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Hi /feg/
Azura is for ___
Someone translate this so I don't have to
unimportant poll
purge /feg/
I'm just building her with whatever skills as cover for AA but quite liking her now. Even loving the Tommy Pickles voice. Am I going insane?
Slaying Lance or Silver Lance?
>Hector on free pull
>You only have 24 speed, Father?
So, who's the traitor in your barracks
Read the fucking thread
*slaps you're waifus ass*
Should I give my only spare Distant Counter to Olivia, so she can kill any and all greens for SB+Aether Nowi? It'd even be pretty easy to merge her up.
Why can't I join Ganon Sigma against Elsa?
Why did they make shitbert cute?
me on the right near the bottom middle
That's no joke how she gets you.
I rolled her trying for Mathilda on her first banner and noticed she was +Atk -Res. Used her more and more and now I fucking love her.
>Siegbert means that Eliwood is officially completely terrible.
Man fuck you IS. You could've given him an actual buff and made him as strong as the other lords, but the Blazing Sword trio are probably some of the worst Lords in the game. Now that Seliph gets Divine Tyfring even he's better than Eliwood. And yes, Hector is great still, but that's because there's only 2 other Green Armors worth a damn, and one of them is event exclusive. He's also the only source of Distant Counter, a sought-after skill.
>xander has been outclassed so many times
>and they still refuse to rerun him
I want to enslave and impregnate Rhajat.
Blazing durandal...retard
Should I?
Or he is actually quite decent post update
Fjorm is a princess of Nifl.
Leavatein is a princess of Muspell.
But it turns out. They're both the second princesses of their respective kingdoms.
And not one, but both of them have older sisters. One of which we got to briefly see in a blurry dream sequence.
I wasn't really expecting that. I guess more OCs are on their way.
Which do you think are the best staves after forging? I thought absorb+ would be busted, but the actual AoE 7 heal effect that was added seems pretty underwhelming. Panic staff works like monstrous bow/tome, which weren't used.
Gravity+ and Candlelight+ AoE look neat, but I doubt Pain, Fear or Slow will see much play
I'll probably propose to effie right there on the spot
Does Fir want Speed or Res when upgrading her weapon?
Eldigan seems to be the most fun to use, but first I'm going for Julia!
>tfw finally will be able to complete my flyer emburem
I still don't know what to give Nowitch and S. Cumilla blade, raven with iotes or Triangle Adept. With Elincia I might give her Swift Sparrow
We need Legendary Heroes for the other seasons so there's definitely more come along. I hope Severa EMIYA is the recruitable one from Fireland. Bladeblade sounds incredibly fun.
>how do I deal with dragons???????
Well, I might have been called a retard for build mixed tank Bercoot from literally week 1, but now they understand. And now I have Close defense 5, soon to be 6.
Man, 41 defense and res feels so good.
Gravity+ doesn't have the 2 square AoE that most of the other staves do, so it's not completely broken. Still easily one of the best there is, if your team plays a bit passively. If you have Galeforce memes then Candlelight fucks shit up.
>alt got tiddy flying AGAIN
>main is getting overrun by hector
Don't fodder him. If you like BCordelia enough to kill a five star for her, you might as well spend 20000 feathers instead
>+9 ATK is stronger than +10 ATK.
It'd be one thing if Eliwood had ANY surviveability, but the dude can't even consistently live out Blue Tomes or Blue Dragons as a Red RES unit.
That'd be nice, as it doesn't seem right when it was the other way around.
It's the traitor that's not in my barracks I worry about
Can’t wait to drop some turn 1 Moonbombs
If Leavatein is recruitable she wants DC+vantage right? That shit will be unstoppable.
>HNOWI literally break the whole immersive atmosphere there
>has a weapon that makes him even stronger and faster
I guess he really is Charlotte's kid.
Am I a cuck bros?
>berkut was the key all along
Today Berkut will remind them.
Blazed Durandal makes him better than shitbert.
hello there young summoners
I'm assuming Leavatein's older sister is going to be a mega bitch and take Leavatain's spot as main daughteru. Leavatein then joins Team Askr as a result.
Either that or her sister is dead.
>Rolling for Fjorm
>Got Caeda
I don't know how to feel
>not using superior glimmerbombs
Mathilda is actually harder to deal with in my experience. If I'm running my dragons to clear quests I just forfeit when I see her.
What do I do with these -Atk Ikes
>When's maintenance start?
>When does it end?
>Do I promote my +Atk or +Spd Lukas?
>How do I fix a -Atk IV?
>so what are the next new heroes gunna be?
>What's a good skill for X character?
I'm convinced Heroes has lowered the average IQ of this general by at least 30 points. So we're at a -13 now. Great.
Seriously, how is it that anyone who isn't new to Heroes having this much trouble figuring this stuff out?
Celica is the cuck because Alm wants (You)
>Not merging him to +10 and getting your bulk from there
I only need 3 more copies before I can start my Eliwood project
how do you pronounce this
>not noontimebombs for that 5 HP every second hit
>or glimmerbombs for that 15 guaranteed damage
Speed on Slaying, Defense on Silver. Buff negation on Ridersbane, Attack on Spoon when I finally get around to SIing that extra Charlotte.
Gangrape with bandits.
>fast charging Galeforce on a unit with passable offenses is worse than what's supposed to be a tank with mediocre defenses and offenses
Are you insane?
It's (((Anna)))
Feed one to Cordy and one to Minerva
*Breathes in*
>No none option
And into the trash it goes.
reddit post desu
>dragons get to attack their enemy's lower defensive stat
>both of Berkut's defensive stats are good
Truly the master of 4D chess
I'm actually going to complete a tt for once, feels great.
A Daily Cloud for you, /feg/.
I still like you.
He is safe for now.
LaD 3 have to wait then
Now i will to give her BB+ from a Gordin
Do you think future legendary heroes will all be OCs or do you think there'll be some legendary main characters from actual games?
I guess they'd have to be alts or something if that was to be the case. Because they've already added most of them already.
I was new once so i just watched the idiots blunder about and learned from them
Spend your coins faggot.
Who made the divine dew ?
Dude, he has fucking built in heavy blade. Do I need to work this out for you?
Draconic aura/luna
+Speed eliwood
Fury 3
Hit & run
Horse skill
Speed +3 seal
With hone Cavs, he hits 59 attack and 45 speed. He procs guaranteed dAura.
Or you could build Galeforce and Desperation. You're retarded, basically. Swordbreaker, if 45 isn't fast enough for you.
>Veronica wants Siegbert bulky
What does it mean, /feg/?
*laughs in res*
OC most likely.
>laevatein runs away from muspell
>the lost princess of muspell
>meets up with bruno the lost prince of embla
>people still think dragon defense stat targeting works on everything
It only works on 2 range units. 2 range. Not 1. T W O. As in, no swords, no lances, no axes.
Dragons can't hit Berket's DEF in the first place, chessmaster.
>free qr 5*s
>Firesweep sword for semen queen to play with.
>Spending sacred coins
>need blue buffs
I wonder who could be behind this post
>Athos is a legendary hero
The weapon refinery actually did a lot of good for her. The upgrade to that bouquet is great.
Does anybody actually want Green Egg or Carrot Lance? Have some spares.
>39 atk
I will run ALL the Xander's and Siegbert! He is so cute and I love him.
>Has Dragon Fang as his special.
That is Femui's son there. She can make him fast and strong.
give nino the egg
Assuming he's a legendary hero, what type do you think he'd be?
Give Carrot Lance to your favorite units and make silly meme builds
>veronica wants...
Fjorm being Surtr's counterpart in the trailer instead of Leavatein makes me think Fjorm might gets something special at the end of Book 2 to take on Surtr. Maybe Divine Leiptr or something.
Apparently you don't follow that philosophy when it comes to orbs LOL
What's the fastest you guys have been able to clear the lunatic 7 TT? My fastest clear time currently is 3 minutes and 30 seconds from start to finish, but that was a near perfect run. My usual is around 4 minutes.