League of Legends General - /lolg/


Anyone else struggling to do good this preseason? Everything dies to a fart. Just had a varus chunk me for 1/4th my hp lvl 1 level 2 he learns e and get me to kill range with unmissable q follow up.

What the fuck is this game now even.

xth for avatarfagging is hard to filter

im struggling to repair my mmr but everyone is fucking blowing it every step of the way

xth for Cass buffs

so many OP champs, one shoots everywhere, why is riot such a failure when it comes to balance? dota is the much better game

>tfw no qt petite gf

I want her to ride me like she rides the train

>Twin Fang (E) mana cost reverted from 40/47/54/61/68 to 40/50/60/70/80.
Jarvan IV
>Martial Cadence (Passive) bonus damage lowered from 10% to 8%
>Bellows Breath (W) Magic damage lowered from 12/14/16/18/20% to 10/12/14/16/18%

Do you have a sister /lolg/
do you make her happy?

I play mainly ADCs and I really like the PROJECT theme but I hate Overcharge. I keep losing and as a result I am not having fun at all. How's the general reception? What am I doing wrong?

xth for breast metal waifu

Elves are for ___



Yes and she's an awful 30 year old crazy cunt.
She hasnt been happy in 27 years and never will be because some quack somehow convinced my parents that a fucking toddler does not need to see therapy after her crib collapses on her and smashes her head into a wall

I hope you're all having a wonderful day! Post a champion that you really like, whether it be design wise, lore wise, aesthetics, viability, anything!
I really like Ivern and everything about him, especially since I main support so if I have to jungle, I can at least play him and still be a support.

forced love

>Poppy and Jinx now have two emotes

Fuck you riot

Sex slavery

u can call me big smoke cause I wanna follow that train all day

Of course I have a sister. And I got her something nice for christmas. And dont you touch her. She's a precious cinnamon roll.

Doing it again.


Guys, I'm in love with Zoe.

By some strange stellar alignment, this all happened in one game.
>0/8 Rakan mid says "I had the 2nd most farm on the team"
>The 0/7 Maokai support that took smite and started a jungle item
>Maokai flaming the 5/0 Nasus for not helping.
>Our Nasus was laning against LeBlanc top.
>Ezreal Jungle with Kelpto and Bloodrazor instead of Warrior


You can pick Ahri or Evelynn to fuck your brains out
Which is it?

>jhin ults
>he shoots t pose jhins in place of his bullets
would you enjoy that?


I want to force lulu into breeding 18 halflings

>Love Jinx
>Hate Elves
>RIOT gives Jinx an Elf Skin

Is this what a rage boner feels like?


I'd go to jail if Zoe could make conjugal visits owo

Sona because I liked her old lore, hell I liked her old kit (Granted her rework was a fucking godsend) Now that they ruined lore just play her because A. shes the only 'meta' support I can tolerate and B. I mean...come on man blonde hair big tits and a mute? What more could a man ask for?

>Champion is fun to play
>Absolute cancer to play against
whats their name lolg?

i pick graves

No idea; I got it from lolgen

I want an aurelion sol bad dragon


>Ornn nerfs
Nice. Just hope they don't gut him or revert it back to % current.

I love Camille

A personality.

Anyone here NA? Lets make a custom

Dunno. Play Graves, Vayne, Ezreal or Tristana. All others are pretty bad on this mode.

It'd be pretty fucking hilarious.

I will admit its Zed. I don't hate the champion at all but I know it can be frustrating to play against him considering his all-in potential and resourceless abilities especially when I'm anivia, however he is pretty fun to HOHOHOHOHOHOHO *splat* with and ninjas are kinda neat.

Did they overbuff Ornn or did he just make out like a bandit in the new runes? This nigger will never die. He just so quickly becomes this big brick that you can't get rid of.

I've gotta say I sorta like the increased overall feel of each character's 'investment' in their role. Everyone seems to be doing their role but more so. Which I like.

Also Zoe does an insane amount of damage and her sleep is busted. Just saying

>ornn nerfs on the PBE


>im going to use Veeky Forums as my test audience for low quality meme YT content so I can get follows and updoots XD and maybe even fame and monetized videos someday

you have no idea how much I hate starry eyed little faggots like you

any champ in this game that any specific person finds fun
there is nothing 'fun' in playing against a champ unless they're shit and you enjoy free wins, just some are slightly less bullshit to go against

New Morgana lore

Driven by vindictive obsession, Morgana is a potent mistress of suffering and the black arts. Once a being of grace and light, she was ripped from her kind during an ancient conflict that broke her soul, turning her into the cruel tormentor she is today. Comforted by a prophecy that claims she will strike the final blow and gain her revenge, Morgana lies in wait, her lust for power growing endlessly.

want me to show you what it looks like if you do model swap that?

New runes are really fucking good for him AND he was overbuffed

You can have my sloppy seconds user, I'll let you know when she's used up

Good night /lolgee/.

Nice. A Rioter posted a super highres version of the Poppy splash on twitter.

fth fo my waif shynda
swimming in loolooloo

>implying any of the women in league have any depth and they all aren't shallow puddle of one dimensional cockery
I mean fuck at least Sona's VA sounds sweet and she makes music puns which means she has a cheesy sense of humor and a music nerd

>there is nothing 'fun' in playing against a champ

as a person who plays Rhaast,Eve and Vayne primarily I find tanks a lot of fun to against

Is playing lol while drunk a bad idea?

Go for it!

Her hat still confuses me, are they part of her head or...did she cut them off other reindeer?

I bought the 75k BE emote for flashing after I get a big 6 minion/full wave barrel or some other high gold yield moment.

What have I become.

wait is that an entire powered city in the background there?

it this taking place in modern era?

beet sweem
beet waff
beet pooloo

if it's not ranked no problem for you. Just solo queue alone so you don't ruin games for your friends.

give me a sec im moving it to my raid drive first to see if i get good boost in performance
and i need to locate his bullet model

What's it like having microcephaly?

>Is wasting 20-40 minutes of time for 4 other humans a bad idea?

No, actually thats a good idea.

comfy cuddles after passionate lovemaking sessions

lower max % damage would be fine, or if they just shift some damage to Q and E that would also be fine because as it is now when you play ornn your W is your bread and butter, if you can get away with just spamming W and procing the passive it's way way better than landing your full combo non-ult combo every single time since you don't burn through all your mana that way.

What did she mean by this?

Yasuo has a 9 month window in which to use his ult.

Remember remember the 6th of December

>dude everyone loves Jinx, let's make her not look like the malnourished skeleton crackwhore she really is in all her new skins

so this is the power of pandering

>6th of December
Whats gonna happen? Help me remember.

>Blond Jinx has freckles

>and a 6
lord have mercy



One big difference: Lee gets skins, Cass doesn't.

Gingers aren't the only people that get freckles

why does the majority of games end in less than 25 minutes now

I still think her classic is the best. Slayer is a close second since it actually fits her personality.

Do you not know math?

10th but using a Roman numeral.

I kinda wish they'd bring back some elements of her classic. Her classic is always the most cute. low key kinda of getting tired of warm colored skins for her over and over

Also, my bday

How do I git gud at Nunu, /lolg/?

I want to snuff out fun wherever it rears its ugly head

X, which is unknown number and TH which is terahenry.
So basically unknown amount of inductivity

you press E on people and run at them

>tfw new cute addition soon

Nunu top with comet and liandrys rush

I know

Even in her default splash she might be skinny pale and flat chested but she doesn't look unhealthy by any means. As you can see from her music video she has quite a nice figure for a petite girl

Cool and stuff but please whats the big deal? is that it?

I never thought I'd live to see the day where Hashinshit is right.

When are they going to make BE not so hard to acquire?

>hate jinx
>this skin

If playing to WIN: take as much PvE runes as possible and clear any and ALL camps. Make sure to max Q first and solo drags/herald as they spawn (you can even sneak a early Baron if you get help from allies and ward up). make sure you get first tower blood then go back to full clearing both YOUR and the enemies jungle.

If you want become EVIL INCARNATE: build AP and play him top. cap CDR asap and Ice ball your opponent off CD.

I want to cum inside of Kindred my dudes

>5 man bot 6 minutes into the game
Fuck off.

Why is she so PERFECT?

what was he right about?