/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2395

Recent News:
Arcarum on the 29th
Summer Gran/ Djeeta BD skin is out
New story chapters (98-101), Io SR 5* uncap and playable Reinhardtzar (SR story Fire)
New Lancelot SSR (Wind) and Sophia SR (Light)
No GW next month, Wind bosses GW on January

>Granblue Fest - granbluefantasy.jp/pages/?p=15175
Visit the venue and you get free and exclusive stuffs

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for November:
31/10 - 8/11 - Forgiveness and Gratitude (SR Water Yuel)
9/11 - 16/11 - Guild War (Fire boss)
17/11 - 22/11 - Platinum Sky (Rerun) + Racer MC skin will be added
22/11 - 29/11 - Xeno Cocytus (Staff)
29/11 - ? - Divergent Knighthoods (SR Wind Arthur)

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>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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KMR sucks dick
Bring back HRT



Hello, Police?

Xeno-Ifrit rerun so I can get some fucking axes when la


/gbfg/ is not my favorite general and I consider you all to be my ugly enemies

Poor horse guy

how many hours until arcarum

Never. You'll use rq unks and you'll like it

Like 10?

>this much work to get a staff and I still don't have the last drop yet
When xeno ifrit comes out, I'm buying all the parts and calling it quits.


Post cute beatos

bea just can't catch a break

7 hours


Have you finished farming those twigs for the upcoming gw, /gbfg/?

I don't disagree with your sentiment, but I think KMR has damaged the game and Cygame's brand beyond HRT's abilities to repair. I could just be overblowing the problems that I see, but I think the saying "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" applies here. Cygames spread ads and reached their playerbase and lured them in, then did a terrible job, and chased players off that now thinks Cygames sucks. It shows even here, as Arcanum is treated with extreme doubt and skepticism. Even if HRT makes the game something you can feel good about spending money on, those players that left probably won't be back.

>three mlb twigs
>all wrong twig

they're a myth


In 6 months of daily flam grind I'll get my 0* twig grid, just you wait.

Why not agni it up?

I want to protect beato

Which one are am I supposed to be farming?


Baalfest and no new content have helped in that. If Arcarum doesn't work could this be the last time we hear about KMR?

Get dirt characters b4 rateup is gone. Don't you want Jessica to have her waifu ayer?

Is it really surprising though? KMR fights you actually playing the game so hard that arcarum has no other option but to be shit beyond the summons only hl will be getting and only for sub bonuses

I am. They're the wrong twigs

They went through the same thing with Shadowverse, and it's true. A significant number of players who quit because of bad balance probably won't ever be back. All they can try to do is make the game palatable for those who do stay, come back, or are new, though.


Still some celere+enmity and they're mlb which is gud.

dumb aquaposter

final uncap when?

Vergilius 5* when?

bahahl 3C824832

Buffs when?

At least she's not Zeta.

Fire is only good with three scythes
This is because scythes are fucking dumb but that's beyond the point.

More or less, yes but the synergy between my characters is pretty poor

>This is because scythes are fucking dumb
No, it's because sticks are fucking SHIT.

what can I do while I wait for arcarum and the new event to arrive?

forgot pic


fuck off

I pulled Hallessena.
It feels good.

grind your slime alts to HL

>kmr undykes vira to kill dykefags
>canonizes ioxrosetta

>Tia bolt
>193 hp/2930 atk
>med atk 29% atk, small enmity +14% atk

>A fucking stick
>302 hp
>2290 atk
>big atk II 40% atk

Free Story if you aren't done
Coop for pots
Casino more chippies
Nat regen treasure/side story treasure for pots
Work more on your alts Nat regen treasure/side story treasure for pots, casino chips, and coop for even more pots
Make meme grids and post them

Any videos of DJ skin?

vira was killed not undyked

>he doesn't know
Io has a dick. A big one.

I am gonna cheat on Quatre, the new hot pussycat on the block is Mordred

>Io and rosetta aren't on the same element
>Likely never will
>Implying grand order
It's just not fair


What summons do I use with Magna Dark?
Celeste / Celeste?
Celeste / Bahamut?
I don't understand how they work


if you are new, using elemental x elemental is the way to go
after you've Skill Levelled your grids, use celeste x elemental

>Draw a girl
>Call it a boi

Where do I get a program that simulates finger touches with mouseclicks. It would be incredibly useful for macroing shit with less risk of getting ding donged.

You use hsimyu.net/motocal/ because it depends on a lot of fucking shit like what characters you're running, what grid you have, what summons you have available, what buncles/ssr buncles you have, what the requirements of the fight are. The wiki and OP has an entire workup on basic grids, intermediate grids, and the damage formula you faggot

>baka refuses to drop rusted daggers
>still only have one
>baka drops me a second horn


Quatre is a MAN

So I am not the only one with shit luck.

Just jerk off until magnafest. Multiubox and choke blast angel halo's while wanpan leeching protochikkun raids. Next time to waste all your fucking rusteds it's not like you didn't know how many you needed and keep your steel brick stock up.

Thanks. I'll try to wrap my brain around some stuff

celeste x celeste with 2 cortanas and ultima mh

>until magfest

What's the best chrome alternative to play GBF?

>Showdown gives 50% normal atk which you can get elsewhere like your baha weapon
>Magna grid's skills give X% atk
>Celeste gives 100% magna buff making it a X% magna atk summon
>Plug Celeste in when your slvl's are high enough
It's not rocket science

this is actually a good read for starting players
that being said, I hope you don't start with dark, and pick any of the 4 mainwheel instead

are your axes/claws skill level 5 or above? cele/baha

if not

celeste/celeste, unless you go for zoi memes, its outright bad at all stages

literally firefox

Heard good things about it, yea.

why isnt pokerbot working anymore, or is it just me

New lanlan when? I need to prepare my crystals

Bot net that buys you medusa, stars her, and front lines her in all your parties

>Being a badboi
Dyohohoho. Hope you got miles saved up cause you're going on vacation from the recent crackdown.

Scythes are dumb and you have to accept it. They're a farming tool, not a weapon.

KMR demotion when? He's killing so many games at once that surely some jap is smart enough to remove him from power.


25 hours

hi im from bullies ama

What's happening? Why is everyone mad today?


kmr is still in charge

I want to fuck toki-chan's legs!!!!!

Fuck you

And replace him with who? Who would ever want to touch this sinking ship?

it keeps happening

/gbfg/ continuing to fail Bahas

wtf toontix now la

even a literal monkey will do a better job than him

Best korea failed to assassinate KMR when his missile landed in Japan's exclusive economic zone and not kikegames hq.

I want to gently fist Toki!

But why would a monkey want to touch this game?

pay him in bananas or something

Kmr is not that bad..
I honestly dont know what you guys expect from this game

Step 1, Knock off or at least raise the fucking host cap on N/H/Omega magna raids per day
Step 2, Raise the monthly buy cap on shop/showdown SSR's and quadruple the monthly SR stock
Step 3, Add xeno shops for all the other elements so they can use the xeno shops to buy double per month.
Step 4, Make SR skill level points conserved past sr3 so you can take your SR grid to SL10 without wasting an entire SSR slvl7 of fodder
Step 5, Make skill levelups work like xp where weapons can gain multiple skill levelups points willing and partial levelups are retained
Step 6, Extend the vice-mvp chest to the top 50% of a raid's max capacity
Step 7, Slightly curve the low end of the drop rate curve so low placebo players have a slightly better chance of getting something for their autism grind without turning high placebo into a jackpot
Step 8, Permanent double prestige cap so you're able to progress faster on your main or maintain your opposite element
Step 9, Make many/most events into sidestories after they end so useful weapons/summons can be snapped up to bandaid new players together
Step 10, Chev cucks Vira by taking Kat out then getting laid that night after Vira failed her entire life

Bam, there's now ample welfare options to get a functional albeit janky grid together of 3 showdown weapons, and an SR grid you can exchange into your SSR without loss as you trade up.

i mean, that pic is the best example of nips firing people, wtf are you talking about?

>Kmr is not that bad..
I wish I was still this new and innocent.