Which of these countries deserves to be the global leader of Islam?
Which of these countries deserves to be the global leader of Islam?
Saudi obviously. Iran is a rogue state that practices a twisted form of Islam.
Obviously the guys that have been running Islam for the last 600 years without any major internal incidents until the britcucks came along and funded the Saudis.
Memri TV a best
that was a good thread
I kinda want to watch it
I think turkey would be the best when it finally solves it internal problems.
There are many secular muslim countries which aren't fundies like most of north africa for example.
Turkey desu
Booze and bimbos ftw.
Wholeheartedly agree.
Saudis are better at being Muslims and Arabs have historically been more capable warriors but Persians are more desirable to most of the world.
Post more meme-ri TV please.
Shits like arabic Jerry Springer.
I was half expecting Köksal Baba popout in one of those clips and smack someone with a broom handle.
Knell before your king
Kurdistan, then Egypt
I know you're just memeing but that wouldnt be a bad idea if you think about it.
For the first time in the history of this Laotian wood etching message board the filthy turk is right. May God help us all.
>may Allah forgive me for uttering this word
Fucking neither. They're both malignant tumors on the face of the earth.
The saudi royal family and Iranian theocratic leadership deserve nothing less than a .303 through the frontal cortex.
Maybe then we'll actually see secularism, rationalism, democracy, tolerance, individual liberty, free trade, science, medicine, and humanistic values in the middle east.
Fuck the radicals. Lets support muslims and arabs who care about their fellow human beings.
>arabs who care about their fellow human beings.
Salafism isn't being Muslim. They make up their own doctrine. They don't follow Muhammad. Wahhabists even call him a retard and call his companions idolators.
im muslim and i agree with you
*tips fedora*
Fuck off back to r3ddit kiddo
>individual liberty
>free trade
exploitation for the benefit of first world countries
a false god
>humanistic values
all of those terms are just diplomatic newspeak because western interests are unbelievably assblasted that they can't control islam
Or maybe stoning people to death for adultery and faggotry is literally barbarism.
yes as we all know iran should be more like a flourishing country such as america, sweden, or germany
*tips fedora*
>do something wrong
>face the consequences
They could by counterterror but are too weak and bound by their own morality to pull through.
Islamic fiqh aristocratic cultural-supremacist collectivist protectionist islamic-science counter-humanism.
What kind of ideology is that?
You forgot Turkey.
*blows up
they should face off to see who should be the leader of drinking bleach
Kill yourself.
It was already OK the first time around.
The 4th caliphate
This, to be honest.
All the 17-year old /pol/ edgelords will post fedora memes, but it's the only real answer.
Remind me again where the majority of technical and scientific discoveries and accomplishments of the last 150 years have come from?
Mudslimes pls go
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
/pol/ would be more inclined to agree with that post than the libtards on Veeky Forums
>forcing Western values through tyrannical violent purges
So civilized of the West.
Heil Mohammad (pbuh)
Neither. Tunisia should be
Only right answer
Jordan, as they have their claim to all of Levant and Hedjaz
>Lets support muslims and arabs who care about their fellow human beings.
Do they exist down there? The only ones I know of are diaspora who still are Muslim but want the Middle-East to be less corrupt and have functioning governments like in the West or East-Asia.
If you disagree that the Ottoman Empire was the height of Islamic civilisation for a long time then you're seriously deluded
t. Saudi scum
>Which of these countries deserves to be the global leader of Islam?
If the Ottoman empire is the height of Islamic civilization then that just says a lot about how shitty it was
Saudi Arabia is a meme state and so is Iran.
In fact, if it wasn't for the eternal anglo, the Ottomans would have never even allowed a saudi state to exist.
Only heretical Shia and Sunni """Muslims""" believe we need a caliph.
The true path of Ibadi teaches us that a Caliph should only be chosen based on his piety and ability, and that we also don't even need a Caliph all the time.
In this day and age a certain degree of tolerance and democracy is needed for a functioning and non-corrupt government.
Ebin meme user.
I bet you'll say something along the lines that the ottomans were in decline sunce their founding or some retarded shit like that.
>iran is a meme state
how so my turk friend?
Irrelevant for over 1000 years.
IRAN , no questions asked.
This is reasonable, that samefag can be butthurt all he wants.
>a false god
>Who were Safavids
by what yardstick?
Iran was always a relatively strong state in the area, seeing as they were rivals with the ottomans.
I've been to Iran, there are good people there as well as fucked up radicals.
No, it's just that the only thing the Ottomans brought was pain and destruction, they contributed absolutely nothing for mankind. At least mention the Umayyads as the height of Islamic civilization, they actually made scientific and cultural progress while being succesful conquerors
"Relatively strong when untied, but hard to unite"
There you go, Iranian history summed up in one sentence. Any before you call me a sunni roach, I am a safavid fanboy and Alevi
We can't bring it to them through violence, but the sentiment is correct.
Aminiza koyim, her yerde bu guzide insani gormekten biktim.
But I think it would be better for humanity if we just quarantine them and let them live out their medieval fantasies while the rest of the world continues to progress.
May Allah forgive you for uttering this word.
>Iranian ulema and the House of Saud get massacred by American navy SEALS
>random wahhabist rebel group #39 takes control of Saudi Arabia
>the bastion of Arab prosperity and power becomes modern Syria post-civil war 2.0
>some random general of the Republican Guard takes over the Iranian government
>Iranian history from the year 1979 repeats itself
Good game well played please fuck up these countries just like Libya
t. Sunni heretic
>Islamic """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""civilization"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>the only thing the Ottomans brought was pain and destruction, they contributed absolutely nothing for mankind
Wew lad those are some pretty big assumptions
Is that supposed to be an argument against the existence of Islamic Civilization
>>Who were Safavids
the achmeniad empire was pretty united. The sillykids were pretty united, so were the parthians and sassanids (inb4 decentralized)
The only time Persia wasn't a primary power in the middle east was when it was under early islamic rule, and even then islamic administration, culture and the like was influenced by the persians.
They were only """rivals""" because the Ottomans had to worry about entire Europe on their west flank. And the Ottomans still crushed the Persians.
>When Abbas I decided to attack on Ottomans to recover the large territories lost in the previous war, the Ottomans were engaged heavily in the European front due to the Long Turkish War started in 1593. Furthermore, the Ottomans were troubled in Eastern Anatolia because of the Jelali revolts, the Karayazıcı rebellion (1598-1602) being the most destructive one.[2] Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire was also in turmoil in the beginning of 1603 as the tension between the Janissaries and the Sipahis were only to be eased temporarily with the intervention of the Palace.
Wew nice. Persia stronk.
Kurds are probably the only muslims that are capable of putting their believes aside. I'd trust them to think rationally and lead Islam into glory once again