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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Links and Resources
Someone translate pls
I wanna fuck Arvis.
Reminder that because villager/trainee BST is becoming a thing for regular units, actual villager/trainee units will get an even bigger boost. Hope you're ready for Mage Kliff and Ewan with 155 BST, infantry Atlas and Ross with 169 BST and archer Mozu with 159 BST.
What's the best way to kill dragons now that Julia got BTFO?
Lissa is delicate!
falchion's back, baby
>people dust off their TA3 Nowis
nevermind, dragons are unbeatable now
They want your feet
>tfw you couldn't get Summer Frederick to pull of shit like this
Why are you obsessed with big, ugly, hairy, man feet you freak?
Put this cute hick in their way and kindly ask them to leave!
>TA Nowi
I have my doubts that she'd be able to kill Julia or Deirdre with that, even when targeting defense.
I like Pokemon GoD
? You can just one-round them.
Which Manakete do I promote for sweet Lightning action
+Def/-Res Chicken
+Atk/-Spd Adult Tiki
+Spd/HP Nowi
This shit unit won't do anything.
Don’t be rude mean to your wife, donny
Fuck this banner, 8% my ass
Burned 150 orbs on this shit and only rolled:
Celica +Atk -Res
Hector +Atk -Spd
Gay Xander +Def -HP
l only wanted Ayra, Deidre and BLyn, it´s not fucking fair ;-;
I have this (almost) fully whaled out Nephenee +spd/-res. What's the best forge option for her? I'm thinking of def Slaying Lance and swapping out fury for her native atk/spd 2.
In case anyone is wondering what the top 5k is like.
Top 1k is probably a lot more than this
>TA3 dragons not named Ninian
>on defence teams
biggest meme I've seen
Did Clive put all his points into Luck and Charisma?
>Loses the war
>Waifu and sister get captured
>Fernand actively worsening morale by verbally abusing Deliverance soldiers
But then
>A super special boy with a magical symbol on his hand is recruited when you send for Mycen and fucks up all your enemies, gets a magic sword and fucks up your enemies even harder, and then gets a GOD SLAYING magic sword
>Hottest woman on the continent is your waifu and wants to bear your children
>Hot sister wants to bear your children
>Some girl you ordered Alm to murder ALSO wants to bear your children
>Waifu is so hot you everyone is jelly of you
>Constantly fuck up and Lukas has to salvage your shit situation but at the end of the war you get all the credit
did you just decide to ignore the first line of my sentence so you can smugpost
1HKOing with Ignis is something.
Stick with QR2 or Wary Fighter if I planned on giving her DC?
>not already having Blyn for free from the CYL event
yeah, he even sapped his own res growths so he could put more points into luck
I need to give her slaying axe
>Put Nowi in front of Shitgurd
>He self destructs
>Put blue in front of red
>Red dies
>blue beats red
>blue beats red
Uhh bros?????
It's only 20 refining stones so cheaper than the max upgrade.
But then you can refine the Slaying Axe to give her +4 Res or Def so it's still worth it go even further beyond. She'll be a fucking ridiculous mixed bulk wall.
>Blue kills red
Whoa ...
>41 DEF on the attack
>51 DEF on the defense
What the fuck is her helmet made out of
>put me in front of your mom
>she becomes pregnant
>1 5* in 50 orbs
that's around 8%, no? Small sample size etc.
>tfw choosed BIke as my CYL because they said he was top tier
I'm not underage so my mom can't get pregnant
I can't wait to roll best boys and best sons Shiro and Siegbert!
Look at this little shit.
>31 Def + 6 from Fortify Dragon + 4 from Steady Breath (+ 6 from Distant Def) = 41 Def (47 if ranged)
>35 Res + 6 from Fortify Dragon + 6 from Distant Def = 47 Res
>Distant Counter
>When doubled during enemy phase at >70% HP, she will always activate Aether
>Refined Lighting Breath+ absolutely destroys mages
>I still have four 4* Faes in my barrack waiting to get promoted and merged
Chicken is OP.
I’m at rank 845 with a score of 124494. We’re on track to the usual 195-200k cutoff for top 1000.
>Blue beats red
Uhmmmm Sigurdbros???
Exalted Falchion when? I wish she was available as 4*
Jugdral cucks seething right now. How can they ever recover?
Who is they? The moment we got clarification on what Beorc's Blessing does everyone knew he was worse than Blyn who already had everything going for her.
I'm real glad I waited to see what upgrades Mystletainn got before I decided how I'd build him.
How's this build sound? Not sure if it's a good idea or plain retarded. He's +Spd / -Def btw.
>Mystletainn + Fury
>Distant Counter (from a +HP / -Res Hecturd)
>Hone Cav
>Distant Def Seal
My Spring Xander does the same. All blue's beat red. Well, Reinhardt dies to my Xander now, but that is because of my husbando spurging love so ehhhh....
>free rolled +res/-hp brave lucina on cyl
>free rolled +spd/-hp brave lucina on flier skills
>roll +atk/-res brave lucina when no greens showed up
I guess I'll keep her this time. Jeez, game I'm sorry for not liking Lucina as much as you want me to.
I'm glad I raised a chicken.
How the fuck do you guys have enough stamina potions for all these TTs
never touched those shitty grandpa games and i never will
>loses to my dick
Kingdom of Interruptions banner WHEN
Raul's wife.
>Wanting specific 5* units from a banner where every single color shares 3 units on focus.
If you weren't going to be at least okay with any of the 3 results from a color you shouldn't have fucking rolled that color.
>tfw I have every actual role you can have in the game filled so I just make shitty meme builds for everyone I get
But we'll have Fury 9 soon
She's like Lukas except with actual speed.
The fuck.
Can any anons with a corrin-f tell me if Dark Breath++ is any good? I'm thinking of promoting and building my +spd -hp corn.
Theres no game here, we just roll for characters to brag in an anonymous imageboard and post theorycrafted builds.
post your first refined weapon
>feathers reserved building merges if not SI
>have 63k even after promoting a Nino for Gronnblade
>no merges for my current +10 projects, +9 Rein and +7 Nino
>find 2 copies of A tiki in my barracks, one of which is +def -spd
So do I make her my +10 red project? Units like Nino and A Tiki are virtual powercreep proof for f2p since you can reasonably high merge them but can’t do the same for all the 5* exclusives we keep getting.
>Missing the best waifus
Your loss
*blocks ur path*
I already merged my +1 Bunny Camilla into the +Atk one.
Are the others worth? I got Xander as my free orb.
QR is a must on Sheena, especially if you give her DC. She needs it in order to activate Glacies/Ignis in one round of combat.
Arena gets weird on those higher levels
Don't you want Fury to help you get to Wrath faster/safer?
I want your wife to sit on my face
>Gays not welcome rerun never ever
Fuck you ISIS
Any way to get all the Heroes data onto a micro sd? I had to purge all of my stuff just to get the shitty thing on my phone.
>41 HP
>35 ATK
>30 SPD
>35 DEF
>22 RES
>Bright Naginata: 16 Mt. Grants Atk/Def+4 during combat if foe initiates combat.
>45 HP
>35 ATK
>22 SPD
>38 DEF
>17 RES
>Def Refine Slaying Lance+: 14 Mt. +5 HP, +4 Def. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Isn't Lukas still better than Shiro despite legendary weapon? Steady Breath let's him drop Bonfires every round with Slaying Lance.
How would you guys build Shiro?
This Dark Chad walks in and slaps you're waifu's ass
What do?
>He didn't pick BRoy
Sorry you dislike having fun I guess
>two deirdres
>no hectors
>160 orbs spent
Well. I didn't have Deirdre before this. So I don't feel fully ripped off.
But Deirdre never really looked useful to me. From a gameplay standpoint I never really saw why anyone cared about her.
I kind of regret rolling. But at the very least I still have the majority of my orbs left.
I'd better just wait until they actually make a hero that isn't Hector that has distant counter or something.
But at the same time I kind of wanted to complete my build, and switch leader hero so that all the jp whales that I have befriended won't unfriend me for being a scrub. But such is life. What happens, happens
If those Deirdres would have been Hectors however, then this would have been the greatest of all time. But whatever.
+hp / -spd
+res / -atk
for what it's worth.
You got it, bossman.
Would Heavy Blade be good on Lukas for Ignis memes?
I literally only use them for TTs and the occasional new unit. Stuff like story, CC, and SA can all be done when there are no events and you just have stamina wasting. Also I grind manually on Lunatic 7 mostly to make the most of each stamina.
That's basically the build I wanna do. Hopefully I pull an extra heckman from the banner. Til then I think I'll have a lot of fun with fury 6
So, how do I build Maria? I have a +Spd -Res one and a Genny to possibly fodder.
Raven or Blade Bride Caeda?
I'm definitely switching to +Spd/-HP with the Spd forge down the line but right now this is fun. She hits like 92 damage Ignis bombs on some greens.
PSA: The dragon using Refined Light Breath also gets buffed.
>Refined Silver Dagger+ instead of Dancer's Fan+
but why