenary set in the cartel shop? Ive been fucking waiting for a month now.

>tfw I don't get Kotor references.
Should I play those games? I feel like they didn't age very well.

Can't decide which alien race has the best waifus...Togruta? Twi'Lek? Mirilian? Chiss?
Maybe Togruta...

What would you choose?

What the fuck, why is everything so inflated now. I just got back and my 200 mill feels like fucking Zimbabwean dollars now. What happened?

>What the fuck, why is everything so inflated now. I just got back and my 200 mill feels like fucking Zimbabwean dollars now. What happened?
Mugabe got ousted, Zimbabwe on its way back.

>I feel like they didn't age very well.
And you are right, it's hard to play them now. The gameplay is very rigid

It's the goddamn d20 system, of course it's rigid. Fucking turn based masquerading as real time will never feel good.

To answer the guy in the last thread I posted it and then saw we all went over here. So I wanted you to see it.

I believe what you are looking for is a setting in the preferences in the Controls tab. Look for "Auto Target Closest Enemy".

wow. they really made that look really good...

closes the door and locks it